Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "dzl_application_window_get_type ()" ) ]
public class ApplicationWindow : ApplicationWindow, Implementor, ActionGroup, ActionMap, Buildable
public class ApplicationWindow : ApplicationWindow, Implementor, ActionGroup, ActionMap, Buildable
Namespace: Dazzle
Package: libdazzle-1.0
- public bool fullscreen { get; set; }
The "fullscreen" property denotes if the window is in the fullscreen state.
- public TitlebarAnimation titlebar_animation { get; }
Creation methods:
- protected ApplicationWindow ()
- public virtual bool get_fullscreen ()
Gets if the window is in the fullscreen state.
- public unowned Widget get_titlebar ()
Gets the titlebar for the window, if there is one.
- public TitlebarAnimation get_titlebar_animation ()
- public virtual void set_fullscreen (bool fullscreen)
Sets the ApplicationWindow into either the fullscreen or unfullscreen state based on
. - public void set_titlebar (Widget titlebar)
Sets the titlebar for the window.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Gtk.ApplicationWindow
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Window
- accept_focus
- activate_default
- activate_focus
- activate_key
- add_accel_group
- add_mnemonic
- application
- attached_to
- begin_move_drag
- begin_resize_drag
- close
- decorated
- default_height
- default_width
- deiconify
- deletable
- destroy_with_parent
- enable_debugging
- focus_on_map
- focus_visible
- fullscreen
- fullscreen_on_monitor
- get_accept_focus
- get_application
- get_attached_to
- get_decorated
- get_default_icon_list
- get_default_icon_name
- get_default_size
- get_default_widget
- get_deletable
- get_destroy_with_parent
- get_focus
- get_focus_on_map
- get_focus_visible
- get_gravity
- get_group
- get_has_resize_grip
- get_hide_titlebar_when_maximized
- get_icon
- get_icon_list
- get_icon_name
- get_mnemonic_modifier
- get_mnemonics_visible
- get_modal
- get_opacity
- get_position
- get_resizable
- get_resize_grip_area
- get_role
- get_screen
- get_size
- get_skip_pager_hint
- get_skip_taskbar_hint
- get_title
- get_titlebar
- get_transient_for
- get_type_hint
- get_urgency_hint
- get_window_type
- gravity
- has_group
- has_resize_grip
- has_toplevel_focus
- hide_titlebar_when_maximized
- icon
- icon_name
- iconify
- is_active
- is_maximized
- keys_changed
- list_toplevels
- maximize
- mnemonic_activate
- mnemonics_visible
- modal
- move
- parse_geometry
- present
- present_with_time
- propagate_key_event
- remove_accel_group
- remove_mnemonic
- reshow_with_initial_size
- resizable
- resize
- resize_grip_is_visible
- resize_grip_visible
- resize_to_geometry
- role
- screen
- set_accept_focus
- set_application
- set_attached_to
- set_auto_startup_notification
- set_decorated
- set_default
- set_default_geometry
- set_default_icon
- set_default_icon_from_file
- set_default_icon_list
- set_default_icon_name
- set_default_size
- set_deletable
- set_destroy_with_parent
- set_focus
- set_focus_on_map
- set_focus_visible
- set_geometry_hints
- set_gravity
- set_has_resize_grip
- set_has_user_ref_count
- set_hide_titlebar_when_maximized
- set_icon
- set_icon_from_file
- set_icon_list
- set_icon_name
- set_interactive_debugging
- set_keep_above
- set_keep_below
- set_mnemonic_modifier
- set_mnemonics_visible
- set_modal
- set_opacity
- set_position
- set_resizable
- set_role
- set_screen
- set_skip_pager_hint
- set_skip_taskbar_hint
- set_startup_id
- set_title
- set_titlebar
- set_transient_for
- set_type_hint
- set_urgency_hint
- set_wmclass
- skip_pager_hint
- skip_taskbar_hint
- startup_id
- stick
- title
- transient_for
- try_activate_default
- try_activate_focus
- type
- type_hint
- unfullscreen
- unmaximize
- unstick
- urgency_hint
- window_position
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Bin
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Container
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
- accel_closures_changed
- activate
- add_accelerator
- add_device_events
- add_events
- add_mnemonic_label
- add_tick_callback
- adjust_baseline_allocation
- adjust_baseline_request
- adjust_size_allocation
- adjust_size_request
- app_paintable
- bind_template_callback_full
- bind_template_child_full
- button_press_event
- button_release_event
- can_activate_accel
- can_default
- can_focus
- child_focus
- child_notify
- class_path
- composite_child
- composited_changed
- compute_expand
- compute_expand_internal
- configure_event
- create_pango_context
- create_pango_layout
- damage_event
- delete_event
- destroy
- destroy_event
- destroyed
- device_is_shadowed
- direction_changed
- dispatch_child_properties_changed
- double_buffered
- drag_begin
- drag_data_delete
- drag_data_get
- drag_data_received
- drag_drop
- drag_end
- drag_failed
- drag_leave
- drag_motion
- draw
- draw_to_cairo_context
- ensure_style
- enter_notify_event
- error_bell
- event
- event_after
- events
- expand
- find_style_property
- focus
- focus_in_event
- focus_on_click
- focus_out_event
- freeze_child_notify
- get_accessible
- get_action_group
- get_allocated_baseline
- get_allocated_height
- get_allocated_size
- get_allocated_width
- get_allocation
- get_ancestor
- get_app_paintable
- get_can_default
- get_can_focus
- get_child_requisition
- get_child_visible
- get_clip
- get_clipboard
- get_composite_name
- get_css_name
- get_default_direction
- get_default_style
- get_device_enabled
- get_device_events
- get_direction
- get_display
- get_double_buffered
- get_events
- get_focus_on_click
- get_font_map
- get_font_options
- get_frame_clock
- get_halign
- get_has_tooltip
- get_has_window
- get_hexpand
- get_hexpand_set
- get_mapped
- get_margin_bottom
- get_margin_end
- get_margin_left
- get_margin_right
- get_margin_start
- get_margin_top
- get_modifier_mask
- get_modifier_style
- get_no_show_all
- get_opacity
- get_pango_context
- get_parent
- get_parent_window
- get_path
- get_pointer
- get_preferred_height
- get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width_internal
- get_preferred_height_internal
- get_preferred_size
- get_preferred_width
- get_preferred_width_for_height
- get_preferred_width_for_height_internal
- get_preferred_width_internal
- get_realized
- get_receives_default
- get_request_mode
- get_requisition
- get_root_window
- get_scale_factor
- get_screen
- get_sensitive
- get_settings
- get_size_request
- get_state
- get_state_flags
- get_style
- get_style_context
- get_support_multidevice
- get_template_child
- get_tooltip_markup
- get_tooltip_text
- get_tooltip_window
- get_toplevel
- get_valign
- get_valign_with_baseline
- get_vexpand
- get_vexpand_set
- get_visible
- get_visual
- get_window
- grab_broken_event
- grab_default
- grab_focus
- grab_notify
- halign
- has_default
- has_focus
- has_grab
- has_rc_style
- has_screen
- has_tooltip
- has_visible_focus
- height_request
- hexpand
- hexpand_set
- hide
- hide_on_delete
- hierarchy_changed
- in_destruction
- init_template
- input_shape_combine_region
- insert_action_group
- install_style_property
- install_style_property_parser
- intersect
- is_ancestor
- is_composited
- is_drawable
- is_focus
- is_sensitive
- is_toplevel
- is_visible
- key_press_event
- key_release_event
- keynav_failed
- leave_notify_event
- list_accel_closures
- list_action_prefixes
- list_mnemonic_labels
- list_style_properties
- map
- map_event
- margin
- margin_bottom
- margin_end
- margin_left
- margin_right
- margin_start
- margin_top
- mnemonic_activate
- modify_base
- modify_bg
- modify_cursor
- modify_fg
- modify_font
- modify_style
- modify_text
- motion_notify_event
- move_focus
- name
- no_show_all
- opacity
- override_background_color
- override_color
- override_cursor
- override_font
- override_symbolic_color
- parent
- parent_set
- path
- pop_composite_child
- popup_menu
- property_notify_event
- proximity_in_event
- proximity_out_event
- push_composite_child
- query_tooltip
- queue_allocate
- queue_compute_expand
- queue_draw
- queue_draw_area
- queue_draw_region
- queue_resize
- queue_resize_no_redraw
- realize
- receives_default
- region_intersect
- register_window
- remove_accelerator
- remove_mnemonic_label
- remove_tick_callback
- render_icon
- render_icon_pixbuf
- reparent
- reset_rc_styles
- reset_style
- scale_factor
- screen_changed
- scroll_event
- selection_clear_event
- selection_get
- selection_notify_event
- selection_received
- selection_request_event
- send_expose
- send_focus_change
- sensitive
- set_accel_path
- set_accessible_role
- set_accessible_type
- set_allocation
- set_app_paintable
- set_can_default
- set_can_focus
- set_child_visible
- set_clip
- set_composite_name
- set_connect_func
- set_css_name
- set_default_direction
- set_device_enabled
- set_device_events
- set_direction
- set_double_buffered
- set_events
- set_focus_on_click
- set_font_map
- set_font_options
- set_halign
- set_has_tooltip
- set_has_window
- set_hexpand
- set_hexpand_set
- set_mapped
- set_margin_bottom
- set_margin_end
- set_margin_left
- set_margin_right
- set_margin_start
- set_margin_top
- set_no_show_all
- set_opacity
- set_parent
- set_parent_window
- set_realized
- set_receives_default
- set_redraw_on_allocate
- set_sensitive
- set_size_request
- set_state
- set_state_flags
- set_style
- set_support_multidevice
- set_template
- set_template_from_resource
- set_tooltip_markup
- set_tooltip_text
- set_tooltip_window
- set_valign
- set_vexpand
- set_vexpand_set
- set_visible
- set_visual
- set_window
- shape_combine_region
- show
- show_all
- show_help
- show_now
- size_allocate
- size_allocate_with_baseline
- size_request
- state_changed
- state_flags_changed
- style
- style_attach
- style_get
- style_get_property
- style_get_valist
- style_set
- style_updated
- thaw_child_notify
- tooltip_markup
- tooltip_text
- touch_event
- translate_coordinates
- trigger_tooltip_query
- unmap
- unmap_event
- unparent
- unrealize
- unregister_window
- unset_state_flags
- valign
- vexpand
- vexpand_set
- visibility_notify_event
- visible
- width_request
- window_state_event
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Atk.Implementor
All known members inherited from interface GLib.ActionGroup
All known members inherited from interface GLib.ActionMap
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Buildable