
Object Hierarchy:

Gtk.ColumnViewSorter Gtk.ColumnViewSorter Gtk.ColumnViewSorter Gtk.Sorter Gtk.Sorter Gtk.Sorter->Gtk.ColumnViewSorter GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->Gtk.Sorter


[ CCode ( type_id = "gtk_column_view_sorter_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "4.10" ) ]
public sealed class ColumnViewSorter : Sorter

`GtkColumnViewSorter` is a sorter implementation that is geared towards the needs of `GtkColumnView`.

The sorter returned by [method@Gtk.ColumnView.get_sorter] is a `GtkColumnViewSorter`.

In column views, sorting can be configured by associating sorters with columns, and users can invert sort order by clicking on column headers. The API of `GtkColumnViewSorter` is designed to allow saving and restoring this configuration.

If you are only interested in the primary sort column (i.e. the column where a sort indicator is shown in the header), then you can just look at [property@Gtk.ColumnViewSorter:primary-sort-column] and [property@Gtk.ColumnViewSorter:primary-sort-order].

If you want to store the full sort configuration, including secondary sort columns that are used for tie breaking, then you can use [ method@Gtk.ColumnViewSorter.get_nth_sort_column]. To get notified about changes, use [signal@Gtk.Sorter:GtkColumnViewSorter:changed ].

To restore a saved sort configuration on a `GtkColumnView`, use code like:

``` sorter = gtk_column_view_get_sorter (view); for (i = gtk_column_view_sorter_get_n_sort_columns (sorter) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { column = gtk_column_view_sorter_get_nth_sort_column (sorter, i, &order); gtk_column_view_sort_by_column (view, column, order); } ```

Namespace: Gtk
Package: gtk4



Creation methods:


Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class Gtk.Sorter