The libdazzle library is a companion library to GObject and Gtk+. It provides various features that we wish were in the underlying library but cannot for various reasons. In most cases, they are wildly out of scope for those libraries. In other cases, our design isn't quite generic enough to work for everyone.
- Dazzle
- Animation
- Application
- ApplicationWindow
- Bin
- BindingGroup - BindingGroup manages to simplify the process of binding many properties from a Object as a group.
- BoldingLabel
- Box
- BoxTheatric
- CenteringBin - First off, you probably want to use GtkBox with a center widget instead of this widget.
- ChildPropertyAction
- ColumnLayout
- CounterArena
- CountersWindow
- CpuGraph
- CpuModel
- CssProvider
- DirectoryModel
- DirectoryReaper
- DockBin
- DockBinEdge
- DockManager
- DockOverlay
- DockOverlayEdge
- DockPaned
- DockRevealer - This widget is a bit like Revealer with a couple of important differences.
- DockStack
- DockTransientGrab
- DockWidget
- DockWindow
- ElasticBin
- EmptyState
- EntryBox
- FileChooserEntry
- FileTransfer
- FuzzyIndex
- FuzzyIndexBuilder
- FuzzyIndexCursor
- FuzzyIndexMatch
- FuzzyMutableIndex
- GraphColumn
- GraphLineRenderer
- GraphModel
- GraphView
- Heap - Heaps are similar to a partially sorted tree but implemented as an array.
- JoinedMenu
- ListBox
- ListBoxRow
- ListModelFilter
- ListStoreAdapter
- MenuButton
- MenuManager - The goal of MenuManager is to simplify the process of merging multiple GtkBuilder .
- MultiPaned - This widget is similar to Paned except that it allows adding more than two children to the widget.
- Path
- PathBar
- PathElement
- PatternSpec
- PillBox
- PreferencesBin
- PreferencesEntry
- PreferencesFileChooserButton
- PreferencesFlowBox
- PreferencesFontButton
- PreferencesGroup
- PreferencesPage
- PreferencesSpinButton
- PreferencesSwitch
- PreferencesView
- PriorityBox - This is like a Box but uses stable priorities to sort.
- ProgressButton
- ProgressIcon
- ProgressMenuButton
- PropertiesGroup
- RadioBox
- ReadOnlyListModel
- RecursiveFileMonitor
- Ring
- ScrolledWindow
- SearchBar
- SettingsFlagAction
- SettingsSandwich
- ShortcutAccelDialog
- ShortcutChord
- ShortcutChordTable
- ShortcutContext
- ShortcutController
- ShortcutLabel
- ShortcutManager
- ShortcutModel
- ShortcutSimpleLabel
- ShortcutTheme
- ShortcutThemeEditor
- ShortcutTooltip
- ShortcutsGroup
- ShortcutsSection
- ShortcutsShortcut
- ShortcutsWindow
- SignalGroup - SignalGroup manages to simplify the process of connecting many signals to a Object as a group.
- SimpleLabel
- SimplePopover
- Slider
- StackList
- StateMachine
- Suggestion
- SuggestionButton
- SuggestionEntry
- SuggestionEntryBuffer
- SuggestionPopover
- SuggestionRow
- Tab
- TabStrip
- TaskCache
- ThemeManager
- ThreeGrid
- Tree
- TreeBuilder
- TreeNode
- Trie
- WidgetActionGroup
- Counter
- CounterValue
- FileTransferStat
- FuzzyMutableIndexMatch
- GraphModelIter
- ShortcutEntry - The ShortcutEntry structure can be used to bulk register shortcuts for a particular widget.
- _GraphColumnClass
- AnimationMode
- DockRevealerTransitionType
- FileTransferFlags
- PropertiesFlags
- ShortcutMatch
- ShortcutPhase
- ShortcutType - DzlShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described.
- SliderPosition
- TabStyle
- ThreeGridColumn
- TitlebarAnimation
- TreeDropPosition
- public const int COUNTER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC
- public const string DOCK_BIN_STYLE_CLASS_PINNED
- public const int ENABLE_TRACE
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Dzl major version component (e.
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Dzl micro version component (e.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Dzl minor version component (e.
- public const string VERSION_S
Dazzle version, encoded as a string, useful for printing and concatenation.
- public delegate void CounterForeachFunc (Counter counter)
Function prototype for callbacks provided to @foreach.
- public delegate bool DirectoryModelVisibleFunc (DirectoryModel self, File directory, FileInfo file_info)
- public delegate bool ListModelFilterFunc (Object object)
- public delegate bool RecursiveIgnoreFunc (File file)
- public delegate void ShortcutChordTableForeach (ShortcutChord chord, void* chord_data)
- public delegate Widget StackListCreateWidgetFunc (Object item)
- public delegate void SuggestionPositionFunc (SuggestionEntry entry, ref Rectangle area, ref bool is_absolute)
Positions the popover in the coordinates defined by
. - public delegate void TaskCacheCallback (TaskCache self, void* key, Task task)
TaskCacheCallback is the prototype for a function to be executed to populate an item in the cache.
- public delegate bool TreeFilterFunc (Tree tree, TreeNode node)
Callback to check if
should be visible. - public delegate bool TreeFindFunc (Tree tree, TreeNode node, TreeNode child)
Callback to check
, a child ofnode
, matches a lookup request. - public delegate int TreeNodeCompareFunc (TreeNode a, TreeNode b)
- public delegate bool TrieTraverseFunc (Trie dzl_trie, string key, void* value)
- public Region cairo_region_create_from_clip_extents (Context cr)
a cairo context Creates a region from the extents of the context's current clip area. - public void cairo_rounded_rectangle (Context cr, Rectangle rect, int x_radius, int y_radius)
Adds a rounded rectangle to
's current path. - public unowned Cancellable? cancellable_chain (Cancellable? self = null, Cancellable? other = null)
If both
are not null, then the cancellation ofother
will be propagated toself
is cancelled. - public CounterArena counter_arena_get_default ()
- public string[] dnd_get_uri_list (SelectionData selection_data)
Create a list of valid uri's from a uri-list drop.
- public bool file_manager_show (File file) throws Error
- public uint frame_source_add (uint frames_per_sec, SourceFunc callback)
Creates a new frame source that will execute when the timeout interval for the source has elapsed.
- public uint frame_source_add_full (int priority, uint frames_per_sec, owned SourceFunc callback)
- public string fuzzy_highlight (string str, string query, bool case_sensitive)
- public string g_date_time_format_for_display (DateTime self)
Helper function to create a human-friendly string describing approximately how long ago a DateTime is.
- public string g_time_span_to_label (TimeSpan span)
Creates a string describing the time span in hours, minutes, and seconds.
- public bool g_time_span_to_label_mapping (Binding binding, Value from_value, Value to_value, void* user_data)
A BindingTransformFunc to transform a time span into a string label using g_time_span_to_label.
- public uint g_variant_hash (void* data)
- public uint get_current_cpu_call ()
- public void gtk_list_store_insert_sorted (ListStore store, out TreeIter iter, void* key, uint compare_column, CompareDataFunc compare_func)
This function will binary search the contents of
looking for the location to insert a new row. - public void gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag (TextBuffer buffer, TextTag tag, TextIter start, TextIter end, bool minimal_damage)
Like remove_tag but allows specifying that the tags should be removed one at a time to avoid over-damaging the views displaying
. - public bool gtk_widget_action (Widget widget, string group, string name, Variant param)
- public bool gtk_widget_action_with_string (Widget widget, string group, string name, string param)
- public void gtk_widget_add_style_class (Widget widget, string class_name)
- public unowned Widget? gtk_widget_find_child_typed (Widget widget, Type type)
Tries to locate a widget in a hierarchy given it's Type.
- public unowned Widget? gtk_widget_get_relative (Widget widget, Type relative_type)
This is similar to get_ancestor, but looks for relatives via properties such as relative_to and others.
- public void gtk_widget_hide_with_fade (Widget widget)
- public bool gtk_widget_is_ancestor_or_relative (Widget widget, Widget ancestor)
This function is like is_ancestor except that it checks various relative widgets that are not in the direct hierarchy of widgets.
- public void gtk_widget_mux_action_groups (Widget widget, Widget from_widget, string? mux_key)
This function will find all of the actions on
in various groups and add them towidget
. - public void gtk_widget_remove_style_class (Widget widget, string class_name)
- public void gtk_widget_show_with_fade (Widget widget)
- public int levenshtein (string needle, string haystack)
- public void overlay_add_child (DockOverlay self, Widget child, string type)
- public string pango_font_description_to_css (FontDescription font_desc)
This function will generate CSS suitable for Gtk's CSS engine based on the properties of the FontDescription.
- public void rgba_shade (RGBA rgba, out RGBA dst, double k)
Creates a shade of the color
by multiplying its saturation and lightness byk
. - public bool shortcut_chord_equal (void* data1, void* data2)
- public uint shortcut_chord_hash (void* data)