
Object Hierarchy:

Gdk.DmabufFormats Gdk.DmabufFormats Gdk.DmabufFormats


[ CCode ( ref_function = "gdk_dmabuf_formats_ref" , type_id = "gdk_dmabuf_formats_get_type ()" , unref_function = "gdk_dmabuf_formats_unref" ) ]
[ Compact ]
[ Version ( since = "4.14" ) ]
public class DmabufFormats

The `GdkDmabufFormats` struct provides information about supported DMA buffer formats.

You can query whether a given format is supported with [method@Gdk.DmabufFormats.contains] and you can iterate over the list of all supported formats with [method@Gdk.DmabufFormats.get_n_formats] and [method@Gdk.DmabufFormats.get_format].

The list of supported formats is sorted by preference, with the best formats coming first.

The list may contains (format, modifier) pairs where the modifier is `DMA_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID`, indicating that **_implicit modifiers_** may be used with this format.

See [class@Gdk.DmabufTextureBuilder] for more information about DMA buffers.

Note that DMA buffers only exist on Linux.

Namespace: Gdk
Package: gtk4

