GTK is the primary library used to construct user interfaces in GNOME applications. It provides user interface controls and signal callbacks to control user interfaces.
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- Gdk
- DevicePad - `GdkDevicePad` is an interface implemented by devices of type gdk_source_tablet_pad
- DragSurface - A `GdkDragSurface` is an interface for surfaces used during DND.
- Paintable - `GdkPaintable` is a simple interface used by GTK to represent content that can be painted.
- Popup - A `GdkPopup` is a surface that is attached to another surface.
- Toplevel - A `GdkToplevel` is a freestanding toplevel surface.
- AppLaunchContext - `GdkAppLaunchContext` handles launching an application in a graphical context.
- ButtonEvent - An event related to a button on a pointer device.
- CairoContext - `GdkCairoContext` is an object representing the platform-specific draw context.
- Clipboard - The `GdkClipboard` object represents data shared between applications or inside an application.
- ContentDeserializer - A `GdkContentDeserializer` is used to deserialize content received via inter-application data transfers.
- ContentFormats - The `GdkContentFormats` structure is used to advertise and negotiate the format of content.
- ContentFormatsBuilder - A `GdkContentFormatsBuilder` is an auxiliary struct used to create new `GdkContentFormats`, and should not be kept around.
- ContentProvider - A `GdkContentProvider` is used to provide content for the clipboard or for drag-and-drop operations in a number of formats.
- ContentSerializer - A `GdkContentSerializer` is used to serialize content for inter-application data transfers.
- CrossingEvent - An event caused by a pointing device moving between surfaces.
- Cursor - `GdkCursor` is used to create and destroy cursors.
- DNDEvent - An event related to drag and drop operations.
- DeleteEvent - An event related to closing a top-level surface.
- Device - The `GdkDevice` object represents an input device, such as a keyboard, a mouse, or a touchpad.
- DeviceTool - A physical tool associated to a `GdkDevice`.
- Display - `GdkDisplay` objects are the GDK representation of a workstation.
- DisplayManager - A singleton object that offers notification when displays appear or disappear.
- DmabufFormats - The `GdkDmabufFormats` struct provides information about supported DMA buffer formats.
- DmabufTexture - A `GdkTexture` representing a DMA buffer.
- DmabufTextureBuilder - `GdkDmabufTextureBuilder` is a builder used to construct [class@Gdk.
- Drag - The `GdkDrag` object represents the source of an ongoing DND operation.
- DragSurfaceSize - The `GdkDragSurfaceSize` struct contains information that is useful to compute the size of a drag surface.
- DrawContext - Base class for objects implementing different rendering methods.
- Drop - The `GdkDrop` object represents the target of an ongoing DND operation.
- Event - `GdkEvent`s are immutable data structures, created by GDK to represent windowing system events.
- EventSequence - `GdkEventSequence` is an opaque type representing a sequence of related touch events.
- FileList - An opaque type representing a list of files.
- FocusEvent - An event related to a keyboard focus change.
- FrameClock - A `GdkFrameClock` tells the application when to update and repaint a surface.
- FrameTimings - A `GdkFrameTimings` object holds timing information for a single frame of the application’s displays.
- GLContext - `GdkGLContext` is an object representing a platform-specific OpenGL draw context.
- GLTexture - A GdkTexture representing a GL texture object.
- GLTextureBuilder - `GdkGLTextureBuilder` is a builder used to construct [class@Gdk.
- GrabBrokenEvent - An event related to a broken windowing system grab.
- KeyEvent - An event related to a key-based device.
- MemoryTexture - A `GdkTexture` representing image data in memory.
- Monitor - `GdkMonitor` objects represent the individual outputs that are associated with a `GdkDisplay`.
- MotionEvent - An event related to a pointer or touch device motion.
- PadEvent - An event related to a pad-based device.
- PopupLayout - The `GdkPopupLayout` struct contains information that is necessary position a [iface@Gdk.
- ProximityEvent - An event related to the proximity of a tool to a device.
- ScrollEvent - An event related to a scrolling motion.
- Seat - The `GdkSeat` object represents a collection of input devices that belong to a user.
- Snapshot - Base type for snapshot operations.
- Surface - A `GdkSurface` is a rectangular region on the screen.
- Texture - `GdkTexture` is the basic element used to refer to pixel data.
- TextureDownloader - The `GdkTextureDownloader` is used to download the contents of a [class@Gdk.
- ToplevelLayout - The `GdkToplevelLayout` struct contains information that is necessary to present a sovereign window on screen.
- ToplevelSize - The `GdkToplevelSize` struct contains information that is useful to compute the size of a toplevel.
- TouchEvent - An event related to a touch-based device.
- TouchpadEvent - An event related to a gesture on a touchpad device.
- VulkanContext - `GdkVulkanContext` is an object representing the platform-specific Vulkan draw context.
- KeymapKey - A `GdkKeymapKey` is a hardware key that can be mapped to a keyval.
- RGBA - A `GdkRGBA` is used to represent a color, in a way that is compatible with cairo’s notion of color.
- Rectangle - A `GdkRectangle` data type for representing rectangles.
- TimeCoord - A `GdkTimeCoord` stores a single event in a motion history.
- AnchorHints - Positioning hints for aligning a surface relative to a rectangle.
- AxisFlags - Flags describing the current capabilities of a device/tool.
- AxisUse - Defines how device axes are interpreted by GTK.
- CrossingMode - Specifies the crossing mode for enter and leave events.
- DevicePadFeature - A pad feature.
- DeviceToolType - Indicates the specific type of tool being used being a tablet.
- DragAction - Used in `GdkDrop` and `GdkDrag` to indicate the actions that the destination can and should do with the dropped data.
- DragCancelReason - Used in `GdkDrag` to the reason of a cancelled DND operation.
- EventType - Specifies the type of the event.
- FrameClockPhase - Used to represent the different paint clock phases that can be requested.
- FullscreenMode - Indicates which monitor a surface should span over when in fullscreen mode.
- GLAPI - The list of the different APIs that GdkGLContext can potentially support.
- Gravity - Defines the reference point of a surface and is used in `GdkPopupLayout`.
- InputSource - An enumeration describing the type of an input device in general terms.
- KeyMatch - Describes how well an event matches a given keyval and modifiers.
- MemoryFormat - `GdkMemoryFormat` describes formats that image data can have in memory.
- ModifierType - Flags to indicate the state of modifier keys and mouse buttons in events.
- NotifyType - Specifies the kind of crossing for enter and leave events.
- PaintableFlags - Flags about a paintable object.
- ScrollDirection - Specifies the direction for scroll events.
- ScrollUnit - Specifies the unit of scroll deltas.
- SeatCapabilities - Flags describing the seat capabilities.
- SubpixelLayout - This enumeration describes how the red, green and blue components of physical pixels on an output device are laid out.
- SurfaceEdge - Determines a surface edge or corner.
- TitlebarGesture
- ToplevelState - Specifies the state of a toplevel surface.
- TouchpadGesturePhase - Specifies the current state of a touchpad gesture.
- DmabufError - Error enumeration for `GdkDmabufTexture`.
- GLError - Error enumeration for `GdkGLContext`.
- TextureError - Possible errors that can be returned by `GdkTexture` constructors.
- VulkanError - Error enumeration for `GdkVulkanContext`.
- public const int ACTION_ALL
Defines all possible DND actions.
- public const int BUTTON_MIDDLE
The middle button.
- public const int BUTTON_PRIMARY
The primary button.
- public const int BUTTON_SECONDARY
The secondary button.
- public const int CURRENT_TIME
Represents the current time, and can be used anywhere a time is expected.
- public const bool EVENT_PROPAGATE
Use this macro as the return value for continuing the propagation of an event handler.
- public const bool EVENT_STOP
Use this macro as the return value for stopping the propagation of an event handler.
- public const int MODIFIER_MASK
A mask covering all entries in `GdkModifierType`.
- public const int PRIORITY_REDRAW
This is the priority that the idle handler processing surface updates is given in the main loop.
- public delegate void ContentDeserializeFunc (ContentDeserializer deserializer)
The type of a function that can be registered with content_register_deserializer.
- public delegate void ContentSerializeFunc (ContentSerializer serializer)
The type of a function that can be registered with content_register_serializer.
- public void cairo_draw_from_gl (Context cr, Surface surface, int source, int source_type, int buffer_scale, int x, int y, int width, int height)
The main way to not draw GL content in GTK.
- public void cairo_rectangle (Context cr, Rectangle rectangle)
Adds the given rectangle to the current path of
. - public void cairo_region (Context cr, Region region)
Adds the given region to the current path of
. - public Region cairo_region_create_from_surface (Surface surface)
Creates region that covers the area where the given
is more than 50% opaque. - public void cairo_set_source_pixbuf (Context cr, Pixbuf pixbuf, double pixbuf_x, double pixbuf_y)
Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for
. - public void cairo_set_source_rgba (Context cr, RGBA rgba)
Sets the specified `GdkRGBA` as the source color of
. - public async bool content_deserialize_async (InputStream stream, string mime_type, Type type, int io_priority, Cancellable? cancellable, out Value value) throws Error
Read content from the given input stream and deserialize it, asynchronously.
- public ContentFormats? content_formats_parse (string string)
Parses the given
into `GdkContentFormats` and returns the formats. - public void content_register_deserializer (string mime_type, Type type, ContentDeserializeFunc deserialize, void* data, DestroyNotify notify)
Registers a function to deserialize object of a given type.
- public void content_register_serializer (Type type, string mime_type, ContentSerializeFunc serialize, void* data, DestroyNotify notify)
Registers a function to serialize objects of a given type.
- public async bool content_serialize_async (OutputStream stream, string mime_type, Value value, int io_priority, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Serialize content and write it to the given output stream, asynchronously.
- public Quark dmabuf_error_quark ()
- public bool drag_action_is_unique (DragAction action)
- public Quark gl_error_quark ()
- public unowned string? intern_mime_type (string string)
Canonicalizes the given mime type and interns the result.
- public void keyval_convert_case (uint symbol, out uint lower, out uint upper)
Obtains the upper- and lower-case versions of the keyval
. - public uint keyval_from_name (string keyval_name)
Converts a key name to a key value.
- public bool keyval_is_lower (uint keyval)
Returns true if the given key value is in lower case.
- public bool keyval_is_upper (uint keyval)
Returns true if the given key value is in upper case.
- public unowned string? keyval_name (uint keyval)
Converts a key value into a symbolic name.
- public uint keyval_to_lower (uint keyval)
Converts a key value to lower case, if applicable.
- public uint32 keyval_to_unicode (uint keyval)
Convert from a GDK key symbol to the corresponding Unicode character.
- public uint keyval_to_upper (uint keyval)
Converts a key value to upper case, if applicable.
- public Region pango_layout_get_clip_region (Layout layout, int x_origin, int y_origin, int[] index_ranges)
Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn.
- public Pixbuf? pixbuf_get_from_surface (Surface surface, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height)
Transfers image data from a `cairo_surface_t` and converts it to a `GdkPixbuf`.
- public Pixbuf? pixbuf_get_from_texture (Texture texture)
Creates a new pixbuf from
. - public void set_allowed_backends (string backends)
Sets a list of backends that GDK should try to use.
- public Quark texture_error_quark ()
- public uint unicode_to_keyval (uint32 wc)
Convert from a Unicode character to a key symbol.
- public Quark vulkan_error_quark ()
- Key
- public const uint @0
- public const uint @1
- public const uint @2
- public const uint @3
- public const uint @3270_AltCursor
- public const uint @3270_Attn
- public const uint @3270_BackTab
- public const uint @3270_ChangeScreen
- public const uint @3270_Copy
- public const uint @3270_CursorBlink
- public const uint @3270_CursorSelect
- public const uint @3270_DeleteWord
- public const uint @3270_Duplicate
- public const uint @3270_Enter
- public const uint @3270_EraseEOF
- public const uint @3270_EraseInput
- public const uint @3270_ExSelect
- public const uint @3270_FieldMark
- public const uint @3270_Ident
- public const uint @3270_Jump
- public const uint @3270_KeyClick
- public const uint @3270_Left2
- public const uint @3270_PA1
- public const uint @3270_PA2
- public const uint @3270_PA3
- public const uint @3270_Play
- public const uint @3270_PrintScreen
- public const uint @3270_Quit
- public const uint @3270_Record
- public const uint @3270_Reset
- public const uint @3270_Right2
- public const uint @3270_Rule
- public const uint @3270_Setup
- public const uint @3270_Test
- public const uint @4
- public const uint @5
- public const uint @6
- public const uint @7
- public const uint @8
- public const uint @9
- public const uint A
- public const uint AE
- public const uint Aacute
- public const uint Abelowdot
- public const uint Abreve
- public const uint Abreveacute
- public const uint Abrevebelowdot
- public const uint Abrevegrave
- public const uint Abrevehook
- public const uint Abrevetilde
- public const uint AccessX_Enable
- public const uint AccessX_Feedback_Enable
- public const uint Acircumflex
- public const uint Acircumflexacute
- public const uint Acircumflexbelowdot
- public const uint Acircumflexgrave
- public const uint Acircumflexhook
- public const uint Acircumflextilde
- public const uint AddFavorite
- public const uint Adiaeresis
- public const uint Agrave
- public const uint Ahook
- public const uint Alt_L
- public const uint Alt_R
- public const uint Amacron
- public const uint Aogonek
- public const uint ApplicationLeft
- public const uint ApplicationRight
- public const uint Arabic_0
- public const uint Arabic_1
- public const uint Arabic_2
- public const uint Arabic_3
- public const uint Arabic_4
- public const uint Arabic_5
- public const uint Arabic_6
- public const uint Arabic_7
- public const uint Arabic_8
- public const uint Arabic_9
- public const uint Arabic_ain
- public const uint Arabic_alef
- public const uint Arabic_alefmaksura
- public const uint Arabic_beh
- public const uint Arabic_comma
- public const uint Arabic_dad
- public const uint Arabic_dal
- public const uint Arabic_damma
- public const uint Arabic_dammatan
- public const uint Arabic_ddal
- public const uint Arabic_farsi_yeh
- public const uint Arabic_fatha
- public const uint Arabic_fathatan
- public const uint Arabic_feh
- public const uint Arabic_fullstop
- public const uint Arabic_gaf
- public const uint Arabic_ghain
- public const uint Arabic_ha
- public const uint Arabic_hah
- public const uint Arabic_hamza
- public const uint Arabic_hamza_above
- public const uint Arabic_hamza_below
- public const uint Arabic_hamzaonalef
- public const uint Arabic_hamzaonwaw
- public const uint Arabic_hamzaonyeh
- public const uint Arabic_hamzaunderalef
- public const uint Arabic_heh
- public const uint Arabic_heh_doachashmee
- public const uint Arabic_heh_goal
- public const uint Arabic_jeem
- public const uint Arabic_jeh
- public const uint Arabic_kaf
- public const uint Arabic_kasra
- public const uint Arabic_kasratan
- public const uint Arabic_keheh
- public const uint Arabic_khah
- public const uint Arabic_lam
- public const uint Arabic_madda_above
- public const uint Arabic_maddaonalef
- public const uint Arabic_meem
- public const uint Arabic_noon
- public const uint Arabic_noon_ghunna
- public const uint Arabic_peh
- public const uint Arabic_percent
- public const uint Arabic_qaf
- public const uint Arabic_question_mark
- public const uint Arabic_ra
- public const uint Arabic_rreh
- public const uint Arabic_sad
- public const uint Arabic_seen
- public const uint Arabic_semicolon
- public const uint Arabic_shadda
- public const uint Arabic_sheen
- public const uint Arabic_sukun
- public const uint Arabic_superscript_alef
- public const uint Arabic_switch
- public const uint Arabic_tah
- public const uint Arabic_tatweel
- public const uint Arabic_tcheh
- public const uint Arabic_teh
- public const uint Arabic_tehmarbuta
- public const uint Arabic_thal
- public const uint Arabic_theh
- public const uint Arabic_tteh
- public const uint Arabic_veh
- public const uint Arabic_waw
- public const uint Arabic_yeh
- public const uint Arabic_yeh_baree
- public const uint Arabic_zah
- public const uint Arabic_zain
- public const uint Aring
- public const uint Armenian_AT
- public const uint Armenian_AYB
- public const uint Armenian_BEN
- public const uint Armenian_CHA
- public const uint Armenian_DA
- public const uint Armenian_DZA
- public const uint Armenian_E
- public const uint Armenian_FE
- public const uint Armenian_GHAT
- public const uint Armenian_GIM
- public const uint Armenian_HI
- public const uint Armenian_HO
- public const uint Armenian_INI
- public const uint Armenian_JE
- public const uint Armenian_KE
- public const uint Armenian_KEN
- public const uint Armenian_KHE
- public const uint Armenian_LYUN
- public const uint Armenian_MEN
- public const uint Armenian_NU
- public const uint Armenian_O
- public const uint Armenian_PE
- public const uint Armenian_PYUR
- public const uint Armenian_RA
- public const uint Armenian_RE
- public const uint Armenian_SE
- public const uint Armenian_SHA
- public const uint Armenian_TCHE
- public const uint Armenian_TO
- public const uint Armenian_TSA
- public const uint Armenian_TSO
- public const uint Armenian_TYUN
- public const uint Armenian_VEV
- public const uint Armenian_VO
- public const uint Armenian_VYUN
- public const uint Armenian_YECH
- public const uint Armenian_ZA
- public const uint Armenian_ZHE
- public const uint Armenian_accent
- public const uint Armenian_amanak
- public const uint Armenian_apostrophe
- public const uint Armenian_at
- public const uint Armenian_ayb
- public const uint Armenian_ben
- public const uint Armenian_but
- public const uint Armenian_cha
- public const uint Armenian_da
- public const uint Armenian_dza
- public const uint Armenian_e
- public const uint Armenian_exclam
- public const uint Armenian_fe
- public const uint Armenian_full_stop
- public const uint Armenian_ghat
- public const uint Armenian_gim
- public const uint Armenian_hi
- public const uint Armenian_ho
- public const uint Armenian_hyphen
- public const uint Armenian_ini
- public const uint Armenian_je
- public const uint Armenian_ke
- public const uint Armenian_ken
- public const uint Armenian_khe
- public const uint Armenian_ligature_ew
- public const uint Armenian_lyun
- public const uint Armenian_men
- public const uint Armenian_nu
- public const uint Armenian_o
- public const uint Armenian_paruyk
- public const uint Armenian_pe
- public const uint Armenian_pyur
- public const uint Armenian_question
- public const uint Armenian_ra
- public const uint Armenian_re
- public const uint Armenian_se
- public const uint Armenian_separation_mark
- public const uint Armenian_sha
- public const uint Armenian_shesht
- public const uint Armenian_tche
- public const uint Armenian_to
- public const uint Armenian_tsa
- public const uint Armenian_tso
- public const uint Armenian_tyun
- public const uint Armenian_verjaket
- public const uint Armenian_vev
- public const uint Armenian_vo
- public const uint Armenian_vyun
- public const uint Armenian_yech
- public const uint Armenian_yentamna
- public const uint Armenian_za
- public const uint Armenian_zhe
- public const uint Atilde
- public const uint AudibleBell_Enable
- public const uint AudioCycleTrack
- public const uint AudioForward
- public const uint AudioLowerVolume
- public const uint AudioMedia
- public const uint AudioMicMute
- public const uint AudioMute
- public const uint AudioNext
- public const uint AudioPause
- public const uint AudioPlay
- public const uint AudioPreset
- public const uint AudioPrev
- public const uint AudioRaiseVolume
- public const uint AudioRandomPlay
- public const uint AudioRecord
- public const uint AudioRepeat
- public const uint AudioRewind
- public const uint AudioStop
- public const uint Away
- public const uint B
- public const uint Babovedot
- public const uint Back
- public const uint BackForward
- public const uint BackSpace
- public const uint Battery
- public const uint Begin
- public const uint Blue
- public const uint Bluetooth
- public const uint Book
- public const uint BounceKeys_Enable
- public const uint Break
- public const uint BrightnessAdjust
- public const uint Byelorussian_SHORTU
- public const uint Byelorussian_shortu
- public const uint C
- public const uint CD
- public const uint CH
- public const uint C_H
- public const uint C_h
- public const uint Cabovedot
- public const uint Cacute
- public const uint Calculator
- public const uint Calendar
- public const uint Cancel
- public const uint Caps_Lock
- public const uint Ccaron
- public const uint Ccedilla
- public const uint Ccircumflex
- public const uint Ch
- public const uint Clear
- public const uint ClearGrab
- public const uint Close
- public const uint Codeinput
- public const uint ColonSign
- public const uint Community
- public const uint ContrastAdjust
- public const uint Control_L
- public const uint Control_R
- public const uint Copy
- public const uint CruzeiroSign
- public const uint Cut
- public const uint CycleAngle
- public const uint Cyrillic_A
- public const uint Cyrillic_BE
- public const uint Cyrillic_CHE
- public const uint Cyrillic_CHE_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_CHE_vertstroke
- public const uint Cyrillic_DE
- public const uint Cyrillic_DZHE
- public const uint Cyrillic_E
- public const uint Cyrillic_EF
- public const uint Cyrillic_EL
- public const uint Cyrillic_EM
- public const uint Cyrillic_EN
- public const uint Cyrillic_EN_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_ER
- public const uint Cyrillic_ES
- public const uint Cyrillic_GHE
- public const uint Cyrillic_GHE_bar
- public const uint Cyrillic_HA
- public const uint Cyrillic_HARDSIGN
- public const uint Cyrillic_HA_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_I
- public const uint Cyrillic_IE
- public const uint Cyrillic_IO
- public const uint Cyrillic_I_macron
- public const uint Cyrillic_JE
- public const uint Cyrillic_KA
- public const uint Cyrillic_KA_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_KA_vertstroke
- public const uint Cyrillic_LJE
- public const uint Cyrillic_NJE
- public const uint Cyrillic_O
- public const uint Cyrillic_O_bar
- public const uint Cyrillic_PE
- public const uint Cyrillic_SCHWA
- public const uint Cyrillic_SHA
- public const uint Cyrillic_SHCHA
- public const uint Cyrillic_SHHA
- public const uint Cyrillic_SHORTI
- public const uint Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN
- public const uint Cyrillic_TE
- public const uint Cyrillic_TSE
- public const uint Cyrillic_U
- public const uint Cyrillic_U_macron
- public const uint Cyrillic_U_straight
- public const uint Cyrillic_U_straight_bar
- public const uint Cyrillic_VE
- public const uint Cyrillic_YA
- public const uint Cyrillic_YERU
- public const uint Cyrillic_YU
- public const uint Cyrillic_ZE
- public const uint Cyrillic_ZHE
- public const uint Cyrillic_ZHE_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_a
- public const uint Cyrillic_be
- public const uint Cyrillic_che
- public const uint Cyrillic_che_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_che_vertstroke
- public const uint Cyrillic_de
- public const uint Cyrillic_dzhe
- public const uint Cyrillic_e
- public const uint Cyrillic_ef
- public const uint Cyrillic_el
- public const uint Cyrillic_em
- public const uint Cyrillic_en
- public const uint Cyrillic_en_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_er
- public const uint Cyrillic_es
- public const uint Cyrillic_ghe
- public const uint Cyrillic_ghe_bar
- public const uint Cyrillic_ha
- public const uint Cyrillic_ha_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_hardsign
- public const uint Cyrillic_i
- public const uint Cyrillic_i_macron
- public const uint Cyrillic_ie
- public const uint Cyrillic_io
- public const uint Cyrillic_je
- public const uint Cyrillic_ka
- public const uint Cyrillic_ka_descender
- public const uint Cyrillic_ka_vertstroke
- public const uint Cyrillic_lje
- public const uint Cyrillic_nje
- public const uint Cyrillic_o
- public const uint Cyrillic_o_bar
- public const uint Cyrillic_pe
- public const uint Cyrillic_schwa
- public const uint Cyrillic_sha
- public const uint Cyrillic_shcha
- public const uint Cyrillic_shha
- public const uint Cyrillic_shorti
- public const uint Cyrillic_softsign
- public const uint Cyrillic_te
- public const uint Cyrillic_tse
- public const uint Cyrillic_u
- public const uint Cyrillic_u_macron
- public const uint Cyrillic_u_straight
- public const uint Cyrillic_u_straight_bar
- public const uint Cyrillic_ve
- public const uint Cyrillic_ya
- public const uint Cyrillic_yeru
- public const uint Cyrillic_yu
- public const uint Cyrillic_ze
- public const uint Cyrillic_zhe
- public const uint Cyrillic_zhe_descender
- public const uint D
- public const uint DOS
- public const uint Dabovedot
- public const uint Dcaron
- public const uint Delete
- public const uint Display
- public const uint Documents
- public const uint DongSign
- public const uint Down
- public const uint Dstroke
- public const uint E
- public const uint ENG
- public const uint ETH
- public const uint EZH
- public const uint Eabovedot
- public const uint Eacute
- public const uint Ebelowdot
- public const uint Ecaron
- public const uint Ecircumflex
- public const uint Ecircumflexacute
- public const uint Ecircumflexbelowdot
- public const uint Ecircumflexgrave
- public const uint Ecircumflexhook
- public const uint Ecircumflextilde
- public const uint EcuSign
- public const uint Ediaeresis
- public const uint Egrave
- public const uint Ehook
- public const uint Eisu_Shift
- public const uint Eisu_toggle
- public const uint Eject
- public const uint Emacron
- public const uint End
- public const uint Eogonek
- public const uint Escape
- public const uint Eth
- public const uint Etilde
- public const uint EuroSign
- public const uint Excel
- public const uint Execute
- public const uint Explorer
- public const uint F
- public const uint F1
- public const uint F10
- public const uint F11
- public const uint F12
- public const uint F13
- public const uint F14
- public const uint F15
- public const uint F16
- public const uint F17
- public const uint F18
- public const uint F19
- public const uint F2
- public const uint F20
- public const uint F21
- public const uint F22
- public const uint F23
- public const uint F24
- public const uint F25
- public const uint F26
- public const uint F27
- public const uint F28
- public const uint F29
- public const uint F3
- public const uint F30
- public const uint F31
- public const uint F32
- public const uint F33
- public const uint F34
- public const uint F35
- public const uint F4
- public const uint F5
- public const uint F6
- public const uint F7
- public const uint F8
- public const uint F9
- public const uint FFrancSign
- public const uint Fabovedot
- public const uint Farsi_0
- public const uint Farsi_1
- public const uint Farsi_2
- public const uint Farsi_3
- public const uint Farsi_4
- public const uint Farsi_5
- public const uint Farsi_6
- public const uint Farsi_7
- public const uint Farsi_8
- public const uint Farsi_9
- public const uint Farsi_yeh
- public const uint Favorites
- public const uint Finance
- public const uint Find
- public const uint First_Virtual_Screen
- public const uint Forward
- public const uint FrameBack
- public const uint FrameForward
- public const uint G
- public const uint Gabovedot
- public const uint Game
- public const uint Gbreve
- public const uint Gcaron
- public const uint Gcedilla
- public const uint Gcircumflex
- public const uint Georgian_an
- public const uint Georgian_ban
- public const uint Georgian_can
- public const uint Georgian_char
- public const uint Georgian_chin
- public const uint Georgian_cil
- public const uint Georgian_don
- public const uint Georgian_en
- public const uint Georgian_fi
- public const uint Georgian_gan
- public const uint Georgian_ghan
- public const uint Georgian_hae
- public const uint Georgian_har
- public const uint Georgian_he
- public const uint Georgian_hie
- public const uint Georgian_hoe
- public const uint Georgian_in
- public const uint Georgian_jhan
- public const uint Georgian_jil
- public const uint Georgian_kan
- public const uint Georgian_khar
- public const uint Georgian_las
- public const uint Georgian_man
- public const uint Georgian_nar
- public const uint Georgian_on
- public const uint Georgian_par
- public const uint Georgian_phar
- public const uint Georgian_qar
- public const uint Georgian_rae
- public const uint Georgian_san
- public const uint Georgian_shin
- public const uint Georgian_tan
- public const uint Georgian_tar
- public const uint Georgian_un
- public const uint Georgian_vin
- public const uint Georgian_we
- public const uint Georgian_xan
- public const uint Georgian_zen
- public const uint Georgian_zhar
- public const uint Go
- public const uint Greek_ALPHA
- public const uint Greek_ALPHAaccent
- public const uint Greek_BETA
- public const uint Greek_CHI
- public const uint Greek_DELTA
- public const uint Greek_EPSILON
- public const uint Greek_EPSILONaccent
- public const uint Greek_ETA
- public const uint Greek_ETAaccent
- public const uint Greek_GAMMA
- public const uint Greek_IOTA
- public const uint Greek_IOTAaccent
- public const uint Greek_IOTAdiaeresis
- public const uint Greek_IOTAdieresis
- public const uint Greek_KAPPA
- public const uint Greek_LAMBDA
- public const uint Greek_LAMDA
- public const uint Greek_MU
- public const uint Greek_NU
- public const uint Greek_OMEGA
- public const uint Greek_OMEGAaccent
- public const uint Greek_OMICRON
- public const uint Greek_OMICRONaccent
- public const uint Greek_PHI
- public const uint Greek_PI
- public const uint Greek_PSI
- public const uint Greek_RHO
- public const uint Greek_SIGMA
- public const uint Greek_TAU
- public const uint Greek_THETA
- public const uint Greek_UPSILON
- public const uint Greek_UPSILONaccent
- public const uint Greek_UPSILONdieresis
- public const uint Greek_XI
- public const uint Greek_ZETA
- public const uint Greek_accentdieresis
- public const uint Greek_alpha
- public const uint Greek_alphaaccent
- public const uint Greek_beta
- public const uint Greek_chi
- public const uint Greek_delta
- public const uint Greek_epsilon
- public const uint Greek_epsilonaccent
- public const uint Greek_eta
- public const uint Greek_etaaccent
- public const uint Greek_finalsmallsigma
- public const uint Greek_gamma
- public const uint Greek_horizbar
- public const uint Greek_iota
- public const uint Greek_iotaaccent
- public const uint Greek_iotaaccentdieresis
- public const uint Greek_iotadieresis
- public const uint Greek_kappa
- public const uint Greek_lambda
- public const uint Greek_lamda
- public const uint Greek_mu
- public const uint Greek_nu
- public const uint Greek_omega
- public const uint Greek_omegaaccent
- public const uint Greek_omicron
- public const uint Greek_omicronaccent
- public const uint Greek_phi
- public const uint Greek_pi
- public const uint Greek_psi
- public const uint Greek_rho
- public const uint Greek_sigma
- public const uint Greek_switch
- public const uint Greek_tau
- public const uint Greek_theta
- public const uint Greek_upsilon
- public const uint Greek_upsilonaccent
- public const uint Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis
- public const uint Greek_upsilondieresis
- public const uint Greek_xi
- public const uint Greek_zeta
- public const uint Green
- public const uint H
- public const uint Hangul
- public const uint Hangul_A
- public const uint Hangul_AE
- public const uint Hangul_AraeA
- public const uint Hangul_AraeAE
- public const uint Hangul_Banja
- public const uint Hangul_Cieuc
- public const uint Hangul_Codeinput
- public const uint Hangul_Dikeud
- public const uint Hangul_E
- public const uint Hangul_EO
- public const uint Hangul_EU
- public const uint Hangul_End
- public const uint Hangul_Hanja
- public const uint Hangul_Hieuh
- public const uint Hangul_I
- public const uint Hangul_Ieung
- public const uint Hangul_J_Cieuc
- public const uint Hangul_J_Dikeud
- public const uint Hangul_J_Hieuh
- public const uint Hangul_J_Ieung
- public const uint Hangul_J_Jieuj
- public const uint Hangul_J_Khieuq
- public const uint Hangul_J_Kiyeog
- public const uint Hangul_J_KiyeogSios
- public const uint Hangul_J_KkogjiDalrinIeung
- public const uint Hangul_J_Mieum
- public const uint Hangul_J_Nieun
- public const uint Hangul_J_NieunHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_J_NieunJieuj
- public const uint Hangul_J_PanSios
- public const uint Hangul_J_Phieuf
- public const uint Hangul_J_Pieub
- public const uint Hangul_J_PieubSios
- public const uint Hangul_J_Rieul
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulKiyeog
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulMieum
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulPhieuf
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulPieub
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulSios
- public const uint Hangul_J_RieulTieut
- public const uint Hangul_J_Sios
- public const uint Hangul_J_SsangKiyeog
- public const uint Hangul_J_SsangSios
- public const uint Hangul_J_Tieut
- public const uint Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_Jamo
- public const uint Hangul_Jeonja
- public const uint Hangul_Jieuj
- public const uint Hangul_Khieuq
- public const uint Hangul_Kiyeog
- public const uint Hangul_KiyeogSios
- public const uint Hangul_KkogjiDalrinIeung
- public const uint Hangul_Mieum
- public const uint Hangul_MultipleCandidate
- public const uint Hangul_Nieun
- public const uint Hangul_NieunHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_NieunJieuj
- public const uint Hangul_O
- public const uint Hangul_OE
- public const uint Hangul_PanSios
- public const uint Hangul_Phieuf
- public const uint Hangul_Pieub
- public const uint Hangul_PieubSios
- public const uint Hangul_PostHanja
- public const uint Hangul_PreHanja
- public const uint Hangul_PreviousCandidate
- public const uint Hangul_Rieul
- public const uint Hangul_RieulHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_RieulKiyeog
- public const uint Hangul_RieulMieum
- public const uint Hangul_RieulPhieuf
- public const uint Hangul_RieulPieub
- public const uint Hangul_RieulSios
- public const uint Hangul_RieulTieut
- public const uint Hangul_RieulYeorinHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_Romaja
- public const uint Hangul_SingleCandidate
- public const uint Hangul_Sios
- public const uint Hangul_Special
- public const uint Hangul_SsangDikeud
- public const uint Hangul_SsangJieuj
- public const uint Hangul_SsangKiyeog
- public const uint Hangul_SsangPieub
- public const uint Hangul_SsangSios
- public const uint Hangul_Start
- public const uint Hangul_SunkyeongeumMieum
- public const uint Hangul_SunkyeongeumPhieuf
- public const uint Hangul_SunkyeongeumPieub
- public const uint Hangul_Tieut
- public const uint Hangul_U
- public const uint Hangul_WA
- public const uint Hangul_WAE
- public const uint Hangul_WE
- public const uint Hangul_WEO
- public const uint Hangul_WI
- public const uint Hangul_YA
- public const uint Hangul_YAE
- public const uint Hangul_YE
- public const uint Hangul_YEO
- public const uint Hangul_YI
- public const uint Hangul_YO
- public const uint Hangul_YU
- public const uint Hangul_YeorinHieuh
- public const uint Hangul_switch
- public const uint Hankaku
- public const uint Hcircumflex
- public const uint Hebrew_switch
- public const uint Help
- public const uint Henkan
- public const uint Henkan_Mode
- public const uint Hibernate
- public const uint Hiragana
- public const uint Hiragana_Katakana
- public const uint History
- public const uint Home
- public const uint HomePage
- public const uint HotLinks
- public const uint Hstroke
- public const uint Hyper_L
- public const uint Hyper_R
- public const uint I
- public const uint ISO_Center_Object
- public const uint ISO_Continuous_Underline
- public const uint ISO_Discontinuous_Underline
- public const uint ISO_Emphasize
- public const uint ISO_Enter
- public const uint ISO_Fast_Cursor_Down
- public const uint ISO_Fast_Cursor_Left
- public const uint ISO_Fast_Cursor_Right
- public const uint ISO_Fast_Cursor_Up
- public const uint ISO_First_Group
- public const uint ISO_First_Group_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Group_Latch
- public const uint ISO_Group_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Group_Shift
- public const uint ISO_Last_Group
- public const uint ISO_Last_Group_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Left_Tab
- public const uint ISO_Level2_Latch
- public const uint ISO_Level3_Latch
- public const uint ISO_Level3_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Level3_Shift
- public const uint ISO_Level5_Latch
- public const uint ISO_Level5_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Level5_Shift
- public const uint ISO_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Move_Line_Down
- public const uint ISO_Move_Line_Up
- public const uint ISO_Next_Group
- public const uint ISO_Next_Group_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Partial_Line_Down
- public const uint ISO_Partial_Line_Up
- public const uint ISO_Partial_Space_Left
- public const uint ISO_Partial_Space_Right
- public const uint ISO_Prev_Group
- public const uint ISO_Prev_Group_Lock
- public const uint ISO_Release_Both_Margins
- public const uint ISO_Release_Margin_Left
- public const uint ISO_Release_Margin_Right
- public const uint ISO_Set_Margin_Left
- public const uint ISO_Set_Margin_Right
- public const uint Iabovedot
- public const uint Iacute
- public const uint Ibelowdot
- public const uint Ibreve
- public const uint Icircumflex
- public const uint Idiaeresis
- public const uint Igrave
- public const uint Ihook
- public const uint Imacron
- public const uint Insert
- public const uint Iogonek
- public const uint Itilde
- public const uint J
- public const uint Jcircumflex
- public const uint K
- public const uint KP_0
- public const uint KP_1
- public const uint KP_2
- public const uint KP_3
- public const uint KP_4
- public const uint KP_5
- public const uint KP_6
- public const uint KP_7
- public const uint KP_8
- public const uint KP_9
- public const uint KP_Add
- public const uint KP_Begin
- public const uint KP_Decimal
- public const uint KP_Delete
- public const uint KP_Divide
- public const uint KP_Down
- public const uint KP_End
- public const uint KP_Enter
- public const uint KP_Equal
- public const uint KP_F1
- public const uint KP_F2
- public const uint KP_F3
- public const uint KP_F4
- public const uint KP_Home
- public const uint KP_Insert
- public const uint KP_Left
- public const uint KP_Multiply
- public const uint KP_Next
- public const uint KP_Page_Down
- public const uint KP_Page_Up
- public const uint KP_Prior
- public const uint KP_Right
- public const uint KP_Separator
- public const uint KP_Space
- public const uint KP_Subtract
- public const uint KP_Tab
- public const uint KP_Up
- public const uint Kana_Lock
- public const uint Kana_Shift
- public const uint Kanji
- public const uint Kanji_Bangou
- public const uint Katakana
- public const uint KbdBrightnessDown
- public const uint KbdBrightnessUp
- public const uint KbdLightOnOff
- public const uint Kcedilla
- public const uint Keyboard
- public const uint Korean_Won
- public const uint L
- public const uint L1
- public const uint L10
- public const uint L2
- public const uint L3
- public const uint L4
- public const uint L5
- public const uint L6
- public const uint L7
- public const uint L8
- public const uint L9
- public const uint Lacute
- public const uint Last_Virtual_Screen
- public const uint Launch0
- public const uint Launch1
- public const uint Launch2
- public const uint Launch3
- public const uint Launch4
- public const uint Launch5
- public const uint Launch6
- public const uint Launch7
- public const uint Launch8
- public const uint Launch9
- public const uint LaunchA
- public const uint LaunchB
- public const uint LaunchC
- public const uint LaunchD
- public const uint LaunchE
- public const uint LaunchF
- public const uint Lbelowdot
- public const uint Lcaron
- public const uint Lcedilla
- public const uint Left
- public const uint LightBulb
- public const uint Linefeed
- public const uint LiraSign
- public const uint LogGrabInfo
- public const uint LogOff
- public const uint LogWindowTree
- public const uint Lstroke
- public const uint M
- public const uint Mabovedot
- public const uint Macedonia_DSE
- public const uint Macedonia_GJE
- public const uint Macedonia_KJE
- public const uint Macedonia_dse
- public const uint Macedonia_gje
- public const uint Macedonia_kje
- public const uint Mae_Koho
- public const uint Mail
- public const uint MailForward
- public const uint Market
- public const uint Massyo
- public const uint Meeting
- public const uint Memo
- public const uint Menu
- public const uint MenuKB
- public const uint MenuPB
- public const uint Messenger
- public const uint Meta_L
- public const uint Meta_R
- public const uint MillSign
- public const uint ModeLock
- public const uint Mode_switch
- public const uint MonBrightnessDown
- public const uint MonBrightnessUp
- public const uint MouseKeys_Accel_Enable
- public const uint MouseKeys_Enable
- public const uint Muhenkan
- public const uint Multi_key
- public const uint MultipleCandidate
- public const uint Music
- public const uint MyComputer
- public const uint MySites
- public const uint N
- public const uint Nacute
- public const uint NairaSign
- public const uint Ncaron
- public const uint Ncedilla
- public const uint New
- public const uint NewSheqelSign
- public const uint News
- public const uint Next
- public const uint Next_VMode
- public const uint Next_Virtual_Screen
- public const uint Ntilde
- public const uint Num_Lock
- public const uint O
- public const uint OE
- public const uint Oacute
- public const uint Obarred
- public const uint Obelowdot
- public const uint Ocaron
- public const uint Ocircumflex
- public const uint Ocircumflexacute
- public const uint Ocircumflexbelowdot
- public const uint Ocircumflexgrave
- public const uint Ocircumflexhook
- public const uint Ocircumflextilde
- public const uint Odiaeresis
- public const uint Odoubleacute
- public const uint OfficeHome
- public const uint Ograve
- public const uint Ohook
- public const uint Ohorn
- public const uint Ohornacute
- public const uint Ohornbelowdot
- public const uint Ohorngrave
- public const uint Ohornhook
- public const uint Ohorntilde
- public const uint Omacron
- public const uint Ooblique
- public const uint Open
- public const uint OpenURL
- public const uint Option
- public const uint Oslash
- public const uint Otilde
- public const uint Overlay1_Enable
- public const uint Overlay2_Enable
- public const uint P
- public const uint Pabovedot
- public const uint Page_Down
- public const uint Page_Up
- public const uint Paste
- public const uint Pause
- public const uint PesetaSign
- public const uint Phone
- public const uint Pictures
- public const uint Pointer_Accelerate
- public const uint Pointer_Button1
- public const uint Pointer_Button2
- public const uint Pointer_Button3
- public const uint Pointer_Button4
- public const uint Pointer_Button5
- public const uint Pointer_Button_Dflt
- public const uint Pointer_DblClick1
- public const uint Pointer_DblClick2
- public const uint Pointer_DblClick3
- public const uint Pointer_DblClick4
- public const uint Pointer_DblClick5
- public const uint Pointer_DblClick_Dflt
- public const uint Pointer_DfltBtnNext
- public const uint Pointer_DfltBtnPrev
- public const uint Pointer_Down
- public const uint Pointer_DownLeft
- public const uint Pointer_DownRight
- public const uint Pointer_Drag1
- public const uint Pointer_Drag2
- public const uint Pointer_Drag3
- public const uint Pointer_Drag4
- public const uint Pointer_Drag5
- public const uint Pointer_Drag_Dflt
- public const uint Pointer_EnableKeys
- public const uint Pointer_Left
- public const uint Pointer_Right
- public const uint Pointer_Up
- public const uint Pointer_UpLeft
- public const uint Pointer_UpRight
- public const uint PowerDown
- public const uint PowerOff
- public const uint Prev_VMode
- public const uint Prev_Virtual_Screen
- public const uint PreviousCandidate
- public const uint Print
- public const uint Prior
- public const uint Q
- public const uint R
- public const uint R1
- public const uint R10
- public const uint R11
- public const uint R12
- public const uint R13
- public const uint R14
- public const uint R15
- public const uint R2
- public const uint R3
- public const uint R4
- public const uint R5
- public const uint R6
- public const uint R7
- public const uint R8
- public const uint R9
- public const uint RFKill
- public const uint Racute
- public const uint Rcaron
- public const uint Rcedilla
- public const uint Red
- public const uint Redo
- public const uint Refresh
- public const uint Reload
- public const uint RepeatKeys_Enable
- public const uint Reply
- public const uint Return
- public const uint Right
- public const uint RockerDown
- public const uint RockerEnter
- public const uint RockerUp
- public const uint Romaji
- public const uint RotateWindows
- public const uint RotationKB
- public const uint RotationPB
- public const uint RupeeSign
- public const uint S
- public const uint SCHWA
- public const uint Sabovedot
- public const uint Sacute
- public const uint Save
- public const uint Scaron
- public const uint Scedilla
- public const uint Scircumflex
- public const uint ScreenSaver
- public const uint ScrollClick
- public const uint ScrollDown
- public const uint ScrollUp
- public const uint Scroll_Lock
- public const uint Search
- public const uint Select
- public const uint SelectButton
- public const uint Send
- public const uint Serbian_DJE
- public const uint Serbian_DZE
- public const uint Serbian_JE
- public const uint Serbian_LJE
- public const uint Serbian_NJE
- public const uint Serbian_TSHE
- public const uint Serbian_dje
- public const uint Serbian_dze
- public const uint Serbian_je
- public const uint Serbian_lje
- public const uint Serbian_nje
- public const uint Serbian_tshe
- public const uint Shift_L
- public const uint Shift_Lock
- public const uint Shift_R
- public const uint Shop
- public const uint SingleCandidate
- public const uint Sinh_a
- public const uint Sinh_aa
- public const uint Sinh_aa2
- public const uint Sinh_ae
- public const uint Sinh_ae2
- public const uint Sinh_aee
- public const uint Sinh_aee2
- public const uint Sinh_ai
- public const uint Sinh_ai2
- public const uint Sinh_al
- public const uint Sinh_au
- public const uint Sinh_au2
- public const uint Sinh_ba
- public const uint Sinh_bha
- public const uint Sinh_ca
- public const uint Sinh_cha
- public const uint Sinh_dda
- public const uint Sinh_ddha
- public const uint Sinh_dha
- public const uint Sinh_dhha
- public const uint Sinh_e
- public const uint Sinh_e2
- public const uint Sinh_ee
- public const uint Sinh_ee2
- public const uint Sinh_fa
- public const uint Sinh_ga
- public const uint Sinh_gha
- public const uint Sinh_h2
- public const uint Sinh_ha
- public const uint Sinh_i
- public const uint Sinh_i2
- public const uint Sinh_ii
- public const uint Sinh_ii2
- public const uint Sinh_ja
- public const uint Sinh_jha
- public const uint Sinh_jnya
- public const uint Sinh_ka
- public const uint Sinh_kha
- public const uint Sinh_kunddaliya
- public const uint Sinh_la
- public const uint Sinh_lla
- public const uint Sinh_lu
- public const uint Sinh_lu2
- public const uint Sinh_luu
- public const uint Sinh_luu2
- public const uint Sinh_ma
- public const uint Sinh_mba
- public const uint Sinh_na
- public const uint Sinh_ndda
- public const uint Sinh_ndha
- public const uint Sinh_ng
- public const uint Sinh_ng2
- public const uint Sinh_nga
- public const uint Sinh_nja
- public const uint Sinh_nna
- public const uint Sinh_nya
- public const uint Sinh_o
- public const uint Sinh_o2
- public const uint Sinh_oo
- public const uint Sinh_oo2
- public const uint Sinh_pa
- public const uint Sinh_pha
- public const uint Sinh_ra
- public const uint Sinh_ri
- public const uint Sinh_rii
- public const uint Sinh_ru2
- public const uint Sinh_ruu2
- public const uint Sinh_sa
- public const uint Sinh_sha
- public const uint Sinh_ssha
- public const uint Sinh_tha
- public const uint Sinh_thha
- public const uint Sinh_tta
- public const uint Sinh_ttha
- public const uint Sinh_u
- public const uint Sinh_u2
- public const uint Sinh_uu
- public const uint Sinh_uu2
- public const uint Sinh_va
- public const uint Sinh_ya
- public const uint Sleep
- public const uint SlowKeys_Enable
- public const uint Spell
- public const uint SplitScreen
- public const uint Standby
- public const uint Start
- public const uint StickyKeys_Enable
- public const uint Stop
- public const uint Subtitle
- public const uint Super_L
- public const uint Super_R
- public const uint Support
- public const uint Suspend
- public const uint Switch_VT_1
- public const uint Switch_VT_10
- public const uint Switch_VT_11
- public const uint Switch_VT_12
- public const uint Switch_VT_2
- public const uint Switch_VT_3
- public const uint Switch_VT_4
- public const uint Switch_VT_5
- public const uint Switch_VT_6
- public const uint Switch_VT_7
- public const uint Switch_VT_8
- public const uint Switch_VT_9
- public const uint Sys_Req
- public const uint T
- public const uint THORN
- public const uint Tab
- public const uint Tabovedot
- public const uint TaskPane
- public const uint Tcaron
- public const uint Tcedilla
- public const uint Terminal
- public const uint Terminate_Server
- public const uint Thai_baht
- public const uint Thai_bobaimai
- public const uint Thai_chochan
- public const uint Thai_chochang
- public const uint Thai_choching
- public const uint Thai_chochoe
- public const uint Thai_dochada
- public const uint Thai_dodek
- public const uint Thai_fofa
- public const uint Thai_fofan
- public const uint Thai_hohip
- public const uint Thai_honokhuk
- public const uint Thai_khokhai
- public const uint Thai_khokhon
- public const uint Thai_khokhuat
- public const uint Thai_khokhwai
- public const uint Thai_khorakhang
- public const uint Thai_kokai
- public const uint Thai_lakkhangyao
- public const uint Thai_lekchet
- public const uint Thai_lekha
- public const uint Thai_lekhok
- public const uint Thai_lekkao
- public const uint Thai_leknung
- public const uint Thai_lekpaet
- public const uint Thai_leksam
- public const uint Thai_leksi
- public const uint Thai_leksong
- public const uint Thai_leksun
- public const uint Thai_lochula
- public const uint Thai_loling
- public const uint Thai_lu
- public const uint Thai_maichattawa
- public const uint Thai_maiek
- public const uint Thai_maihanakat
- public const uint Thai_maihanakat_maitho
- public const uint Thai_maitaikhu
- public const uint Thai_maitho
- public const uint Thai_maitri
- public const uint Thai_maiyamok
- public const uint Thai_moma
- public const uint Thai_ngongu
- public const uint Thai_nikhahit
- public const uint Thai_nonen
- public const uint Thai_nonu
- public const uint Thai_oang
- public const uint Thai_paiyannoi
- public const uint Thai_phinthu
- public const uint Thai_phophan
- public const uint Thai_phophung
- public const uint Thai_phosamphao
- public const uint Thai_popla
- public const uint Thai_rorua
- public const uint Thai_ru
- public const uint Thai_saraa
- public const uint Thai_saraaa
- public const uint Thai_saraae
- public const uint Thai_saraaimaimalai
- public const uint Thai_saraaimaimuan
- public const uint Thai_saraam
- public const uint Thai_sarae
- public const uint Thai_sarai
- public const uint Thai_saraii
- public const uint Thai_sarao
- public const uint Thai_sarau
- public const uint Thai_saraue
- public const uint Thai_sarauee
- public const uint Thai_sarauu
- public const uint Thai_sorusi
- public const uint Thai_sosala
- public const uint Thai_soso
- public const uint Thai_sosua
- public const uint Thai_thanthakhat
- public const uint Thai_thonangmontho
- public const uint Thai_thophuthao
- public const uint Thai_thothahan
- public const uint Thai_thothan
- public const uint Thai_thothong
- public const uint Thai_thothung
- public const uint Thai_topatak
- public const uint Thai_totao
- public const uint Thai_wowaen
- public const uint Thai_yoyak
- public const uint Thai_yoying
- public const uint Thorn
- public const uint Time
- public const uint ToDoList
- public const uint Tools
- public const uint TopMenu
- public const uint TouchpadOff
- public const uint TouchpadOn
- public const uint TouchpadToggle
- public const uint Touroku
- public const uint Travel
- public const uint Tslash
- public const uint U
- public const uint UWB
- public const uint Uacute
- public const uint Ubelowdot
- public const uint Ubreve
- public const uint Ucircumflex
- public const uint Udiaeresis
- public const uint Udoubleacute
- public const uint Ugrave
- public const uint Uhook
- public const uint Uhorn
- public const uint Uhornacute
- public const uint Uhornbelowdot
- public const uint Uhorngrave
- public const uint Uhornhook
- public const uint Uhorntilde
- public const uint Ukrainian_GHE_WITH_UPTURN
- public const uint Ukrainian_I
- public const uint Ukrainian_IE
- public const uint Ukrainian_YI
- public const uint Ukrainian_ghe_with_upturn
- public const uint Ukrainian_i
- public const uint Ukrainian_ie
- public const uint Ukrainian_yi
- public const uint Ukranian_I
- public const uint Ukranian_JE
- public const uint Ukranian_YI
- public const uint Ukranian_i
- public const uint Ukranian_je
- public const uint Ukranian_yi
- public const uint Umacron
- public const uint Undo
- public const uint Ungrab
- public const uint Uogonek
- public const uint Up
- public const uint Uring
- public const uint User1KB
- public const uint User2KB
- public const uint UserPB
- public const uint Utilde
- public const uint V
- public const uint VendorHome
- public const uint Video
- public const uint View
- public const uint VoidSymbol
- public const uint W
- public const uint WLAN
- public const uint WWAN
- public const uint WWW
- public const uint Wacute
- public const uint WakeUp
- public const uint Wcircumflex
- public const uint Wdiaeresis
- public const uint WebCam
- public const uint Wgrave
- public const uint WheelButton
- public const uint WindowClear
- public const uint WonSign
- public const uint Word
- public const uint X
- public const uint Xabovedot
- public const uint Xfer
- public const uint Y
- public const uint Yacute
- public const uint Ybelowdot
- public const uint Ycircumflex
- public const uint Ydiaeresis
- public const uint Yellow
- public const uint Ygrave
- public const uint Yhook
- public const uint Ytilde
- public const uint Z
- public const uint Zabovedot
- public const uint Zacute
- public const uint Zcaron
- public const uint Zen_Koho
- public const uint Zenkaku
- public const uint Zenkaku_Hankaku
- public const uint ZoomIn
- public const uint ZoomOut
- public const uint Zstroke
- public const uint a
- public const uint aacute
- public const uint abelowdot
- public const uint abovedot
- public const uint abreve
- public const uint abreveacute
- public const uint abrevebelowdot
- public const uint abrevegrave
- public const uint abrevehook
- public const uint abrevetilde
- public const uint acircumflex
- public const uint acircumflexacute
- public const uint acircumflexbelowdot
- public const uint acircumflexgrave
- public const uint acircumflexhook
- public const uint acircumflextilde
- public const uint acute
- public const uint adiaeresis
- public const uint ae
- public const uint agrave
- public const uint ahook
- public const uint amacron
- public const uint ampersand
- public const uint aogonek
- public const uint apostrophe
- public const uint approxeq
- public const uint approximate
- public const uint aring
- public const uint asciicircum
- public const uint asciitilde
- public const uint asterisk
- public const uint at
- public const uint atilde
- public const uint b
- public const uint babovedot
- public const uint backslash
- public const uint ballotcross
- public const uint bar
- public const uint because
- public const uint blank
- public const uint botintegral
- public const uint botleftparens
- public const uint botleftsqbracket
- public const uint botleftsummation
- public const uint botrightparens
- public const uint botrightsqbracket
- public const uint botrightsummation
- public const uint bott
- public const uint botvertsummationconnector
- public const uint braceleft
- public const uint braceright
- public const uint bracketleft
- public const uint bracketright
- public const uint braille_blank
- public const uint braille_dot_1
- public const uint braille_dot_10
- public const uint braille_dot_2
- public const uint braille_dot_3
- public const uint braille_dot_4
- public const uint braille_dot_5
- public const uint braille_dot_6
- public const uint braille_dot_7
- public const uint braille_dot_8
- public const uint braille_dot_9
- public const uint braille_dots_1
- public const uint braille_dots_12
- public const uint braille_dots_123
- public const uint braille_dots_1234
- public const uint braille_dots_12345
- public const uint braille_dots_123456
- public const uint braille_dots_1234567
- public const uint braille_dots_12345678
- public const uint braille_dots_1234568
- public const uint braille_dots_123457
- public const uint braille_dots_1234578
- public const uint braille_dots_123458
- public const uint braille_dots_12346
- public const uint braille_dots_123467
- public const uint braille_dots_1234678
- public const uint braille_dots_123468
- public const uint braille_dots_12347
- public const uint braille_dots_123478
- public const uint braille_dots_12348
- public const uint braille_dots_1235
- public const uint braille_dots_12356
- public const uint braille_dots_123567
- public const uint braille_dots_1235678
- public const uint braille_dots_123568
- public const uint braille_dots_12357
- public const uint braille_dots_123578
- public const uint braille_dots_12358
- public const uint braille_dots_1236
- public const uint braille_dots_12367
- public const uint braille_dots_123678
- public const uint braille_dots_12368
- public const uint braille_dots_1237
- public const uint braille_dots_12378
- public const uint braille_dots_1238
- public const uint braille_dots_124
- public const uint braille_dots_1245
- public const uint braille_dots_12456
- public const uint braille_dots_124567
- public const uint braille_dots_1245678
- public const uint braille_dots_124568
- public const uint braille_dots_12457
- public const uint braille_dots_124578
- public const uint braille_dots_12458
- public const uint braille_dots_1246
- public const uint braille_dots_12467
- public const uint braille_dots_124678
- public const uint braille_dots_12468
- public const uint braille_dots_1247
- public const uint braille_dots_12478
- public const uint braille_dots_1248
- public const uint braille_dots_125
- public const uint braille_dots_1256
- public const uint braille_dots_12567
- public const uint braille_dots_125678
- public const uint braille_dots_12568
- public const uint braille_dots_1257
- public const uint braille_dots_12578
- public const uint braille_dots_1258
- public const uint braille_dots_126
- public const uint braille_dots_1267
- public const uint braille_dots_12678
- public const uint braille_dots_1268
- public const uint braille_dots_127
- public const uint braille_dots_1278
- public const uint braille_dots_128
- public const uint braille_dots_13
- public const uint braille_dots_134
- public const uint braille_dots_1345
- public const uint braille_dots_13456
- public const uint braille_dots_134567
- public const uint braille_dots_1345678
- public const uint braille_dots_134568
- public const uint braille_dots_13457
- public const uint braille_dots_134578
- public const uint braille_dots_13458
- public const uint braille_dots_1346
- public const uint braille_dots_13467
- public const uint braille_dots_134678
- public const uint braille_dots_13468
- public const uint braille_dots_1347
- public const uint braille_dots_13478
- public const uint braille_dots_1348
- public const uint braille_dots_135
- public const uint braille_dots_1356
- public const uint braille_dots_13567
- public const uint braille_dots_135678
- public const uint braille_dots_13568
- public const uint braille_dots_1357
- public const uint braille_dots_13578
- public const uint braille_dots_1358
- public const uint braille_dots_136
- public const uint braille_dots_1367
- public const uint braille_dots_13678
- public const uint braille_dots_1368
- public const uint braille_dots_137
- public const uint braille_dots_1378
- public const uint braille_dots_138
- public const uint braille_dots_14
- public const uint braille_dots_145
- public const uint braille_dots_1456
- public const uint braille_dots_14567
- public const uint braille_dots_145678
- public const uint braille_dots_14568
- public const uint braille_dots_1457
- public const uint braille_dots_14578
- public const uint braille_dots_1458
- public const uint braille_dots_146
- public const uint braille_dots_1467
- public const uint braille_dots_14678
- public const uint braille_dots_1468
- public const uint braille_dots_147
- public const uint braille_dots_1478
- public const uint braille_dots_148
- public const uint braille_dots_15
- public const uint braille_dots_156
- public const uint braille_dots_1567
- public const uint braille_dots_15678
- public const uint braille_dots_1568
- public const uint braille_dots_157
- public const uint braille_dots_1578
- public const uint braille_dots_158
- public const uint braille_dots_16
- public const uint braille_dots_167
- public const uint braille_dots_1678
- public const uint braille_dots_168
- public const uint braille_dots_17
- public const uint braille_dots_178
- public const uint braille_dots_18
- public const uint braille_dots_2
- public const uint braille_dots_23
- public const uint braille_dots_234
- public const uint braille_dots_2345
- public const uint braille_dots_23456
- public const uint braille_dots_234567
- public const uint braille_dots_2345678
- public const uint braille_dots_234568
- public const uint braille_dots_23457
- public const uint braille_dots_234578
- public const uint braille_dots_23458
- public const uint braille_dots_2346
- public const uint braille_dots_23467
- public const uint braille_dots_234678
- public const uint braille_dots_23468
- public const uint braille_dots_2347
- public const uint braille_dots_23478
- public const uint braille_dots_2348
- public const uint braille_dots_235
- public const uint braille_dots_2356
- public const uint braille_dots_23567
- public const uint braille_dots_235678
- public const uint braille_dots_23568
- public const uint braille_dots_2357
- public const uint braille_dots_23578
- public const uint braille_dots_2358
- public const uint braille_dots_236
- public const uint braille_dots_2367
- public const uint braille_dots_23678
- public const uint braille_dots_2368
- public const uint braille_dots_237
- public const uint braille_dots_2378
- public const uint braille_dots_238
- public const uint braille_dots_24
- public const uint braille_dots_245
- public const uint braille_dots_2456
- public const uint braille_dots_24567
- public const uint braille_dots_245678
- public const uint braille_dots_24568
- public const uint braille_dots_2457
- public const uint braille_dots_24578
- public const uint braille_dots_2458
- public const uint braille_dots_246
- public const uint braille_dots_2467
- public const uint braille_dots_24678
- public const uint braille_dots_2468
- public const uint braille_dots_247
- public const uint braille_dots_2478
- public const uint braille_dots_248
- public const uint braille_dots_25
- public const uint braille_dots_256
- public const uint braille_dots_2567
- public const uint braille_dots_25678
- public const uint braille_dots_2568
- public const uint braille_dots_257
- public const uint braille_dots_2578
- public const uint braille_dots_258
- public const uint braille_dots_26
- public const uint braille_dots_267
- public const uint braille_dots_2678
- public const uint braille_dots_268
- public const uint braille_dots_27
- public const uint braille_dots_278
- public const uint braille_dots_28
- public const uint braille_dots_3
- public const uint braille_dots_34
- public const uint braille_dots_345
- public const uint braille_dots_3456
- public const uint braille_dots_34567
- public const uint braille_dots_345678
- public const uint braille_dots_34568
- public const uint braille_dots_3457
- public const uint braille_dots_34578
- public const uint braille_dots_3458
- public const uint braille_dots_346
- public const uint braille_dots_3467
- public const uint braille_dots_34678
- public const uint braille_dots_3468
- public const uint braille_dots_347
- public const uint braille_dots_3478
- public const uint braille_dots_348
- public const uint braille_dots_35
- public const uint braille_dots_356
- public const uint braille_dots_3567
- public const uint braille_dots_35678
- public const uint braille_dots_3568
- public const uint braille_dots_357
- public const uint braille_dots_3578
- public const uint braille_dots_358
- public const uint braille_dots_36
- public const uint braille_dots_367
- public const uint braille_dots_3678
- public const uint braille_dots_368
- public const uint braille_dots_37
- public const uint braille_dots_378
- public const uint braille_dots_38
- public const uint braille_dots_4
- public const uint braille_dots_45
- public const uint braille_dots_456
- public const uint braille_dots_4567
- public const uint braille_dots_45678
- public const uint braille_dots_4568
- public const uint braille_dots_457
- public const uint braille_dots_4578
- public const uint braille_dots_458
- public const uint braille_dots_46
- public const uint braille_dots_467
- public const uint braille_dots_4678
- public const uint braille_dots_468
- public const uint braille_dots_47
- public const uint braille_dots_478
- public const uint braille_dots_48
- public const uint braille_dots_5
- public const uint braille_dots_56
- public const uint braille_dots_567
- public const uint braille_dots_5678
- public const uint braille_dots_568
- public const uint braille_dots_57
- public const uint braille_dots_578
- public const uint braille_dots_58
- public const uint braille_dots_6
- public const uint braille_dots_67
- public const uint braille_dots_678
- public const uint braille_dots_68
- public const uint braille_dots_7
- public const uint braille_dots_78
- public const uint braille_dots_8
- public const uint breve
- public const uint brokenbar
- public const uint c
- public const uint c_h
- public const uint cabovedot
- public const uint cacute
- public const uint careof
- public const uint caret
- public const uint caron
- public const uint ccaron
- public const uint ccedilla
- public const uint ccircumflex
- public const uint cedilla
- public const uint cent
- public const uint ch
- public const uint checkerboard
- public const uint checkmark
- public const uint circle
- public const uint club
- public const uint colon
- public const uint comma
- public const uint containsas
- public const uint copyright
- public const uint cr
- public const uint crossinglines
- public const uint cuberoot
- public const uint currency
- public const uint cursor
- public const uint d
- public const uint dabovedot
- public const uint dagger
- public const uint dcaron
- public const uint dead_A
- public const uint dead_E
- public const uint dead_I
- public const uint dead_O
- public const uint dead_U
- public const uint dead_a
- public const uint dead_abovecomma
- public const uint dead_abovedot
- public const uint dead_abovereversedcomma
- public const uint dead_abovering
- public const uint dead_aboveverticalline
- public const uint dead_acute
- public const uint dead_belowbreve
- public const uint dead_belowcircumflex
- public const uint dead_belowcomma
- public const uint dead_belowdiaeresis
- public const uint dead_belowdot
- public const uint dead_belowmacron
- public const uint dead_belowring
- public const uint dead_belowtilde
- public const uint dead_belowverticalline
- public const uint dead_breve
- public const uint dead_capital_schwa
- public const uint dead_caron
- public const uint dead_cedilla
- public const uint dead_circumflex
- public const uint dead_currency
- public const uint dead_dasia
- public const uint dead_diaeresis
- public const uint dead_doubleacute
- public const uint dead_doublegrave
- public const uint dead_e
- public const uint dead_grave
- public const uint dead_greek
- public const uint dead_hook
- public const uint dead_horn
- public const uint dead_i
- public const uint dead_invertedbreve
- public const uint dead_iota
- public const uint dead_longsolidusoverlay
- public const uint dead_lowline
- public const uint dead_macron
- public const uint dead_o
- public const uint dead_ogonek
- public const uint dead_perispomeni
- public const uint dead_psili
- public const uint dead_semivoiced_sound
- public const uint dead_small_schwa
- public const uint dead_stroke
- public const uint dead_tilde
- public const uint dead_u
- public const uint dead_voiced_sound
- public const uint decimalpoint
- public const uint degree
- public const uint diaeresis
- public const uint diamond
- public const uint digitspace
- public const uint dintegral
- public const uint division
- public const uint dollar
- public const uint doubbaselinedot
- public const uint doubleacute
- public const uint doubledagger
- public const uint doublelowquotemark
- public const uint downarrow
- public const uint downcaret
- public const uint downshoe
- public const uint downstile
- public const uint downtack
- public const uint dstroke
- public const uint e
- public const uint eabovedot
- public const uint eacute
- public const uint ebelowdot
- public const uint ecaron
- public const uint ecircumflex
- public const uint ecircumflexacute
- public const uint ecircumflexbelowdot
- public const uint ecircumflexgrave
- public const uint ecircumflexhook
- public const uint ecircumflextilde
- public const uint ediaeresis
- public const uint egrave
- public const uint ehook
- public const uint eightsubscript
- public const uint eightsuperior
- public const uint elementof
- public const uint ellipsis
- public const uint em3space
- public const uint em4space
- public const uint emacron
- public const uint emdash
- public const uint emfilledcircle
- public const uint emfilledrect
- public const uint emopencircle
- public const uint emopenrectangle
- public const uint emptyset
- public const uint emspace
- public const uint endash
- public const uint enfilledcircbullet
- public const uint enfilledsqbullet
- public const uint eng
- public const uint enopencircbullet
- public const uint enopensquarebullet
- public const uint enspace
- public const uint eogonek
- public const uint equal
- public const uint eth
- public const uint etilde
- public const uint exclam
- public const uint exclamdown
- public const uint ezh
- public const uint f
- public const uint fabovedot
- public const uint femalesymbol
- public const uint ff
- public const uint figdash
- public const uint filledlefttribullet
- public const uint filledrectbullet
- public const uint filledrighttribullet
- public const uint filledtribulletdown
- public const uint filledtribulletup
- public const uint fiveeighths
- public const uint fivesixths
- public const uint fivesubscript
- public const uint fivesuperior
- public const uint fourfifths
- public const uint foursubscript
- public const uint foursuperior
- public const uint fourthroot
- public const uint function
- public const uint g
- public const uint gabovedot
- public const uint gbreve
- public const uint gcaron
- public const uint gcedilla
- public const uint gcircumflex
- public const uint grave
- public const uint greater
- public const uint greaterthanequal
- public const uint guillemotleft
- public const uint guillemotright
- public const uint h
- public const uint hairspace
- public const uint hcircumflex
- public const uint heart
- public const uint hebrew_aleph
- public const uint hebrew_ayin
- public const uint hebrew_bet
- public const uint hebrew_beth
- public const uint hebrew_chet
- public const uint hebrew_dalet
- public const uint hebrew_daleth
- public const uint hebrew_doublelowline
- public const uint hebrew_finalkaph
- public const uint hebrew_finalmem
- public const uint hebrew_finalnun
- public const uint hebrew_finalpe
- public const uint hebrew_finalzade
- public const uint hebrew_finalzadi
- public const uint hebrew_gimel
- public const uint hebrew_gimmel
- public const uint hebrew_he
- public const uint hebrew_het
- public const uint hebrew_kaph
- public const uint hebrew_kuf
- public const uint hebrew_lamed
- public const uint hebrew_mem
- public const uint hebrew_nun
- public const uint hebrew_pe
- public const uint hebrew_qoph
- public const uint hebrew_resh
- public const uint hebrew_samech
- public const uint hebrew_samekh
- public const uint hebrew_shin
- public const uint hebrew_taf
- public const uint hebrew_taw
- public const uint hebrew_tet
- public const uint hebrew_teth
- public const uint hebrew_waw
- public const uint hebrew_yod
- public const uint hebrew_zade
- public const uint hebrew_zadi
- public const uint hebrew_zain
- public const uint hebrew_zayin
- public const uint hexagram
- public const uint horizconnector
- public const uint horizlinescan1
- public const uint horizlinescan3
- public const uint horizlinescan5
- public const uint horizlinescan7
- public const uint horizlinescan9
- public const uint hstroke
- public const uint ht
- public const uint hyphen
- public const uint i
- public const uint iTouch
- public const uint iacute
- public const uint ibelowdot
- public const uint ibreve
- public const uint icircumflex
- public const uint identical
- public const uint idiaeresis
- public const uint idotless
- public const uint ifonlyif
- public const uint igrave
- public const uint ihook
- public const uint imacron
- public const uint implies
- public const uint includedin
- public const uint includes
- public const uint infinity
- public const uint integral
- public const uint intersection
- public const uint iogonek
- public const uint itilde
- public const uint j
- public const uint jcircumflex
- public const uint jot
- public const uint k
- public const uint kana_A
- public const uint kana_CHI
- public const uint kana_E
- public const uint kana_FU
- public const uint kana_HA
- public const uint kana_HE
- public const uint kana_HI
- public const uint kana_HO
- public const uint kana_HU
- public const uint kana_I
- public const uint kana_KA
- public const uint kana_KE
- public const uint kana_KI
- public const uint kana_KO
- public const uint kana_KU
- public const uint kana_MA
- public const uint kana_ME
- public const uint kana_MI
- public const uint kana_MO
- public const uint kana_MU
- public const uint kana_N
- public const uint kana_NA
- public const uint kana_NE
- public const uint kana_NI
- public const uint kana_NO
- public const uint kana_NU
- public const uint kana_O
- public const uint kana_RA
- public const uint kana_RE
- public const uint kana_RI
- public const uint kana_RO
- public const uint kana_RU
- public const uint kana_SA
- public const uint kana_SE
- public const uint kana_SHI
- public const uint kana_SO
- public const uint kana_SU
- public const uint kana_TA
- public const uint kana_TE
- public const uint kana_TI
- public const uint kana_TO
- public const uint kana_TSU
- public const uint kana_TU
- public const uint kana_U
- public const uint kana_WA
- public const uint kana_WO
- public const uint kana_YA
- public const uint kana_YO
- public const uint kana_YU
- public const uint kana_a
- public const uint kana_closingbracket
- public const uint kana_comma
- public const uint kana_conjunctive
- public const uint kana_e
- public const uint kana_fullstop
- public const uint kana_i
- public const uint kana_middledot
- public const uint kana_o
- public const uint kana_openingbracket
- public const uint kana_switch
- public const uint kana_tsu
- public const uint kana_tu
- public const uint kana_u
- public const uint kana_ya
- public const uint kana_yo
- public const uint kana_yu
- public const uint kappa
- public const uint kcedilla
- public const uint kra
- public const uint l
- public const uint lacute
- public const uint latincross
- public const uint lbelowdot
- public const uint lcaron
- public const uint lcedilla
- public const uint leftanglebracket
- public const uint leftarrow
- public const uint leftcaret
- public const uint leftdoublequotemark
- public const uint leftmiddlecurlybrace
- public const uint leftopentriangle
- public const uint leftpointer
- public const uint leftradical
- public const uint leftshoe
- public const uint leftsinglequotemark
- public const uint leftt
- public const uint lefttack
- public const uint less
- public const uint lessthanequal
- public const uint lf
- public const uint logicaland
- public const uint logicalor
- public const uint lowleftcorner
- public const uint lowrightcorner
- public const uint lstroke
- public const uint m
- public const uint mabovedot
- public const uint macron
- public const uint malesymbol
- public const uint maltesecross
- public const uint marker
- public const uint masculine
- public const uint minus
- public const uint minutes
- public const uint mu
- public const uint multiply
- public const uint musicalflat
- public const uint musicalsharp
- public const uint n
- public const uint nabla
- public const uint nacute
- public const uint ncaron
- public const uint ncedilla
- public const uint ninesubscript
- public const uint ninesuperior
- public const uint nl
- public const uint nobreakspace
- public const uint notapproxeq
- public const uint notelementof
- public const uint notequal
- public const uint notidentical
- public const uint notsign
- public const uint ntilde
- public const uint numbersign
- public const uint numerosign
- public const uint o
- public const uint oacute
- public const uint obarred
- public const uint obelowdot
- public const uint ocaron
- public const uint ocircumflex
- public const uint ocircumflexacute
- public const uint ocircumflexbelowdot
- public const uint ocircumflexgrave
- public const uint ocircumflexhook
- public const uint ocircumflextilde
- public const uint odiaeresis
- public const uint odoubleacute
- public const uint oe
- public const uint ogonek
- public const uint ograve
- public const uint ohook
- public const uint ohorn
- public const uint ohornacute
- public const uint ohornbelowdot
- public const uint ohorngrave
- public const uint ohornhook
- public const uint ohorntilde
- public const uint omacron
- public const uint oneeighth
- public const uint onefifth
- public const uint onehalf
- public const uint onequarter
- public const uint onesixth
- public const uint onesubscript
- public const uint onesuperior
- public const uint onethird
- public const uint ooblique
- public const uint openrectbullet
- public const uint openstar
- public const uint opentribulletdown
- public const uint opentribulletup
- public const uint ordfeminine
- public const uint oslash
- public const uint otilde
- public const uint overbar
- public const uint overline
- public const uint p
- public const uint pabovedot
- public const uint paragraph
- public const uint parenleft
- public const uint parenright
- public const uint partdifferential
- public const uint partialderivative
- public const uint percent
- public const uint period
- public const uint periodcentered
- public const uint permille
- public const uint phonographcopyright
- public const uint plus
- public const uint plusminus
- public const uint prescription
- public const uint prolongedsound
- public const uint punctspace
- public const uint q
- public const uint quad
- public const uint question
- public const uint questiondown
- public const uint quotedbl
- public const uint quoteleft
- public const uint quoteright
- public const uint r
- public const uint racute
- public const uint radical
- public const uint rcaron
- public const uint rcedilla
- public const uint registered
- public const uint rightanglebracket
- public const uint rightarrow
- public const uint rightcaret
- public const uint rightdoublequotemark
- public const uint rightmiddlecurlybrace
- public const uint rightmiddlesummation
- public const uint rightopentriangle
- public const uint rightpointer
- public const uint rightshoe
- public const uint rightsinglequotemark
- public const uint rightt
- public const uint righttack
- public const uint s
- public const uint sabovedot
- public const uint sacute
- public const uint scaron
- public const uint scedilla
- public const uint schwa
- public const uint scircumflex
- public const uint script_switch
- public const uint seconds
- public const uint section
- public const uint semicolon
- public const uint semivoicedsound
- public const uint seveneighths
- public const uint sevensubscript
- public const uint sevensuperior
- public const uint signaturemark
- public const uint signifblank
- public const uint similarequal
- public const uint singlelowquotemark
- public const uint sixsubscript
- public const uint sixsuperior
- public const uint slash
- public const uint soliddiamond
- public const uint space
- public const uint squareroot
- public const uint ssharp
- public const uint sterling
- public const uint stricteq
- public const uint t
- public const uint tabovedot
- public const uint tcaron
- public const uint tcedilla
- public const uint telephone
- public const uint telephonerecorder
- public const uint therefore
- public const uint thinspace
- public const uint thorn
- public const uint threeeighths
- public const uint threefifths
- public const uint threequarters
- public const uint threesubscript
- public const uint threesuperior
- public const uint tintegral
- public const uint topintegral
- public const uint topleftparens
- public const uint topleftradical
- public const uint topleftsqbracket
- public const uint topleftsummation
- public const uint toprightparens
- public const uint toprightsqbracket
- public const uint toprightsummation
- public const uint topt
- public const uint topvertsummationconnector
- public const uint trademark
- public const uint trademarkincircle
- public const uint tslash
- public const uint twofifths
- public const uint twosubscript
- public const uint twosuperior
- public const uint twothirds
- public const uint u
- public const uint uacute
- public const uint ubelowdot
- public const uint ubreve
- public const uint ucircumflex
- public const uint udiaeresis
- public const uint udoubleacute
- public const uint ugrave
- public const uint uhook
- public const uint uhorn
- public const uint uhornacute
- public const uint uhornbelowdot
- public const uint uhorngrave
- public const uint uhornhook
- public const uint uhorntilde
- public const uint umacron
- public const uint underbar
- public const uint underscore
- public const uint union
- public const uint uogonek
- public const uint uparrow
- public const uint upcaret
- public const uint upleftcorner
- public const uint uprightcorner
- public const uint upshoe
- public const uint upstile
- public const uint uptack
- public const uint uring
- public const uint utilde
- public const uint v
- public const uint variation
- public const uint vertbar
- public const uint vertconnector
- public const uint voicedsound
- public const uint vt
- public const uint w
- public const uint wacute
- public const uint wcircumflex
- public const uint wdiaeresis
- public const uint wgrave
- public const uint x
- public const uint xabovedot
- public const uint y
- public const uint yacute
- public const uint ybelowdot
- public const uint ycircumflex
- public const uint ydiaeresis
- public const uint yen
- public const uint ygrave
- public const uint yhook
- public const uint ytilde
- public const uint z
- public const uint zabovedot
- public const uint zacute
- public const uint zcaron
- public const uint zerosubscript
- public const uint zerosuperior
- public const uint zstroke
- Gsk
- BlendNode - A render node applying a blending function between its two child nodes.
- BlurNode - A render node applying a blur effect to its single child.
- BorderNode - A render node for a border.
- BroadwayRenderer
- CairoNode - A render node for a Cairo surface.
- CairoRenderer - A GSK renderer that is using cairo.
- ClipNode - A render node applying a rectangular clip to its single child node.
- ColorMatrixNode - A render node controlling the color matrix of its single child node.
- ColorNode - A render node for a solid color.
- ConicGradientNode - A render node for a conic gradient.
- ContainerNode - A render node that can contain other render nodes.
- CrossFadeNode - A render node cross fading between two child nodes.
- DebugNode - A render node that emits a debugging message when drawing its child node.
- FillNode - A render node filling the area given by [ struct@Gsk.
- GLRenderer
- GLShader - A `GskGLShader` is a snippet of GLSL that is meant to run in the fragment shader of the rendering pipeline.
- GLShaderNode - A render node using a GL shader when drawing its children nodes.
- InsetShadowNode - A render node for an inset shadow.
- LinearGradientNode - A render node for a linear gradient.
- MaskNode - A render node masking one child node with another.
- NglRenderer
- OpacityNode - A render node controlling the opacity of its single child node.
- OutsetShadowNode - A render node for an outset shadow.
- Path - A `GskPath` describes lines and curves that are more complex than simple rectangles.
- PathBuilder - `GskPathBuilder` is an auxiliary object for constructing `GskPath` objects.
- PathMeasure - `GskPathMeasure` is an object that allows measurements on `GskPath`s such as determining the length of the path.
- PathPoint - `GskPathPoint` is an opaque type representing a point on a path.
- RadialGradientNode - A render node for a radial gradient.
- RenderNode - `GskRenderNode` is the basic block in a scene graph to be rendered using [class@Gsk.
- Renderer - `GskRenderer` is a class that renders a scene graph defined via a tree of [class@Gsk.
- RepeatNode - A render node repeating its single child node.
- RepeatingLinearGradientNode - A render node for a repeating linear gradient.
- RepeatingRadialGradientNode - A render node for a repeating radial gradient.
- RoundedClipNode - A render node applying a rounded rectangle clip to its single child.
- ShaderArgsBuilder - An object to build the uniforms data for a `GskGLShader`.
- ShadowNode - A render node drawing one or more shadows behind its single child node.
- Stroke - A `GskStroke` struct collects the parameters that influence the operation of stroking a path.
- StrokeNode - A render node that will fill the area determined by stroking the the given [struct@Gsk.
- SubsurfaceNode - A render node that potentially diverts a part of the scene graph to a subsurface.
- TextNode - A render node drawing a set of glyphs.
- TextureNode - A render node for a `GdkTexture`.
- TextureScaleNode - A render node for a `GdkTexture`.
- Transform - `GskTransform` is an object to describe transform matrices.
- TransformNode - A render node applying a `GskTransform` to its single child node.
- VulkanRenderer - A GSK renderer that is using Vulkan.
- ColorStop - A color stop in a gradient node.
- ParseLocation - A location in a parse buffer.
- RoundedRect - A rectangular region with rounded corners.
- Shadow - The shadow parameters in a shadow node.
- BlendMode - The blend modes available for render nodes.
- Corner - The corner indices used by `GskRoundedRect`.
- FillRule - `GskFillRule` is used to select how paths are filled.
- GLUniformType - This defines the types of the uniforms that `GskGLShaders` declare.
- LineCap - Specifies how to render the start and end points of contours or dashes when stroking.
- LineJoin - Specifies how to render the junction of two lines when stroking.
- MaskMode - The mask modes available for mask nodes.
- PathDirection - The values of the `GskPathDirection` enum are used to pick one of the four tangents at a given point on the path.
- PathForeachFlags - Flags that can be passed to @foreach to influence what kinds of operations the path is decomposed into.
- PathOperation - Path operations are used to describe the segments of a `GskPath`.
- RenderNodeType - The type of a node determines what the node is rendering.
- ScalingFilter - The filters used when scaling texture data.
- TransformCategory - The categories of matrices relevant for GSK and GTK.
- SerializationError - Errors that can happen during (de)serialization.
- public delegate void ParseErrorFunc (ParseLocation start, ParseLocation end) throws Error
Type of callback that is called when an error occurs during node deserialization.
- public delegate bool PathForeachFunc (PathOperation op, Point pts, size_t n_pts, float weight)
Prototype of the callback to iterate through the operations of a path.
- public Path? path_parse (string string)
This is a convenience function that constructs a `GskPath` from a serialized form.
- public Quark serialization_error_quark ()
- public bool stroke_equal (void* stroke1, void* stroke2)
Checks if 2 strokes are identical.
- public bool transform_parse (string string, out Transform out_transform)
Parses the given
into a transform and puts it inout_transform
. - public RenderNode? value_dup_render_node (Value value)
Retrieves the `GskRenderNode` stored inside the given `value`, and acquires a reference to it.
- public unowned RenderNode? value_get_render_node (ref Value value)
Retrieves the `GskRenderNode` stored inside the given `value`.
- public void value_set_render_node (ref Value value, RenderNode node)
Stores the given `GskRenderNode` inside `value`.
- public void value_take_render_node (ref Value value, owned RenderNode? node)
Stores the given `GskRenderNode` inside `value`.
- Gtk
- Accessible - `GtkAccessible` is an interface for describing UI elements for Assistive Technologies.
- AccessibleRange - This interface describes ranged controls, e.
- AccessibleText - An interface for accessible objects containing formatted text.
- Actionable - The `GtkActionable` interface provides a convenient way of associating widgets with actions.
- AppChooser - `GtkAppChooser` is an interface for widgets which allow the user to choose an application.
- Buildable - `GtkBuildable` allows objects to extend and customize their deserialization from ui files.
- BuilderScope - `GtkBuilderScope` is an interface to provide language binding support to `GtkBuilder`.
- CellEditable - Interface for widgets that can be used for editing cells
- CellLayout - An interface for packing cells
- ColorChooser - `GtkColorChooser` is an interface that is implemented by widgets for choosing colors.
- ConstraintTarget - The `GtkConstraintTarget` interface is implemented by objects that can be used as source or target in `GtkConstraint`s.
- Editable - `GtkEditable` is an interface for text editing widgets.
- FileChooser - `GtkFileChooser` is an interface that can be implemented by file selection widgets.
- FontChooser - `GtkFontChooser` is an interface that can be implemented by widgets for choosing fonts.
- Native - `GtkNative` is the interface implemented by all widgets that have their own `GdkSurface`.
- Orientable - The `GtkOrientable` interface is implemented by all widgets that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.
- PrintOperationPreview - `GtkPrintOperationPreview` is the interface that is used to implement print preview.
- Root - `GtkRoot` is the interface implemented by all widgets that can act as a toplevel widget.
- Scrollable - `GtkScrollable` is an interface for widgets with native scrolling ability.
- SectionModel - `GtkSectionModel` is an interface that adds support for sections to list models.
- SelectionModel - `GtkSelectionModel` is an interface that add support for selection to list models.
- ShortcutManager - The `GtkShortcutManager` interface is used to implement shortcut scopes.
- StyleProvider - `GtkStyleProvider` is an interface for style information used by `GtkStyleContext`.
- SymbolicPaintable - `GtkSymbolicPaintable` is an interface that support symbolic colors in paintables.
- TreeDragDest - Interface for Drag-and-Drop destinations in `GtkTreeView`.
- TreeDragSource - Interface for Drag-and-Drop destinations in `GtkTreeView`.
- TreeModel - The tree interface used by GtkTreeView
- TreeSortable - The interface for sortable models used by GtkTreeView
- ATContext - `GtkATContext` is an abstract class provided by GTK to communicate to platform-specific assistive technologies API.
- AboutDialog - The `GtkAboutDialog` offers a simple way to display information about a program.
- AccessibleList - A boxed type which wraps a list of references to GtkAccessible objects.
- ActionBar - `GtkActionBar` is designed to present contextual actions.
- ActivateAction - A `GtkShortcutAction` that calls activate.
- Adjustment - `GtkAdjustment` is a model for a numeric value.
- AlertDialog - A `GtkAlertDialog` object collects the arguments that are needed to present a message to the user.
- AlternativeTrigger - A `GtkShortcutTrigger` that combines two triggers.
- AnyFilter - `GtkAnyFilter` matches an item when at least one of its filters matches.
- AppChooserButton - The `GtkAppChooserButton` lets the user select an application.
- AppChooserDialog - `GtkAppChooserDialog` shows a `GtkAppChooserWidget` inside a `GtkDialog`.
- AppChooserWidget - `GtkAppChooserWidget` is a widget for selecting applications.
- Application - `GtkApplication` is a high-level API for writing applications.
- ApplicationWindow - `GtkApplicationWindow` is a `GtkWindow` subclass that integrates with `GtkApplication`.
- AspectFrame - `GtkAspectFrame` preserves the aspect ratio of its child.
- Assistant - `GtkAssistant` is used to represent a complex as a series of steps.
- AssistantPage - `GtkAssistantPage` is an auxiliary object used by `GtkAssistant.
- BinLayout - `GtkBinLayout` is a `GtkLayoutManager` subclass useful for create "bins" of widgets.
- Bitset - A `GtkBitset` represents a set of unsigned integers.
- BookmarkList - `GtkBookmarkList` is a list model that wraps `GBookmarkFile`.
- BoolFilter - `GtkBoolFilter` evaluates a boolean `GtkExpression` to determine whether to include items.
- Box - The `GtkBox` widget arranges child widgets into a single row or column.
- BoxLayout - `GtkBoxLayout` is a layout manager that arranges children in a single row or column.
- BuildableParseContext - An opaque context struct for `GtkBuildableParser`.
- Builder - A `GtkBuilder` reads XML descriptions of a user interface and instantiates the described objects.
- BuilderCScope - A `GtkBuilderScope` implementation for the C language.
- BuilderListItemFactory - `GtkBuilderListItemFactory` is a `GtkListItemFactory` that creates widgets by instantiating `GtkBuilder` UI templates.
- Button - The `GtkButton` widget is generally used to trigger a callback function that is called when the button is pressed.
- CClosureExpression - A variant of `GtkClosureExpression` using a C closure.
- Calendar - `GtkCalendar` is a widget that displays a Gregorian calendar, one month at a time.
- CallbackAction - A `GtkShortcutAction` that invokes a callback.
- CellArea - An abstract class for laying out `GtkCellRenderer`s
- CellAreaBox - A cell area that renders GtkCellRenderers into a row or a column
- CellAreaContext - Stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a GtkCellArea
- CellRenderer - An object for rendering a single cell
- CellRendererAccel - Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell
- CellRendererCombo - Renders a combobox in a cell
- CellRendererPixbuf - Renders a pixbuf in a cell
- CellRendererProgress - Renders numbers as progress bars
- CellRendererSpin - Renders a spin button in a cell
- CellRendererSpinner - Renders a spinning animation in a cell
- CellRendererText - Renders text in a cell
- CellRendererToggle - Renders a toggle button in a cell
- CellView - A widget displaying a single row of a GtkTreeModel
- CenterBox - `GtkCenterBox` arranges three children in a row, keeping the middle child centered as well as possible.
- CenterLayout - `GtkCenterLayout` is a layout manager that manages up to three children.
- CheckButton - A `GtkCheckButton` places a label next to an indicator.
- ClosureExpression - An expression using a custom `GClosure` to compute the value from its parameters.
- ColorButton - The `GtkColorButton` allows to open a color chooser dialog to change the color.
- ColorChooserDialog - A dialog for choosing a color.
- ColorChooserWidget - The `GtkColorChooserWidget` widget lets the user select a color.
- ColorDialog - A `GtkColorDialog` object collects the arguments that are needed to present a color chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
- ColorDialogButton - The `GtkColorDialogButton` is a wrapped around a [class@Gtk.
- ColumnView - `GtkColumnView` presents a large dynamic list of items using multiple columns with headers.
- ColumnViewCell - `GtkColumnViewCell` is used by [ class@Gtk.
- ColumnViewColumn - `GtkColumnViewColumn` represents the columns being added to a `GtkColumnView`.
- ColumnViewRow - `GtkColumnViewRow` is used by [ class@Gtk.
- ColumnViewSorter - `GtkColumnViewSorter` is a sorter implementation that is geared towards the needs of `GtkColumnView`.
- ComboBox - A `GtkComboBox` is a widget that allows the user to choose from a list of valid choices.
- ComboBoxText - A `GtkComboBoxText` is a simple variant of `GtkComboBox` for text-only use cases.
- ConstantExpression - A constant value in a `GtkExpression`.
- Constraint - `GtkConstraint` describes a constraint between attributes of two widgets, expressed as a linear equation.
- ConstraintGuide - A `GtkConstraintGuide` is an invisible layout element in a `GtkConstraintLayout`.
- ConstraintLayout - A layout manager using constraints to describe relations between widgets.
- ConstraintLayoutChild - `GtkLayoutChild` subclass for children in a `GtkConstraintLayout`.
- CssProvider - `GtkCssProvider` is an object implementing the `GtkStyleProvider` interface for CSS.
- CssSection - Defines a part of a CSS document.
- CssStyleChange
- CustomFilter - `GtkCustomFilter` determines whether to include items with a callback.
- CustomLayout - `GtkCustomLayout` uses closures for size negotiation.
- CustomSorter - `GtkCustomSorter` is a `GtkSorter` implementation that sorts via a callback function.
- Dialog - Dialogs are a convenient way to prompt the user for a small amount of input.
- DirectoryList - `GtkDirectoryList` is a list model that wraps enumerate_children_async.
- DragIcon - `GtkDragIcon` is a `GtkRoot` implementation for drag icons.
- DragSource - `GtkDragSource` is an event controller to initiate Drag-And-Drop operations.
- DrawingArea - `GtkDrawingArea` is a widget that allows drawing with cairo.
- DropControllerMotion - `GtkDropControllerMotion` is an event controller tracking the pointer during Drag-and-Drop operations.
- DropDown - `GtkDropDown` is a widget that allows the user to choose an item from a list of options.
- DropTarget - `GtkDropTarget` is an event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations.
- DropTargetAsync - `GtkDropTargetAsync` is an event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations, asynchronously.
- EditableLabel - A `GtkEditableLabel` is a label that allows users to edit the text by switching to an “edit mode”.
- EmojiChooser - The `GtkEmojiChooser` is used by text widgets such as `GtkEntry` or `GtkTextView` to let users insert Emoji characters.
- Entry - `GtkEntry` is a single line text entry widget.
- EntryBuffer - A `GtkEntryBuffer` hold the text displayed in a `GtkText` widget.
- EntryCompletion - `GtkEntryCompletion` is an auxiliary object to provide completion functionality for `GtkEntry`.
- EventController - `GtkEventController` is the base class for event controllers.
- EventControllerFocus - `GtkEventControllerFocus` is an event controller to keep track of keyboard focus.
- EventControllerKey - `GtkEventControllerKey` is an event controller that provides access to key events.
- EventControllerLegacy - `GtkEventControllerLegacy` is an event controller that provides raw access to the event stream.
- EventControllerMotion - `GtkEventControllerMotion` is an event controller tracking the pointer position.
- EventControllerScroll - `GtkEventControllerScroll` is an event controller that handles scroll events.
- EveryFilter - `GtkEveryFilter` matches an item when each of its filters matches.
- Expander - `GtkExpander` allows the user to reveal its child by clicking on an expander triangle.
- Expression - `GtkExpression` provides a way to describe references to values.
- ExpressionWatch - An opaque structure representing a watched `GtkExpression`.
- FileChooserDialog - `GtkFileChooserDialog` is a dialog suitable for use with “File Open” or “File Save” commands.
- FileChooserNative - `GtkFileChooserNative` is an abstraction of a dialog suitable for use with “File Open” or “File Save as” commands.
- FileChooserWidget - `GtkFileChooserWidget` is a widget for choosing files.
- FileDialog - A `GtkFileDialog` object collects the arguments that are needed to present a file chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
- FileFilter - `GtkFileFilter` filters files by name or mime type.
- FileLauncher - A `GtkFileLauncher` object collects the arguments that are needed to open a file with an application.
- Filter - A `GtkFilter` object describes the filtering to be performed by a [class@Gtk.
- FilterListModel - `GtkFilterListModel` is a list model that filters the elements of the underlying model according to a `GtkFilter`.
- Fixed - `GtkFixed` places its child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes.
- FixedLayout - `GtkFixedLayout` is a layout manager which can place child widgets at fixed positions.
- FixedLayoutChild - `GtkLayoutChild` subclass for children in a `GtkFixedLayout`.
- FlattenListModel - `GtkFlattenListModel` is a list model that concatenates other list models.
- FlowBox - A `GtkFlowBox` puts child widgets in reflowing grid.
- FlowBoxChild - `GtkFlowBoxChild` is the kind of widget that can be added to a `GtkFlowBox`.
- FontButton - The `GtkFontButton` allows to open a font chooser dialog to change the font.
- FontChooserDialog - The `GtkFontChooserDialog` widget is a dialog for selecting a font.
- FontChooserWidget - The `GtkFontChooserWidget` widget lets the user select a font.
- FontDialog - A `GtkFontDialog` object collects the arguments that are needed to present a font chooser dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
- FontDialogButton - The `GtkFontDialogButton` is wrapped around a [class@Gtk.
- Frame - `GtkFrame` is a widget that surrounds its child with a decorative frame and an optional label.
- GLArea - `GtkGLArea` is a widget that allows drawing with OpenGL.
- Gesture - `GtkGesture` is the base class for gesture recognition.
- GestureClick - `GtkGestureClick` is a `GtkGesture` implementation for clicks.
- GestureDrag - `GtkGestureDrag` is a `GtkGesture` implementation for drags.
- GestureLongPress - `GtkGestureLongPress` is a `GtkGesture` for long presses.
- GesturePan - `GtkGesturePan` is a `GtkGesture` for pan gestures.
- GestureRotate - `GtkGestureRotate` is a `GtkGesture` for 2-finger rotations.
- GestureSingle - `GtkGestureSingle` is a `GtkGestures` subclass optimized for singe-touch and mouse gestures.
- GestureStylus - `GtkGestureStylus` is a `GtkGesture` specific to stylus input.
- GestureSwipe - `GtkGestureSwipe` is a `GtkGesture` for swipe gestures.
- GestureZoom - `GtkGestureZoom` is a `GtkGesture` for 2-finger pinch/zoom gestures.
- GraphicsOffload - A widget that allows to bypass gsk rendering for its child by passing the content directly to the compositor.
- Grid - `GtkGrid` is a container which arranges its child widgets in rows and columns.
- GridLayout - `GtkGridLayout` is a layout manager which arranges child widgets in rows and columns.
- GridLayoutChild - `GtkLayoutChild` subclass for children in a `GtkGridLayout`.
- GridView - `GtkGridView` presents a large dynamic grid of items.
- HeaderBar - `GtkHeaderBar` is a widget for creating custom title bars for windows.
- IMContext - `GtkIMContext` defines the interface for GTK input methods.
- IMContextSimple - `GtkIMContextSimple` is an input method supporting table-based input methods.
- IMMulticontext - `GtkIMMulticontext` is an input method context supporting multiple, switchable input methods.
- IconPaintable - Contains information found when looking up an icon in `GtkIconTheme`.
- IconTheme - `GtkIconTheme` provides a facility for loading themed icons.
- IconView - `GtkIconView` is a widget which displays data in a grid of icons.
- Image - The `GtkImage` widget displays an image.
- InfoBar - `GtkInfoBar` can be used to show messages to the user without a dialog.
- Inscription - `GtkInscription` is a widget to show text in a predefined area.
- KeyvalTrigger - A `GtkShortcutTrigger` that triggers when a specific keyval and modifiers are pressed.
- Label - The `GtkLabel` widget displays a small amount of text.
- LayoutChild - `GtkLayoutChild` is the base class for objects that are meant to hold layout properties.
- LayoutManager - Layout managers are delegate classes that handle the preferred size and the allocation of a widget.
- LevelBar - `GtkLevelBar` is a widget that can be used as a level indicator.
- LinkButton - A `GtkLinkButton` is a button with a hyperlink.
- ListBase - `GtkListBase` is the abstract base class for GTK's list widgets.
- ListBox - `GtkListBox` is a vertical list.
- ListBoxRow - `GtkListBoxRow` is the kind of widget that can be added to a `GtkListBox`.
- ListHeader - `GtkListHeader` is used by list widgets to represent the headers they display.
- ListItem - `GtkListItem` is used by list widgets to represent items in a [iface@Gio.
- ListItemFactory - A `GtkListItemFactory` creates widgets for the items taken from a `GListModel`.
- ListStore - A list-like data structure that can be used with the [class@Gtk.
- ListView - `GtkListView` presents a large dynamic list of items.
- LockButton - `GtkLockButton` is a widget to obtain and revoke authorizations needed to operate the controls.
- MapListModel - A `GtkMapListModel` maps the items in a list model to different items.
- MediaControls - `GtkMediaControls` is a widget to show controls for a video.
- MediaFile - `GtkMediaFile` implements `GtkMediaStream` for files.
- MediaStream - `GtkMediaStream` is the integration point for media playback inside GTK.
- MenuButton - The `GtkMenuButton` widget is used to display a popup when clicked.
- MessageDialog - `GtkMessageDialog` presents a dialog with some message text.
- MnemonicAction - A `GtkShortcutAction` that calls mnemonic_activate.
- MnemonicTrigger - A `GtkShortcutTrigger` that triggers when a specific mnemonic is pressed.
- MountOperation - `GtkMountOperation` is an implementation of `GMountOperation`.
- MultiFilter - `GtkMultiFilter` is the base class for filters that combine multiple filters.
- MultiSelection - `GtkMultiSelection` is a `GtkSelectionModel` that allows selecting multiple elements.
- MultiSorter - `GtkMultiSorter` combines multiple sorters by trying them in turn.
- NamedAction - A `GtkShortcutAction` that activates an action by name.
- NativeDialog - Native dialogs are platform dialogs that don't use `GtkDialog`.
- NeverTrigger - A `GtkShortcutTrigger` that never triggers.
- NoSelection - `GtkNoSelection` is a `GtkSelectionModel` that does not allow selecting anything.
- Notebook - `GtkNotebook` is a container whose children are pages switched between using tabs.
- NotebookPage - `GtkNotebookPage` is an auxiliary object used by `GtkNotebook`.
- NothingAction - A `GtkShortcutAction` that does nothing.
- NumericSorter - `GtkNumericSorter` is a `GtkSorter` that compares numbers.
- ObjectExpression - A `GObject` value in a `GtkExpression`.
- Overlay - `GtkOverlay` is a container which contains a single main child, on top of which it can place “overlay” widgets.
- OverlayLayout - `GtkOverlayLayout` is the layout manager used by [class@Gtk.
- OverlayLayoutChild - `GtkLayoutChild` subclass for children in a `GtkOverlayLayout`.
- PadController - `GtkPadController` is an event controller for the pads found in drawing tablets.
- PageSetup - A `GtkPageSetup` object stores the page size, orientation and margins.
- Paned - A widget with two panes, arranged either horizontally or vertically.
- PaperSize - `GtkPaperSize` handles paper sizes.
- ParamSpecExpression - A `GParamSpec` for properties holding a `GtkExpression`.
- PasswordEntry - `GtkPasswordEntry` is an entry that has been tailored for entering secrets.
- PasswordEntryBuffer - A `GtkEntryBuffer` that locks the underlying memory to prevent it from being swapped to disk.
- Picture - The `GtkPicture` widget displays a `GdkPaintable`.
- Popover - `GtkPopover` is a bubble-like context popup.
- PopoverMenu - `GtkPopoverMenu` is a subclass of `GtkPopover` that implements menu behavior.
- PopoverMenuBar - `GtkPopoverMenuBar` presents a horizontal bar of items that pop up popover menus when clicked.
- PrintContext - A `GtkPrintContext` encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing.
- PrintDialog - A `GtkPrintDialog` object collects the arguments that are needed to present a print dialog to the user, such as a title for the dialog and whether it should be modal.
- PrintOperation - `GtkPrintOperation` is the high-level, portable printing API.
- PrintSettings - A `GtkPrintSettings` object represents the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way.
- PrintSetup - A `GtkPrintSetup` is an auxiliary object for printing that allows decoupling the setup from the printing.
- ProgressBar - `GtkProgressBar` is typically used to display the progress of a long running operation.
- PropertyExpression - A `GObject` property value in a `GtkExpression`.
- Range - `GtkRange` is the common base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment.
- RecentInfo - `GtkRecentInfo` contains the metadata associated with an item in the recently used files list.
- RecentManager - `GtkRecentManager` manages and looks up recently used files.
- Revealer - A `GtkRevealer` animates the transition of its child from invisible to visible.
- Scale - A `GtkScale` is a slider control used to select a numeric value.
- ScaleButton - `GtkScaleButton` provides a button which pops up a scale widget.
- ScrollInfo - The `GtkScrollInfo` can be used to provide more accurate data on how a scroll operation should be performed.
- Scrollbar - The `GtkScrollbar` widget is a horizontal or vertical scrollbar.
- ScrolledWindow - `GtkScrolledWindow` is a container that makes its child scrollable.
- SearchBar - `GtkSearchBar` is a container made to have a search entry.
- SearchEntry - `GtkSearchEntry` is an entry widget that has been tailored for use as a search entry.
- SelectionFilterModel - `GtkSelectionFilterModel` is a list model that presents the selection from a `GtkSelectionModel`.
- Separator - `GtkSeparator` is a horizontal or vertical separator widget.
- Settings - `GtkSettings` provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications.
- Shortcut - A `GtkShortcut` describes a keyboard shortcut.
- ShortcutAction - `GtkShortcutAction` encodes an action that can be triggered by a keyboard shortcut.
- ShortcutController - `GtkShortcutController` is an event controller that manages shortcuts.
- ShortcutLabel - `GtkShortcutLabel` displays a single keyboard shortcut or gesture.
- ShortcutTrigger - `GtkShortcutTrigger` tracks how a `GtkShortcut` should be activated.
- ShortcutsGroup - A `GtkShortcutsGroup` represents a group of related keyboard shortcuts or gestures.
- ShortcutsSection - A `GtkShortcutsSection` collects all the keyboard shortcuts and gestures for a major application mode.
- ShortcutsShortcut - A `GtkShortcutsShortcut` represents a single keyboard shortcut or gesture with a short text.
- ShortcutsWindow - A `GtkShortcutsWindow` shows information about the keyboard shortcuts and gestures of an application.
- SignalAction - A `GtkShortcut`Action that emits a signal.
- SignalListItemFactory - `GtkSignalListItemFactory` is a `GtkListItemFactory` that emits signals to manage listitems.
- SingleSelection - `GtkSingleSelection` is a `GtkSelectionModel` that allows selecting a single item.
- SizeGroup - `GtkSizeGroup` groups widgets together so they all request the same size.
- SliceListModel - `GtkSliceListModel` is a list model that presents a slice of another model.
- Snapshot - `GtkSnapshot` assists in creating [class@Gsk.
- SortListModel - A `GListModel` that sorts the elements of an underlying model according to a `GtkSorter`.
- Sorter - `GtkSorter` is an object to describe sorting criteria.
- SpinButton - A `GtkSpinButton` is an ideal way to allow the user to set the value of some attribute.
- Spinner - A `GtkSpinner` widget displays an icon-size spinning animation.
- Stack - `GtkStack` is a container which only shows one of its children at a time.
- StackPage - `GtkStackPage` is an auxiliary class used by `GtkStack`.
- StackSidebar - A `GtkStackSidebar` uses a sidebar to switch between `GtkStack` pages.
- StackSwitcher - The `GtkStackSwitcher` shows a row of buttons to switch between `GtkStack` pages.
- Statusbar - A `GtkStatusbar` widget is usually placed along the bottom of an application's main [class@Gtk.
- StringFilter - `GtkStringFilter` determines whether to include items by comparing strings to a fixed search term.
- StringList - `GtkStringList` is a list model that wraps an array of strings.
- StringObject - `GtkStringObject` is the type of items in a `GtkStringList`.
- StringSorter - `GtkStringSorter` is a `GtkSorter` that compares strings.
- StyleContext - `GtkStyleContext` stores styling information affecting a widget.
- Switch - `GtkSwitch` is a "light switch" that has two states: on or off.
- Text - The `GtkText` widget is a single-line text entry widget.
- TextBuffer - Stores text and attributes for display in a `GtkTextView`.
- TextChildAnchor - A `GtkTextChildAnchor` is a spot in a `GtkTextBuffer` where child widgets can be “anchored”.
- TextMark - A `GtkTextMark` is a position in a `GtkTextbuffer` that is preserved across modifications.
- TextTag - A tag that can be applied to text contained in a `GtkTextBuffer`.
- TextTagTable - The collection of tags in a `GtkTextBuffer`
- TextView - A widget that displays the contents of a [ class@Gtk.
- ToggleButton - A `GtkToggleButton` is a button which remains “pressed-in” when clicked.
- Tooltip - `GtkTooltip` is an object representing a widget tooltip.
- TreeExpander - `GtkTreeExpander` is a widget that provides an expander for a list.
- TreeListModel - `GtkTreeListModel` is a list model that can create child models on demand.
- TreeListRow - `GtkTreeListRow` is used by `GtkTreeListModel` to represent items.
- TreeListRowSorter - `GtkTreeListRowSorter` is a special-purpose sorter that will apply a given sorter to the levels in a tree.
- TreeModelFilter - A `GtkTreeModel` which hides parts of an underlying tree model
- TreeModelSort - A GtkTreeModel which makes an underlying tree model sortable
- TreePath - An opaque structure representing a path to a row in a model.
- TreeRowReference - A GtkTreeRowReference tracks model changes so that it always refers to the same row (a `GtkTreePath` refers to a position, not a fixed row).
- TreeSelection - The selection object for GtkTreeView
- TreeStore - A tree-like data structure that can be used with the [class@Gtk.
- TreeView - A widget for displaying both trees and lists
- TreeViewColumn - A visible column in a [class@Gtk.
- UriLauncher - A `GtkUriLauncher` object collects the arguments that are needed to open a uri with an application.
- Video - `GtkVideo` is a widget to show a `GtkMediaStream` with media controls.
- Viewport - `GtkViewport` implements scrollability for widgets that lack their own scrolling capabilities.
- VolumeButton - `GtkVolumeButton` is a `GtkScaleButton` subclass tailored for volume control.
- Widget - The base class for all widgets.
- WidgetPaintable - `GtkWidgetPaintable` is a `GdkPaintable` that displays the contents of a widget.
- Window - A `GtkWindow` is a toplevel window which can contain other widgets.
- WindowControls - `GtkWindowControls` shows window frame controls.
- WindowGroup - `GtkWindowGroup` makes group of windows behave like separate applications.
- WindowHandle - `GtkWindowHandle` is a titlebar area widget.
- AccessibleTextRange - A range inside the text of an accessible object.
- Allocation - The rectangle representing the area allocated for a widget by its parent.
- BitsetIter - An opaque, stack-allocated struct for iterating over the elements of a `GtkBitset`.
- Border - A struct that specifies a border around a rectangular area.
- BuildableParser - A sub-parser for `GtkBuildable` implementations.
- CssLocation
- PadActionEntry - Struct defining a pad action entry.
- PageRange - A range of pages to print.
- RecentData - Meta-data to be passed to add_full when registering a recently used resource.
- RequestedSize - Represents a request of a screen object in a given orientation.
- Requisition - A `GtkRequisition` represents the desired size of a widget.
- TextIter - An iterator for the contents of a `GtkTextBuffer`.
- TreeIter - The `GtkTreeIter` is the primary structure for accessing a `GtkTreeModel`.
- AccessibleAnnouncementPriority - The priority of an accessibility announcement.
- AccessibleAutocomplete - The possible values for the gtk_accessible_property_autocomplete accessible property.
- AccessibleInvalidState - The possible values for the gtk_accessible_state_invalid accessible state.
- AccessiblePlatformState - The various platform states which can be queried using [method@Gtk.
- AccessibleProperty - The possible accessible properties of a [iface@Accessible].
- AccessibleRelation - The possible accessible relations of a [iface@Accessible].
- AccessibleRole - The accessible role for a [ iface@Accessible] implementation.
- AccessibleSort - The possible values for the gtk_accessible_property_sort accessible property.
- AccessibleState - The possible accessible states of a [iface@Accessible].
- AccessibleTextContentChange - The type of contents change operation.
- AccessibleTextGranularity - The granularity for queries about the text contents of a [iface@Gtk.
- AccessibleTristate - The possible values for the gtk_accessible_state_pressed accessible state.
- Align - Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single dimension.
- ApplicationInhibitFlags - Types of user actions that may be blocked by `GtkApplication`.
- ArrowType - Used to indicate the direction in which an arrow should point.
- AssistantPageType - Determines the page role inside a `GtkAssistant`.
- BaselinePosition - Baseline position in a row of widgets.
- BorderStyle - Describes how the border of a UI element should be rendered.
- BuilderClosureFlags - The list of flags that can be passed to create_closure.
- ButtonsType - Prebuilt sets of buttons for `GtkDialog`.
- CellRendererAccelMode - The available modes for [property@Gtk.
- CellRendererMode - Identifies how the user can interact with a particular cell.
- CellRendererState - Tells how a cell is to be rendered.
- Collation - Describes how a [class@Gtk.
- ConstraintAttribute - The widget attributes that can be used when creating a [class@Constraint].
- ConstraintRelation - The relation between two terms of a constraint.
- ConstraintStrength - The strength of a constraint, expressed as a symbolic constant.
- ContentFit - Controls how a content should be made to fit inside an allocation.
- CornerType - Specifies which corner a child widget should be placed in when packed into a `GtkScrolledWindow.
- CssParserWarning - Warnings that can occur while parsing CSS.
- DebugFlags - Flags to use with set_debug_flags.
- DeleteType - Passed to various keybinding signals for deleting text.
- DialogFlags - Flags used to influence dialog construction.
- DirectionType - Focus movement types.
- EditableProperties - The identifiers for [ iface@Gtk.
- EntryIconPosition - Specifies the side of the entry at which an icon is placed.
- EventControllerScrollFlags - Describes the behavior of a `GtkEventControllerScroll`.
- EventSequenceState - Describes the state of a [ struct@Gdk.
- FileChooserAction - Describes whether a `GtkFileChooser` is being used to open existing files or to save to a possibly new file.
- FilterChange - Describes changes in a filter in more detail and allows objects using the filter to optimize refiltering items.
- FilterMatch - Describes the known strictness of a filter.
- FontChooserLevel - Specifies the granularity of font selection that is desired in a `GtkFontChooser`.
- FontLevel - The level of granularity for the font selection.
- GraphicsOffloadEnabled - Represents the state of graphics offlodading.
- IconLookupFlags - Used to specify options for lookup_icon.
- IconSize - Built-in icon sizes.
- IconViewDropPosition - An enum for determining where a dropped item goes.
- ImageType - Describes the image data representation used by a [class@Gtk.
- InputHints - Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications.
- InputPurpose - Describes primary purpose of the input widget.
- InscriptionOverflow - The different methods to handle text in Inscription when it doesn't fit the available space.
- Justification - Used for justifying the text inside a [class@Label] widget.
- LevelBarMode - Describes how [class@LevelBar] contents should be rendered.
- License - The type of license for an application.
- ListScrollFlags - List of actions to perform when scrolling to items in a list widget.
- ListTabBehavior - Used to configure the focus behavior in the `GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD` and `GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD` direction, like the <kbd>Tab</kbd> key in a [class@Gtk.
- MessageType - The type of message being displayed in a [class@MessageDialog].
- MovementStep - Passed as argument to various keybinding signals for moving the cursor position.
- NaturalWrapMode - Options for selecting a different wrap mode for natural size requests.
- NotebookTab - The parameter used in the action signals of `GtkNotebook`.
- NumberUpLayout - Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple pages per sheet.
- Ordering - Describes the way two values can be compared.
- Orientation - Represents the orientation of widgets and other objects.
- Overflow - Defines how content overflowing a given area should be handled.
- PackType - Represents the packing location of a children in its parent.
- PadActionType - The type of a pad action.
- PageOrientation - See also set_orientation.
- PageSet - See also
. - PanDirection - Describes the panning direction of a [ class@GesturePan].
- PickFlags - Flags that influence the behavior of [ method@Widget.
- PolicyType - Determines how the size should be computed to achieve the one of the visibility mode for the scrollbars.
- PopoverMenuFlags - Flags that affect how [ class@Gtk.
- PositionType - Describes which edge of a widget a certain feature is positioned at.
- PrintDuplex - See also set_duplex.
- PrintOperationAction - Determines what action the print operation should perform.
- PrintOperationResult - The result of a print operation.
- PrintPages - See also
- PrintQuality - See also set_quality.
- PrintStatus - The status gives a rough indication of the completion of a running print operation.
- PropagationLimit - Describes limits of a [ class@EventController] for handling events targeting other widgets.
- PropagationPhase - Describes the stage at which events are fed into a [class@EventController].
- ResponseType - Predefined values for use as response ids in add_button.
- RevealerTransitionType - These enumeration values describe the possible transitions when the child of a `GtkRevealer` widget is shown or hidden.
- ScrollStep - Passed as argument to various keybinding signals.
- ScrollType - Scrolling types.
- ScrollablePolicy - Defines the policy to be used in a scrollable widget when updating the scrolled window adjustments in a given orientation.
- SelectionMode - Used to control what selections users are allowed to make.
- SensitivityType - Determines how GTK handles the sensitivity of various controls, such as combo box buttons.
- ShortcutActionFlags - List of flags that can be passed to action activation.
- ShortcutScope - Describes where [class@Shortcut]s added to a [class@ShortcutController] get handled.
- ShortcutType - GtkShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described.
- SizeGroupMode - The mode of the size group determines the directions in which the size group affects the requested sizes of its component widgets.
- SizeRequestMode - Specifies a preference for height-for-width or width-for-height geometry management.
- SortType - Determines the direction of a sort.
- SorterChange - Describes changes in a sorter in more detail and allows users to optimize resorting.
- SorterOrder - Describes the type of order that a `GtkSorter` may produce.
- SpinButtonUpdatePolicy - Determines whether the spin button displays values outside the adjustment bounds.
- SpinType - The values of the GtkSpinType enumeration are used to specify the change to make in spin.
- StackTransitionType - Possible transitions between pages in a `GtkStack` widget.
- StateFlags - Describes a widget state.
- StringFilterMatchMode - Specifies how search strings are matched inside text.
- StyleContextPrintFlags - Flags that modify the behavior of to_string.
- SymbolicColor - The indexes of colors passed to symbolic color rendering, such as [vfunc@Gtk.
- SystemSetting - Values that can be passed to the [ vfunc@Gtk.
- TextDirection - Reading directions for text.
- TextExtendSelection - Granularity types that extend the text selection.
- TextSearchFlags - Flags affecting how a search is done.
- TextViewLayer - Used to reference the layers of
`GtkTextView` for the purpose of customized drawing with the
vfunc. - TextWindowType - Used to reference the parts of `GtkTextView`.
- TreeModelFlags - These flags indicate various properties of a `GtkTreeModel`.
- TreeViewColumnSizing - The sizing method the column uses to determine its width.
- TreeViewDropPosition - An enum for determining where a dropped row goes.
- TreeViewGridLines - Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view.
- Unit - See also set_paper_width.
- WrapMode - Describes a type of line wrapping.
- BuilderError - Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using `GtkBuilder`.
- ConstraintVflParserError - Domain for VFL parsing errors.
- CssParserError - Errors that can occur while parsing CSS.
- DialogError - Error codes in the `GTK_DIALOG_ERROR` domain that can be returned by async dialog functions.
- FileChooserError - These identify the various errors that can occur while calling `GtkFileChooser` functions.
- IconThemeError - Error codes for `GtkIconTheme` operations.
- PrintError - Error codes that identify various errors that can occur while using the GTK printing support.
- RecentManagerError - Error codes for `GtkRecentManager` operations
An attribute for the background color, expressed as an RGB value encoded in a string using the format: `{r8},{g8},{b8}`.
An attribute for the font family name.
An attribute for the foreground color, expressed as an RGB value encoded in a string using the format: `{r8},{g8},{b8}`.
An attribute for the overline style.
The "none" overline value for [const@Gtk.
The "single" overline value for [const@Gtk.
- public const string ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE
An attribute for the font size, expressed in points.
An attribute for the font stretch type.
The "condensed" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "expanded" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "extra condensed" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "extra expanded" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "normal" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "semi condensed" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "semi expanded" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "ultra condensed" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
The "ultra expanded" stretch value for [const@Gtk.
An attribute for strikethrough text.
- public const string ACCESSIBLE_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE
An attribute for the font style.
The "italic" style value for [const@Gtk.
The "normal" style value for [const@Gtk.
The "oblique" style value for [const@Gtk.
An attribute for the underline style.
The "double" underline value for [const@Gtk.
The "error" underline value for [const@Gtk.
The "none" underline value for [const@Gtk.
The "single" underline value for [const@Gtk.
An attribute for the font variant.
The "all petite caps" variant value for [const@Gtk.
The "all small caps" variant value for [const@Gtk.
The "petite caps" variant value for [const@Gtk.
The "small caps" variant value for [const@Gtk.
The "title caps" variant value for [const@Gtk.
The "unicase" variant value for [const@Gtk.
An attribute for the font weight.
An undefined value.
- public const int BINARY_AGE
Like [func@get_binary_age], but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const string IM_MODULE_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME
- public const int INPUT_ERROR
Constant to return from a signal handler for the
signal in case of conversion failure. - public const int INTERFACE_AGE
Like [func@get_interface_age], but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const uint INVALID_LIST_POSITION
The value used to refer to a guaranteed invalid position in a `GListModel`.
- public const string LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_FULL
The name used for the stock full offset included by `GtkLevelBar`.
- public const string LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_HIGH
The name used for the stock high offset included by `GtkLevelBar`.
- public const string LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_LOW
The name used for the stock low offset included by `GtkLevelBar`.
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Like [func@get_major_version], but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MAX_COMPOSE_LEN
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Like [func@get_micro_version], but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Like [func@get_minor_version], but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_A3
Name for the A3 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_A4
Name for the A4 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_A5
Name for the A5 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_B5
Name for the B5 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE
Name for the Executive paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_LEGAL
Name for the Legal paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_LETTER
Name for the Letter paper size.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_COLLATE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_DITHER
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_DUPLEX
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_FINISHINGS
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_MEDIA_TYPE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_NUMBER_UP
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_N_COPIES
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_ORIENTATION
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the file name of the output without the path to the directory and the file extension.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BIN
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_DIR
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the directory to which the output should be written.
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the format of the output.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_URI
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the URI to which the output should be written.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAGE_RANGES
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAGE_SET
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_FORMAT
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_HEIGHT
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_WIDTH
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER_LPI
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINT_PAGES
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_QUALITY
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION_X
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION_Y
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_REVERSE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_SCALE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_USE_COLOR
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_WIN32_DRIVER_EXTRA
- public const int PRIORITY_RESIZE
Use this priority for functionality related to size allocation.
A priority that can be used when adding a `GtkStyleProvider` for application-specific style information.
The priority used for default style information that is used in the absence of themes.
The priority used for style information provided via `GtkSettings`.
The priority used for style information provided by themes.
The priority used for the style information from `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-4.0/gtk.
The priority at which the text view validates onscreen lines in an idle job in the background.
Uses the default sort function in a [iface@Gtk.
Disables sorting in a [iface@Gtk.
- public delegate int AssistantPageFunc (int current_page)
Type of callback used to calculate the next page in a `GtkAssistant`.
- public delegate void BuildableParserEndElementFunc (BuildableParseContext context, string element_name) throws Error
- public delegate void BuildableParserErrorFunc (BuildableParseContext context, Error error)
- public delegate void BuildableParserStartElementFunc (BuildableParseContext context, string element_name, string[] attribute_names, string[] attribute_values) throws Error
- public delegate void BuildableParserTextFunc (BuildableParseContext context, string text, size_t text_len) throws Error
- public delegate bool CellAllocCallback (CellRenderer renderer, Rectangle cell_area, Rectangle cell_background)
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell renderers and their allocated areas inside a `GtkCellArea`, see foreach_alloc.
- public delegate bool CellCallback (CellRenderer renderer)
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell renderers of a `GtkCellArea`, see @foreach.
- public delegate void CellLayoutDataFunc (CellLayout cell_layout, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel tree_model, TreeIter iter)
A function which should set the value of
’s cell renderer(s) as appropriate. - public delegate void CustomAllocateFunc (Widget widget, int width, int height, int baseline)
A function to be used by `GtkCustomLayout` to allocate a widget.
- public delegate bool CustomFilterFunc (Object item)
User function that is called to determine if the
should be matched. - public delegate void CustomMeasureFunc (Widget widget, Orientation orientation, int for_size, out int minimum, out int natural, out int minimum_baseline, out int natural_baseline)
A function to be used by `GtkCustomLayout` to measure a widget.
- public delegate SizeRequestMode CustomRequestModeFunc (Widget widget)
Queries a widget for its preferred size request mode.
- public delegate void DrawingAreaDrawFunc (DrawingArea drawing_area, Context cr, int width, int height)
needs to redraw, this function will be called. - public delegate bool EntryCompletionMatchFunc (EntryCompletion completion, string key, TreeIter iter)
A function which decides whether the row indicated by
matches a givenkey
, and should be displayed as a possible completion forkey
. - public delegate void ExpressionNotify ()
Callback called by watch when the expression value changes.
- public delegate Widget FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc (Object item)
Called for flow boxes that are bound to a `GListModel`.
- public delegate bool FlowBoxFilterFunc (FlowBoxChild child)
A function that will be called whenever a child changes or is added.
- public delegate void FlowBoxForeachFunc (FlowBox box, FlowBoxChild child)
A function used by selected_foreach.
- public delegate int FlowBoxSortFunc (FlowBoxChild child1, FlowBoxChild child2)
A function to compare two children to determine which should come first.
- public delegate bool FontFilterFunc (FontFamily family, FontFace face)
The type of function that is used for deciding what fonts get shown in a `GtkFontChooser`.
- public delegate void IconViewForeachFunc (IconView icon_view, TreePath path)
A function used by selected_foreach to map all selected rows.
- public delegate Widget ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc (Object item)
Called for list boxes that are bound to a `GListModel` with bind_model for each item that gets added to the model.
- public delegate bool ListBoxFilterFunc (ListBoxRow row)
Will be called whenever the row changes or is added and lets you control if the row should be visible or not.
- public delegate void ListBoxForeachFunc (ListBox box, ListBoxRow row)
A function used by selected_foreach.
- public delegate int ListBoxSortFunc (ListBoxRow row1, ListBoxRow row2)
Compare two rows to determine which should be first.
- public delegate void ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc (ListBoxRow row, ListBoxRow? before)
changes or which row is beforerow
changes this is called, which lets you update the header onrow
. - public delegate Object MapListModelMapFunc (owned Object item)
User function that is called to map an
of the original model to an item expected by the map model. - public delegate void MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc (MenuButton menu_button)
User-provided callback function to create a popup for a `GtkMenuButton` on demand.
- public delegate void PageSetupDoneFunc (PageSetup page_setup)
The type of function that is passed to print_run_page_setup_dialog_async.
- public delegate void PrintSettingsFunc (string key, string value)
- public delegate string ScaleFormatValueFunc (Scale scale, double value)
- public delegate bool ShortcutFunc (Widget widget, Variant? args)
Prototype for shortcuts based on user callbacks.
- public delegate bool TextCharPredicate (unichar ch)
The predicate function used by forward_find_char and backward_find_char.
- public delegate void TextTagTableForeach (TextTag tag)
A function used with @foreach, to iterate over every `GtkTextTag` inside a `GtkTextTagTable`.
- public delegate bool TickCallback (Widget widget, FrameClock frame_clock)
Callback type for adding a function to update animations.
- public delegate void TreeCellDataFunc (TreeViewColumn tree_column, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel tree_model, TreeIter iter)
A function to set the properties of a cell instead of just using the straight mapping between the cell and the model.
- public delegate int TreeIterCompareFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter a, TreeIter b)
A GtkTreeIterCompareFunc should return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if
sorts beforeb
sorts withb
, ora
sorts afterb
respectively. - public delegate ListModel? TreeListModelCreateModelFunc (Object item)
Prototype of the function called to create new child models when set_expanded is called.
- public delegate void TreeModelFilterModifyFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter, out Value value, int column)
A function which calculates display values from raw values in the model.
- public delegate bool TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
A function which decides whether the row indicated by
is visible. - public delegate bool TreeModelForeachFunc (TreeModel model, TreePath path, TreeIter iter)
Type of the callback passed to @foreach to iterate over the rows in a tree model.
- public delegate void TreeSelectionForeachFunc (TreeModel model, TreePath path, TreeIter iter)
A function used by selected_foreach to map all selected rows.
- public delegate bool TreeSelectionFunc (TreeSelection selection, TreeModel model, TreePath path, bool path_currently_selected)
A function used by set_select_function to filter whether or not a row may be selected.
- public delegate bool TreeViewColumnDropFunc (TreeView tree_view, TreeViewColumn column, TreeViewColumn prev_column, TreeViewColumn next_column)
Function type for determining whether
can be dropped in a particular spot (as determined byprev_column
). - public delegate void TreeViewMappingFunc (TreeView tree_view, TreePath path)
Function used for map_expanded_rows.
- public delegate bool TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
Function type for determining whether the row pointed to by
should be rendered as a separator. - public delegate bool TreeViewSearchEqualFunc (TreeModel model, int column, string key, TreeIter iter)
A function used for checking whether a row in
matches a search key string entered by the user. - public delegate void WidgetActionActivateFunc (Widget widget, string action_name, Variant? parameter)
The type of the callback functions used for activating actions installed with install_action.
- public ModifierType accelerator_get_default_mod_mask ()
Gets the modifier mask.
- public string accelerator_get_label (uint accelerator_key, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string which can be used to represent the accelerator to the user.
- public string accelerator_get_label_with_keycode (Display? display, uint accelerator_key, uint keycode, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string that can be displayed to the user.
- public string accelerator_name (uint accelerator_key, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by accelerator_parse.
- public string accelerator_name_with_keycode (Display? display, uint accelerator_key, uint keycode, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string parseable by accelerator_parse_with_keycode.
- public bool accelerator_parse (string accelerator, out uint accelerator_key, out ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Parses a string representing an accelerator.
- public bool accelerator_parse_with_keycode (string accelerator, Display? display, out uint accelerator_key, out uint[] accelerator_codes, out ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Parses a string representing an accelerator.
- public bool accelerator_valid (uint keyval, ModifierType modifiers)
Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid keyboard accelerator.
- public void accessible_property_init_value (AccessibleProperty property, Value value)
- public void accessible_relation_init_value (AccessibleRelation relation, Value value)
- public void accessible_state_init_value (AccessibleState state, Value value)
- public bool bitset_iter_init_at (out BitsetIter iter, Bitset @set, uint target, out uint value)
- public bool bitset_iter_init_first (out BitsetIter iter, Bitset @set, out uint value)
- public bool bitset_iter_init_last (out BitsetIter iter, Bitset @set, out uint value)
- public Quark builder_error_quark ()
- public unowned string? check_version (uint required_major, uint required_minor, uint required_micro)
Checks that the GTK library in use is compatible with the given version.
- public Quark constraint_vfl_parser_error_quark ()
- public Quark dialog_error_quark ()
- public void disable_setlocale ()
Prevents [func@Gtk.
- public int distribute_natural_allocation (int extra_space, RequestedSize[] sizes)
to childsizes
by bringing smaller children up to natural size first. - public bool drag_check_threshold (Widget widget, int start_x, int start_y, int current_x, int current_y)
Checks to see if a drag movement has passed the GTK drag threshold.
- public Quark file_chooser_error_quark ()
- public uint get_binary_age ()
Returns the binary age as passed to `libtool`.
- public DebugFlags get_debug_flags ()
Returns the GTK debug flags that are currently active.
- public unowned Language get_default_language ()
Returns the `PangoLanguage` for the default language currently in effect.
- public uint get_interface_age ()
Returns the interface age as passed to `libtool`.
- public TextDirection get_locale_direction ()
Get the direction of the current locale.
- public uint get_major_version ()
Returns the major version number of the GTK library.
- public uint get_micro_version ()
Returns the micro version number of the GTK library.
- public uint get_minor_version ()
Returns the minor version number of the GTK library.
- public void hsv_to_rgb (float h, float s, float v, out float r, out float g, out float b)
Converts a color from HSV space to RGB.
- public Quark icon_theme_error_quark ()
- public void init ()
Call this function before using any other GTK functions in your GUI applications.
- public bool init_check ()
This function does the same work as init with only a single change: It does not terminate the program if the windowing system can’t be initialized.
- public bool is_initialized ()
Use this function to check if GTK has been initialized.
- public unowned Native? native_get_for_surface (Surface surface)
- public Ordering ordering_from_cmpfunc (int cmpfunc_result)
- public unowned string paper_size_get_default ()
Returns the name of the default paper size, which depends on the current locale.
- public List<PaperSize> paper_size_get_paper_sizes (bool include_custom)
Creates a list of known paper sizes.
- public Quark print_error_quark ()
- public PageSetup print_run_page_setup_dialog (Window? parent, PageSetup? page_setup, PrintSettings settings)
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from
. - public void print_run_page_setup_dialog_async (Window? parent, PageSetup? page_setup, PrintSettings settings, PageSetupDoneFunc done_cb)
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from
. - public Quark recent_manager_error_quark ()
- public void rgb_to_hsv (float r, float g, float b, out float h, out float s, out float v)
Converts a color from RGB space to HSV.
- public void set_debug_flags (DebugFlags flags)
Sets the GTK debug flags.
- public void show_about_dialog (Window? parent, ...)
A convenience function for showing an application’s about dialog.
- public void show_uri (Window? parent, string uri, uint32 timestamp)
This function launches the default application for showing a given uri, or shows an error dialog if that fails.
- public void test_accessible_assertion_message_role (string domain, string file, int line, string func, string expr, Accessible accessible, AccessibleRole expected_role, AccessibleRole actual_role)
- public bool test_accessible_has_property (Accessible accessible, AccessibleProperty property)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible` has
set. - public bool test_accessible_has_relation (Accessible accessible, AccessibleRelation relation)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible` has
set. - public bool test_accessible_has_role (Accessible accessible, AccessibleRole role)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible:accessible-role` of the accessible is
. - public bool test_accessible_has_state (Accessible accessible, AccessibleState state)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible` has
set. - public void test_init (ref unowned string[] argvp, ...)
This function is used to initialize a GTK test program.
- public unowned Type[] test_list_all_types ()
Return the type ids that have been registered after calling test_register_all_types.
- public void test_register_all_types ()
Force registration of all core GTK object types.
- public void test_widget_wait_for_draw (Widget widget)
Enters the main loop and waits for
to be “drawn”. - public ContentProvider tree_create_row_drag_content (TreeModel tree_model, TreePath path)
Creates a content provider for dragging
. - public bool tree_get_row_drag_data (Value value, out unowned TreeModel? tree_model, out TreePath? path)
Obtains a
from value of target type gtk_type_tree_row_data. - public void tree_row_reference_deleted (Object proxy, TreePath path)
Lets a set of row reference created by TreeRowReference.proxy know that the model emitted the
signal. - public void tree_row_reference_inserted (Object proxy, TreePath path)
Lets a set of row reference created by TreeRowReference.proxy know that the model emitted the
signal. - public Expression? value_dup_expression (Value value)
Retrieves the `GtkExpression` stored inside the given `value`, and acquires a reference to it.
- public unowned Expression? value_get_expression (ref Value value)
Retrieves the `GtkExpression` stored inside the given `value`.
- public void value_set_expression (ref Value value, Expression expression)
Stores the given `GtkExpression` inside `value`.
- public void value_take_expression (ref Value value, owned Expression? expression)
Stores the given `GtkExpression` inside `value`.