
Object Hierarchy:

Gsk.Path Gsk.Path Gsk.Path


[ CCode ( ref_function = "gsk_path_ref" , type_id = "gsk_path_get_type ()" , unref_function = "gsk_path_unref" ) ]
[ Compact ]
[ Version ( since = "4.14" ) ]
public class Path

A `GskPath` describes lines and curves that are more complex than simple rectangles.

Paths can used for rendering (filling or stroking) and for animations (e.g. as trajectories).

`GskPath` is an immutable, opaque, reference-counted struct. After creation, you cannot change the types it represents. Instead, new `GskPath` objects have to be created. The [struct@Gsk.PathBuilder] structure is meant to help in this endeavor.

Conceptually, a path consists of zero or more contours (continuous, connected curves), each of which may or may not be closed. Contours are typically constructed from Bézier segments.

<picture> <source srcset="path-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img alt="A Path" src="path-light.png"> < /picture>

Namespace: Gsk
Package: gtk4


Static methods:
