- Animation
- Application
- ApplicationWindow
- Bin
- BindingGroup - BindingGroup manages to simplify the process of binding many properties from a Object as a group.
- BoldingLabel
- Box
- BoxTheatric
- CenteringBin - First off, you probably want to use GtkBox with a center widget instead of this widget.
- ChildPropertyAction
- ColumnLayout
- CounterArena
- CountersWindow
- CpuGraph
- CpuModel
- CssProvider
- DirectoryModel
- DirectoryReaper
- DockBin
- DockBinEdge
- DockManager
- DockOverlay
- DockOverlayEdge
- DockPaned
- DockRevealer - This widget is a bit like Revealer with a couple of important differences.
- DockStack
- DockTransientGrab
- DockWidget
- DockWindow
- ElasticBin
- EmptyState
- EntryBox
- FileChooserEntry
- FileTransfer
- FuzzyIndex
- FuzzyIndexBuilder
- FuzzyIndexCursor
- FuzzyIndexMatch
- FuzzyMutableIndex
- GraphColumn
- GraphLineRenderer
- GraphModel
- GraphView
- Heap - Heaps are similar to a partially sorted tree but implemented as an array.
- JoinedMenu
- ListBox
- ListBoxRow
- ListModelFilter
- ListStoreAdapter
- MenuButton
- MenuManager - The goal of MenuManager is to simplify the process of merging multiple GtkBuilder .
- MultiPaned - This widget is similar to Paned except that it allows adding more than two children to the widget.
- Path
- PathBar
- PathElement
- PatternSpec
- PillBox
- PreferencesBin
- PreferencesEntry
- PreferencesFileChooserButton
- PreferencesFlowBox
- PreferencesFontButton
- PreferencesGroup
- PreferencesPage
- PreferencesSpinButton
- PreferencesSwitch
- PreferencesView
- PriorityBox - This is like a Box but uses stable priorities to sort.
- ProgressButton
- ProgressIcon
- ProgressMenuButton
- PropertiesGroup
- RadioBox
- ReadOnlyListModel
- RecursiveFileMonitor
- Ring
- ScrolledWindow
- SearchBar
- SettingsFlagAction
- SettingsSandwich
- ShortcutAccelDialog
- ShortcutChord
- ShortcutChordTable
- ShortcutContext
- ShortcutController
- ShortcutLabel
- ShortcutManager
- ShortcutModel
- ShortcutSimpleLabel
- ShortcutTheme
- ShortcutThemeEditor
- ShortcutTooltip
- ShortcutsGroup
- ShortcutsSection
- ShortcutsShortcut
- ShortcutsWindow
- SignalGroup - SignalGroup manages to simplify the process of connecting many signals to a Object as a group.
- SimpleLabel
- SimplePopover
- Slider
- StackList
- StateMachine
- Suggestion
- SuggestionButton
- SuggestionEntry
- SuggestionEntryBuffer
- SuggestionPopover
- SuggestionRow
- Tab
- TabStrip
- TaskCache
- ThemeManager
- ThreeGrid
- Tree
- TreeBuilder
- TreeNode
- Trie
- WidgetActionGroup
- Counter
- CounterValue
- FileTransferStat
- FuzzyMutableIndexMatch
- GraphModelIter
- ShortcutEntry - The ShortcutEntry structure can be used to bulk register shortcuts for a particular widget.
- _GraphColumnClass
- AnimationMode
- DockRevealerTransitionType
- FileTransferFlags
- PropertiesFlags
- ShortcutMatch
- ShortcutPhase
- ShortcutType - DzlShortcutType specifies the kind of shortcut that is being described.
- SliderPosition
- TabStyle
- ThreeGridColumn
- TitlebarAnimation
- TreeDropPosition
- public const int COUNTER_REQUIRES_ATOMIC
- public const string DOCK_BIN_STYLE_CLASS_PINNED
- public const int ENABLE_TRACE
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Dzl major version component (e.
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Dzl micro version component (e.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Dzl minor version component (e.
- public const string VERSION_S
Dazzle version, encoded as a string, useful for printing and concatenation.
- public delegate void CounterForeachFunc (Counter counter)
Function prototype for callbacks provided to @foreach.
- public delegate bool DirectoryModelVisibleFunc (DirectoryModel self, File directory, FileInfo file_info)
- public delegate bool ListModelFilterFunc (Object object)
- public delegate bool RecursiveIgnoreFunc (File file)
- public delegate void ShortcutChordTableForeach (ShortcutChord chord, void* chord_data)
- public delegate Widget StackListCreateWidgetFunc (Object item)
- public delegate void SuggestionPositionFunc (SuggestionEntry entry, ref Rectangle area, ref bool is_absolute)
Positions the popover in the coordinates defined by
. - public delegate void TaskCacheCallback (TaskCache self, void* key, Task task)
TaskCacheCallback is the prototype for a function to be executed to populate an item in the cache.
- public delegate bool TreeFilterFunc (Tree tree, TreeNode node)
Callback to check if
should be visible. - public delegate bool TreeFindFunc (Tree tree, TreeNode node, TreeNode child)
Callback to check
, a child ofnode
, matches a lookup request. - public delegate int TreeNodeCompareFunc (TreeNode a, TreeNode b)
- public delegate bool TrieTraverseFunc (Trie dzl_trie, string key, void* value)
- public Region cairo_region_create_from_clip_extents (Context cr)
a cairo context Creates a region from the extents of the context's current clip area. - public void cairo_rounded_rectangle (Context cr, Rectangle rect, int x_radius, int y_radius)
Adds a rounded rectangle to
's current path. - public unowned Cancellable? cancellable_chain (Cancellable? self = null, Cancellable? other = null)
If both
are not null, then the cancellation ofother
will be propagated toself
is cancelled. - public CounterArena counter_arena_get_default ()
- public string[] dnd_get_uri_list (SelectionData selection_data)
Create a list of valid uri's from a uri-list drop.
- public bool file_manager_show (File file) throws Error
- public uint frame_source_add (uint frames_per_sec, SourceFunc callback)
Creates a new frame source that will execute when the timeout interval for the source has elapsed.
- public uint frame_source_add_full (int priority, uint frames_per_sec, owned SourceFunc callback)
- public string fuzzy_highlight (string str, string query, bool case_sensitive)
- public string g_date_time_format_for_display (DateTime self)
Helper function to create a human-friendly string describing approximately how long ago a DateTime is.
- public string g_time_span_to_label (TimeSpan span)
Creates a string describing the time span in hours, minutes, and seconds.
- public bool g_time_span_to_label_mapping (Binding binding, Value from_value, Value to_value, void* user_data)
A BindingTransformFunc to transform a time span into a string label using g_time_span_to_label.
- public uint g_variant_hash (void* data)
- public uint get_current_cpu_call ()
- public void gtk_list_store_insert_sorted (ListStore store, out TreeIter iter, void* key, uint compare_column, CompareDataFunc compare_func)
This function will binary search the contents of
looking for the location to insert a new row. - public void gtk_text_buffer_remove_tag (TextBuffer buffer, TextTag tag, TextIter start, TextIter end, bool minimal_damage)
Like remove_tag but allows specifying that the tags should be removed one at a time to avoid over-damaging the views displaying
. - public bool gtk_widget_action (Widget widget, string group, string name, Variant param)
- public bool gtk_widget_action_with_string (Widget widget, string group, string name, string param)
- public void gtk_widget_add_style_class (Widget widget, string class_name)
- public unowned Widget? gtk_widget_find_child_typed (Widget widget, Type type)
Tries to locate a widget in a hierarchy given it's Type.
- public unowned Widget? gtk_widget_get_relative (Widget widget, Type relative_type)
This is similar to get_ancestor, but looks for relatives via properties such as relative_to and others.
- public void gtk_widget_hide_with_fade (Widget widget)
- public bool gtk_widget_is_ancestor_or_relative (Widget widget, Widget ancestor)
This function is like is_ancestor except that it checks various relative widgets that are not in the direct hierarchy of widgets.
- public void gtk_widget_mux_action_groups (Widget widget, Widget from_widget, string? mux_key)
This function will find all of the actions on
in various groups and add them towidget
. - public void gtk_widget_remove_style_class (Widget widget, string class_name)
- public void gtk_widget_show_with_fade (Widget widget)
- public int levenshtein (string needle, string haystack)
- public void overlay_add_child (DockOverlay self, Widget child, string type)
- public string pango_font_description_to_css (FontDescription font_desc)
This function will generate CSS suitable for Gtk's CSS engine based on the properties of the FontDescription.
- public void rgba_shade (RGBA rgba, out RGBA dst, double k)
Creates a shade of the color
by multiplying its saturation and lightness byk
. - public bool shortcut_chord_equal (void* data1, void* data2)
- public uint shortcut_chord_hash (void* data)