Object Hierarchy:
[ Version ( deprecated = true , deprecated_since = "4.10" ) ]
public sealed class CellRendererSpin : CellRendererText
Warning: CellRendererSpin is deprecated since 4.10.
Renders a spin button in a cell
List views use widgets to display their contents. You should use [class@Gtk.SpinButton] instead
`GtkCellRendererSpin` renders text in a cell like `GtkCellRendererText` from which it is derived. But while `GtkCellRendererText` offers a simple entry to edit the text, `GtkCellRendererSpin` offers a `GtkSpinButton` widget. Of course, that means that the text has to be parseable as a floating point number.
The range of the spinbutton is taken from the adjustment property of the cell renderer, which can be set explicitly or mapped to a column in
the tree model, like all properties of cell renders. `GtkCellRendererSpin` also has properties for the `GtkCellRendererSpin:climb-rate` and the
number of `GtkCellRendererSpin:digits` to display. Other `GtkSpinButton` properties can be set in a handler for the `GtkCellRenderer:
` signal.