Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "dzl_suggestion_entry_get_type ()" ) ]
public class SuggestionEntry : Entry, Implementor, Buildable, CellEditable, Editable
public class SuggestionEntry : Entry, Implementor, Buildable, CellEditable, Editable
Namespace: Dazzle
Package: libdazzle-1.0
- public bool activate_on_single_click { get; set; }
The "activate-on-single-click" property denotes if results should be activated simply by clicking on them.
- public bool compact { get; set; }
The "compact" property denotes if an alternate style should be used to reduce the width of the rows.
- public ListModel model { get; set; }
- public Suggestion suggestion { get; set; }
The "suggestion" property is the currently selected suggestion, if any.
- public string typed_text { get; }
Creation methods:
- public SuggestionEntry ()
- public void default_position_func (Rectangle area, bool is_absolute, void* user_data)
- public bool get_activate_on_single_click ()
- public bool get_compact ()
Gets the compact property.
- public unowned ListModel? get_model ()
Gets the model being visualized.
- public unowned Widget get_popover ()
Gets the result display widget for the entry.
- public unowned Suggestion? get_suggestion ()
Gets the currently selected suggestion.
- public unowned string get_typed_text ()
- public void set_activate_on_single_click (bool activate_on_single_click)
- public void set_compact (bool compact)
Sets the compact property.
- public void set_model (ListModel model)
- public void set_position_func (owned SuggestionPositionFunc? func)
Sets a position func to position the popover.
- public void set_suggestion (Suggestion suggestion)
- public void window_position_func (Rectangle area, bool is_absolute, void* user_data)
This is a SuggestionPositionFunc that can be used to make the suggestion popover the full width of the window.
- public signal void action (string object, string p0, string p1)
- public signal void activate_suggestion ()
- public virtual signal void hide_suggestions ()
- public virtual signal void move_suggestion (int amount)
This moves the selected suggestion in the popover by the value provided.
- public virtual signal void show_suggestions ()
- public virtual signal void suggestion_activated (Suggestion suggestion)
- public virtual signal void suggestion_selected (Suggestion suggestion)
This signal is emitted when a selection has been specifically selected by the user, such as by clicking on the row or moving to the row with keyboard, such as with move_suggestion
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Entry
- activate
- activates_default
- attributes
- backspace
- buffer
- caps_lock_warning
- completion
- copy_clipboard
- cursor_position
- cut_clipboard
- delete_from_cursor
- editable
- enable_emoji_completion
- get_activates_default
- get_alignment
- get_attributes
- get_buffer
- get_completion
- get_current_icon_drag_source
- get_cursor_hadjustment
- get_frame_size
- get_has_frame
- get_icon_activatable
- get_icon_area
- get_icon_at_pos
- get_icon_gicon
- get_icon_name
- get_icon_pixbuf
- get_icon_sensitive
- get_icon_stock
- get_icon_storage_type
- get_icon_tooltip_markup
- get_icon_tooltip_text
- get_inner_border
- get_input_hints
- get_input_purpose
- get_invisible_char
- get_layout
- get_layout_offsets
- get_max_length
- get_max_width_chars
- get_overwrite_mode
- get_placeholder_text
- get_progress_fraction
- get_progress_pulse_step
- get_tabs
- get_text
- get_text_area
- get_text_area_size
- get_text_length
- get_visibility
- get_width_chars
- grab_focus_without_selecting
- has_frame
- icon_press
- icon_release
- im_context_filter_keypress
- im_module
- inner_border
- input_hints
- input_purpose
- insert_at_cursor
- insert_emoji
- invisible_char
- invisible_char_set
- layout_index_to_text_index
- max_length
- max_width_chars
- move_cursor
- overwrite_mode
- paste_clipboard
- placeholder_text
- populate_all
- populate_popup
- preedit_changed
- primary_icon_activatable
- primary_icon_gicon
- primary_icon_name
- primary_icon_pixbuf
- primary_icon_sensitive
- primary_icon_stock
- primary_icon_storage_type
- primary_icon_tooltip_markup
- primary_icon_tooltip_text
- progress_fraction
- progress_pulse
- progress_pulse_step
- reset_im_context
- scroll_offset
- secondary_icon_activatable
- secondary_icon_gicon
- secondary_icon_name
- secondary_icon_pixbuf
- secondary_icon_sensitive
- secondary_icon_stock
- secondary_icon_storage_type
- secondary_icon_tooltip_markup
- secondary_icon_tooltip_text
- selection_bound
- set_activates_default
- set_alignment
- set_attributes
- set_buffer
- set_completion
- set_cursor_hadjustment
- set_has_frame
- set_icon_activatable
- set_icon_drag_source
- set_icon_from_gicon
- set_icon_from_icon_name
- set_icon_from_pixbuf
- set_icon_from_stock
- set_icon_sensitive
- set_icon_tooltip_markup
- set_icon_tooltip_text
- set_inner_border
- set_input_hints
- set_input_purpose
- set_invisible_char
- set_max_length
- set_max_width_chars
- set_overwrite_mode
- set_placeholder_text
- set_progress_fraction
- set_progress_pulse_step
- set_tabs
- set_text
- set_visibility
- set_width_chars
- shadow_type
- show_emoji_icon
- tabs
- text
- text_index_to_layout_index
- text_length
- toggle_overwrite
- truncate_multiline
- unset_invisible_char
- visibility
- width_chars
- xalign
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
- accel_closures_changed
- activate
- add_accelerator
- add_device_events
- add_events
- add_mnemonic_label
- add_tick_callback
- adjust_baseline_allocation
- adjust_baseline_request
- adjust_size_allocation
- adjust_size_request
- app_paintable
- bind_template_callback_full
- bind_template_child_full
- button_press_event
- button_release_event
- can_activate_accel
- can_default
- can_focus
- child_focus
- child_notify
- class_path
- composite_child
- composited_changed
- compute_expand
- compute_expand_internal
- configure_event
- create_pango_context
- create_pango_layout
- damage_event
- delete_event
- destroy
- destroy_event
- destroyed
- device_is_shadowed
- direction_changed
- dispatch_child_properties_changed
- double_buffered
- drag_begin
- drag_data_delete
- drag_data_get
- drag_data_received
- drag_drop
- drag_end
- drag_failed
- drag_leave
- drag_motion
- draw
- draw_to_cairo_context
- ensure_style
- enter_notify_event
- error_bell
- event
- event_after
- events
- expand
- find_style_property
- focus
- focus_in_event
- focus_on_click
- focus_out_event
- freeze_child_notify
- get_accessible
- get_action_group
- get_allocated_baseline
- get_allocated_height
- get_allocated_size
- get_allocated_width
- get_allocation
- get_ancestor
- get_app_paintable
- get_can_default
- get_can_focus
- get_child_requisition
- get_child_visible
- get_clip
- get_clipboard
- get_composite_name
- get_css_name
- get_default_direction
- get_default_style
- get_device_enabled
- get_device_events
- get_direction
- get_display
- get_double_buffered
- get_events
- get_focus_on_click
- get_font_map
- get_font_options
- get_frame_clock
- get_halign
- get_has_tooltip
- get_has_window
- get_hexpand
- get_hexpand_set
- get_mapped
- get_margin_bottom
- get_margin_end
- get_margin_left
- get_margin_right
- get_margin_start
- get_margin_top
- get_modifier_mask
- get_modifier_style
- get_no_show_all
- get_opacity
- get_pango_context
- get_parent
- get_parent_window
- get_path
- get_pointer
- get_preferred_height
- get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width_internal
- get_preferred_height_internal
- get_preferred_size
- get_preferred_width
- get_preferred_width_for_height
- get_preferred_width_for_height_internal
- get_preferred_width_internal
- get_realized
- get_receives_default
- get_request_mode
- get_requisition
- get_root_window
- get_scale_factor
- get_screen
- get_sensitive
- get_settings
- get_size_request
- get_state
- get_state_flags
- get_style
- get_style_context
- get_support_multidevice
- get_template_child
- get_tooltip_markup
- get_tooltip_text
- get_tooltip_window
- get_toplevel
- get_valign
- get_valign_with_baseline
- get_vexpand
- get_vexpand_set
- get_visible
- get_visual
- get_window
- grab_broken_event
- grab_default
- grab_focus
- grab_notify
- halign
- has_default
- has_focus
- has_grab
- has_rc_style
- has_screen
- has_tooltip
- has_visible_focus
- height_request
- hexpand
- hexpand_set
- hide
- hide_on_delete
- hierarchy_changed
- in_destruction
- init_template
- input_shape_combine_region
- insert_action_group
- install_style_property
- install_style_property_parser
- intersect
- is_ancestor
- is_composited
- is_drawable
- is_focus
- is_sensitive
- is_toplevel
- is_visible
- key_press_event
- key_release_event
- keynav_failed
- leave_notify_event
- list_accel_closures
- list_action_prefixes
- list_mnemonic_labels
- list_style_properties
- map
- map_event
- margin
- margin_bottom
- margin_end
- margin_left
- margin_right
- margin_start
- margin_top
- mnemonic_activate
- modify_base
- modify_bg
- modify_cursor
- modify_fg
- modify_font
- modify_style
- modify_text
- motion_notify_event
- move_focus
- name
- no_show_all
- opacity
- override_background_color
- override_color
- override_cursor
- override_font
- override_symbolic_color
- parent
- parent_set
- path
- pop_composite_child
- popup_menu
- property_notify_event
- proximity_in_event
- proximity_out_event
- push_composite_child
- query_tooltip
- queue_allocate
- queue_compute_expand
- queue_draw
- queue_draw_area
- queue_draw_region
- queue_resize
- queue_resize_no_redraw
- realize
- receives_default
- region_intersect
- register_window
- remove_accelerator
- remove_mnemonic_label
- remove_tick_callback
- render_icon
- render_icon_pixbuf
- reparent
- reset_rc_styles
- reset_style
- scale_factor
- screen_changed
- scroll_event
- selection_clear_event
- selection_get
- selection_notify_event
- selection_received
- selection_request_event
- send_expose
- send_focus_change
- sensitive
- set_accel_path
- set_accessible_role
- set_accessible_type
- set_allocation
- set_app_paintable
- set_can_default
- set_can_focus
- set_child_visible
- set_clip
- set_composite_name
- set_connect_func
- set_css_name
- set_default_direction
- set_device_enabled
- set_device_events
- set_direction
- set_double_buffered
- set_events
- set_focus_on_click
- set_font_map
- set_font_options
- set_halign
- set_has_tooltip
- set_has_window
- set_hexpand
- set_hexpand_set
- set_mapped
- set_margin_bottom
- set_margin_end
- set_margin_left
- set_margin_right
- set_margin_start
- set_margin_top
- set_no_show_all
- set_opacity
- set_parent
- set_parent_window
- set_realized
- set_receives_default
- set_redraw_on_allocate
- set_sensitive
- set_size_request
- set_state
- set_state_flags
- set_style
- set_support_multidevice
- set_template
- set_template_from_resource
- set_tooltip_markup
- set_tooltip_text
- set_tooltip_window
- set_valign
- set_vexpand
- set_vexpand_set
- set_visible
- set_visual
- set_window
- shape_combine_region
- show
- show_all
- show_help
- show_now
- size_allocate
- size_allocate_with_baseline
- size_request
- state_changed
- state_flags_changed
- style
- style_attach
- style_get
- style_get_property
- style_get_valist
- style_set
- style_updated
- thaw_child_notify
- tooltip_markup
- tooltip_text
- touch_event
- translate_coordinates
- trigger_tooltip_query
- unmap
- unmap_event
- unparent
- unrealize
- unregister_window
- unset_state_flags
- valign
- vexpand
- vexpand_set
- visibility_notify_event
- visible
- width_request
- window_state_event
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Atk.Implementor
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Buildable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.CellEditable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Editable