GIO provides a modern and easy-to-use VFS API. It provides a file system abstraction which allows applications to access local and remote files with a single consistent API.
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- GLib
- Action - `GAction` represents a single named action.
- ActionGroup - `GActionGroup` represents a group of actions.
- ActionMap - `GActionMap` is an interface for action containers.
- AppInfo - Information about an installed application and methods to launch it (with file arguments).
- AsyncInitable - `GAsyncInitable` is an interface for asynchronously initializable objects.
- AsyncResult - `GAsyncResult` provides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results.
- Converter - `GConverter` is an interface for streaming conversions.
- DBusInterface - Base type for D-Bus interfaces.
- DBusObject - The `GDBusObject` type is the base type for D-Bus objects on both the service side (see [class@Gio.
- DBusObjectManager - The `GDBusObjectManager` type is the base type for service- and client-side implementations of the standardized `org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager` interface.
- DatagramBased - Interface for socket-like objects with datagram semantics.
- DebugController - `GDebugController` is an interface to expose control of debugging features and debug output.
- Drive - `GDrive` represents a piece of hardware connected to the machine.
- DtlsClientConnection - `GDtlsClientConnection` is the client-side subclass of [iface@Gio.
- DtlsConnection - `GDtlsConnection` is the base DTLS connection class type, which wraps a [iface@Gio.
- DtlsServerConnection - `GDtlsServerConnection` is the server-side subclass of [iface@Gio.
- File - `GFile` is a high level abstraction for manipulating files on a virtual file system.
- Icon - `GIcon` is a very minimal interface for icons.
- Initable - `GInitable` is implemented by objects that can fail during initialization.
- ListModel - `GListModel` is an interface that represents a mutable list of [class@GObject.
- LoadableIcon - `GLoadableIcon` extends the [ iface@Gio.
- MemoryMonitor - `GMemoryMonitor` will monitor system memory and suggest to the application when to free memory so as to leave more room for other applications.
- Mount - The `GMount` interface represents user-visible mounts.
- NetworkMonitor - `GNetworkMonitor` provides an easy-to-use cross-platform API for monitoring network connectivity.
- PollableInputStream - `GPollableInputStream` is implemented by [class@Gio.
- PollableOutputStream - `GPollableOutputStream` is implemented by [class@Gio.
- PowerProfileMonitor - `GPowerProfileMonitor` makes it possible for applications as well as OS components to monitor system power profiles and act upon them.
- Proxy - A `GProxy` handles connecting to a remote host via a given type of proxy server.
- ProxyResolver - `GProxyResolver` provides synchronous and asynchronous network proxy resolution.
- RemoteActionGroup - The `GRemoteActionGroup` interface is implemented by [iface@Gio.
- Seekable - `GSeekable` is implemented by streams (implementations of [class@Gio.
- SocketConnectable - Objects that describe one or more potential socket endpoints implement `GSocketConnectable`.
- TlsBackend - TLS (Transport Layer Security, aka SSL) and DTLS backend.
- TlsClientConnection - `GTlsClientConnection` is the client-side subclass of [class@Gio.
- TlsFileDatabase - `GTlsFileDatabase` is implemented by [class@Gio.
- TlsServerConnection - `GTlsServerConnection` is the server-side subclass of [class@Gio.
- Volume - The `GVolume` interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted.
- AppInfoMonitor - `GAppInfoMonitor` monitors application information for changes.
- AppLaunchContext - Integrating the launch with the launching application.
- Application - `GApplication` is the core class for application support.
- ApplicationCommandLine - `GApplicationCommandLine` represents a command-line invocation of an application.
- BufferedInputStream - Buffered input stream implements FilterInputStream and provides for buffered reads.
- BufferedOutputStream - Buffered output stream implements [class@Gio.
- BytesIcon - `GBytesIcon` specifies an image held in memory in a common format (usually PNG) to be used as icon.
- Cancellable - `GCancellable` allows operations to be cancelled.
- CancellableSource
- CharsetConverter - `GCharsetConverter` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- ConverterInputStream - Converter input stream implements [class@Gio.
- ConverterOutputStream - Converter output stream implements [class@Gio.
- Credentials - The `GCredentials` type is a reference-counted wrapper for native credentials.
- DBusActionGroup - `GDBusActionGroup` is an implementation of the [iface@Gio.
- DBusAnnotationInfo - Information about an annotation.
- DBusArgInfo - Information about an argument for a method or a signal.
- DBusAuthObserver - `GDBusAuthObserver` provides a mechanism for participating in how a [class@Gio.
- DBusConnection - The `GDBusConnection` type is used for D-Bus connections to remote peers such as a message buses.
- DBusInterfaceInfo - Information about a D-Bus interface.
- DBusInterfaceSkeleton - Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side.
- DBusMenuModel - `GDBusMenuModel` is an implementation of [class@Gio.
- DBusMessage - A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on a [class@Gio.
- DBusMethodInfo - Information about a method on an D-Bus interface.
- DBusMethodInvocation - Instances of the `GDBusMethodInvocation` class are used when handling D-Bus method calls.
- DBusNodeInfo - Information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy.
- DBusObjectManagerClient - `GDBusObjectManagerClient` is used to create, monitor and delete object proxies for remote objects exported by a [class@Gio.
- DBusObjectManagerServer - `GDBusObjectManagerServer` is used to export [iface@Gio.
- DBusObjectProxy - A `GDBusObjectProxy` is an object used to represent a remote object with one or more D-Bus interfaces.
- DBusObjectSkeleton - A `GDBusObjectSkeleton` instance is essentially a group of D-Bus interfaces.
- DBusPropertyInfo - Information about a D-Bus property on a D-Bus interface.
- DBusProxy - `GDBusProxy` is a base class used for proxies to access a D-Bus interface on a remote object.
- DBusServer - `GDBusServer` is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections.
- DBusSignalInfo - Information about a signal on a D-Bus interface.
- DataInputStream - Data input stream implements [class@Gio.
- DataOutputStream - Data output stream implements [class@Gio.
- DatagramBasedSource
- DebugControllerDBus - `GDebugControllerDBus` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- Emblem - `GEmblem` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- EmblemedIcon - `GEmblemedIcon` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- FileAttributeInfoList - Acts as a lightweight registry for possible valid file attributes.
- FileAttributeMatcher - Determines if a string matches a file attribute.
- FileEnumerator - `GFileEnumerator` allows you to operate on a set of [iface@Gio.
- FileIOStream - `GFileIOStream` provides I/O streams that both read and write to the same file handle.
- FileIcon - `GFileIcon` specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon.
- FileInfo - Stores information about a file system object referenced by a [iface@Gio.
- FileInputStream - `GFileInputStream` provides input streams that take their content from a file.
- FileMonitor - Monitors a file or directory for changes.
- FileOutputStream - `GFileOutputStream` provides output streams that write their content to a file.
- FilenameCompleter - Completes partial file and directory names given a partial string by looking in the file system for clues.
- FilterInputStream - Base class for input stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream.
- FilterOutputStream - Base class for output stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream.
- IOExtension - IOExtension is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
- IOExtensionPoint - `GIOExtensionPoint` provides a mechanism for modules to extend the functionality of the library or application that loaded it in an organized fashion.
- IOModule - Provides an interface and default functions for loading and unloading modules.
- IOModuleScope - Represents a scope for loading IO modules.
- IOSchedulerJob - Opaque class for defining and scheduling IO jobs.
- IOStream - `GIOStream` represents an object that has both read and write streams.
- IOStreamAdapter
- InetAddress - `GInetAddress` represents an IPv4 or IPv6 internet address.
- InetAddressMask - `GInetAddressMask` represents a range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses described by a base address and a length indicating how many bits of the base address are relevant for matching purposes.
- InetSocketAddress - An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address.
- InputStream - `GInputStream` is a base class for implementing streaming input.
- ListStore - `GListStore` is a simple implementation of [iface@Gio.
- MemoryInputStream - `GMemoryInputStream` is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as input for GIO streaming input operations.
- MemoryOutputStream - `GMemoryOutputStream` is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as output for GIO streaming output operations.
- Menu - `GMenu` is a simple implementation of [class@Gio.
- MenuAttributeIter - MenuAttributeIter is an opaque structure type.
- MenuItem - MenuItem is an opaque structure type.
- MenuLinkIter - MenuLinkIter is an opaque structure type.
- MenuModel - `GMenuModel` represents the contents of a menu — an ordered list of menu items.
- MountOperation - `GMountOperation` provides a mechanism for interacting with the user.
- NativeSocketAddress - A socket address of some unknown native type.
- NativeVolumeMonitor
- NetworkAddress - `GNetworkAddress` provides an easy way to resolve a hostname and then attempt to connect to that host, handling the possibility of multiple IP addresses and multiple address families.
- NetworkService - Like [class@Gio.
- Notification - `GNotification` is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown to the user — typically as a pop-up notification presented by the desktop environment shell.
- OutputStream - `GOutputStream` is a base class for implementing streaming output.
- Permission - A `GPermission` represents the status of the caller’s permission to perform a certain action.
- PollableSource
- PropertyAction - A `GPropertyAction` is a way to get a [iface@Gio.
- ProxyAddress - A [class@Gio.
- ProxyAddressEnumerator - `GProxyAddressEnumerator` is a wrapper around [class@Gio.
- Resolver - The object that handles DNS resolution.
- Resource - Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is really part of the application, rather than user data.
- Settings - The `GSettings` class provides a convenient API for storing and retrieving application settings.
- SettingsBackend - The `GSettingsBackend` interface defines a generic interface for non-strictly-typed data that is stored in a hierarchy.
- SettingsSchema - The [struct@Gio.
- SettingsSchemaKey - SettingsSchemaKey is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
- SettingsSchemaSource - This is an opaque structure type.
- SimpleAction - A `GSimpleAction` is the obvious simple implementation of the [iface@Gio.
- SimpleActionGroup - `GSimpleActionGroup` is a hash table filled with [iface@Gio.
- SimpleAsyncResult - As of GLib 2.46, `GSimpleAsyncResult` is deprecated in favor of [class@Gio.
- SimpleIOStream - `GSimpleIOStream` creates a [ class@Gio.
- SimplePermission - `GSimplePermission` is a trivial implementation of [class@Gio.
- SimpleProxyResolver - `GSimpleProxyResolver` is a simple [iface@Gio.
- Socket - A `GSocket` is a low-level networking primitive.
- SocketAddress - `GSocketAddress` is the equivalent of [`struct sockaddr`](man:sockaddr(3type)) and its subtypes in the BSD sockets API.
- SocketAddressEnumerator - `GSocketAddressEnumerator` is an enumerator type for [class@Gio.
- SocketClient - `GSocketClient` is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type.
- SocketConnection - `GSocketConnection` is a [class@Gio.
- SocketControlMessage - A `GSocketControlMessage` is a special-purpose utility message that can be sent to or received from a [class@Gio.
- SocketListener - A `GSocketListener` is an object that keeps track of a set of server sockets and helps you accept sockets from any of the socket, either sync or async.
- SocketService - A `GSocketService` is an object that represents a service that is provided to the network or over local sockets.
- SocketSource
- SrvTarget - A single target host/port that a network service is running on.
- Subprocess - `GSubprocess` allows the creation of and interaction with child processes.
- SubprocessLauncher - This class contains a set of options for launching child processes, such as where its standard input and output will be directed, the argument list, the environment, and more.
- Task - A `GTask` represents and manages a cancellable ‘task’.
- TcpConnection - This is the subclass of [ class@Gio.
- TcpWrapperConnection - A `GTcpWrapperConnection` can be used to wrap a [class@Gio.
- TestDBus - A helper class for testing code which uses D-Bus without touching the user’s session bus.
- ThemedIcon - `GThemedIcon` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- ThreadedResolver - ThreadedResolver is an implementation of Resolver which calls the libc lookup functions in threads to allow them to run asynchronously.
- ThreadedSocketService - A `GThreadedSocketService` is a simple subclass of [class@Gio.
- TlsCertificate - A certificate used for TLS authentication and encryption.
- TlsConnection - `GTlsConnection` is the base TLS connection class type, which wraps a [class@Gio.
- TlsDatabase - `GTlsDatabase` is used to look up certificates and other information from a certificate or key store.
- TlsInteraction - `GTlsInteraction` provides a mechanism for the TLS connection and database code to interact with the user.
- TlsPassword - An abstract interface representing a password used in TLS.
- UnixFDList - A `GUnixFDList` contains a list of file descriptors.
- Vfs - Entry point for using GIO functionality.
- VolumeMonitor - `GVolumeMonitor` is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes on the computer.
- ZlibCompressor - `GZlibCompressor` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- ZlibDecompressor - `GZlibDecompressor` is an implementation of [iface@Gio.
- ActionEntry - This struct defines a single action.
- DBusErrorEntry - Struct used in register_error_domain.
- DBusInterfaceVTable - Virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface.
- DBusSubtreeVTable - Virtual table for handling subtrees registered with register_subtree.
- FileAttributeInfo - Information about a specific attribute.
- InputMessage - Structure used for scatter/gather data input when receiving multiple messages or packets in one go.
- InputVector - Structure used for scatter/gather data input.
- OutputMessage - Structure used for scatter/gather data output when sending multiple messages or packets in one go.
- OutputVector - Structure used for scatter/gather data output.
- StaticResource - StaticResource is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
- AppInfoCreateFlags - Flags used when creating a AppInfo.
- ApplicationFlags - Flags used to define the behaviour of a Application.
- AskPasswordFlags - AskPasswordFlags are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation.
- BusNameOwnerFlags - Flags used in
. - BusNameWatcherFlags - Flags used in
. - BusType - An enumeration for well-known message buses.
- ConverterFlags - Flags used when calling a convert.
- ConverterResult - Results returned from convert.
- CredentialsType - Enumeration describing different kinds of native credential types.
- DBusCallFlags - Flags used in call and similar APIs.
- DBusCapabilityFlags - Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer.
- DBusConnectionFlags - Flags used when creating a new DBusConnection.
- DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags - Flags describing the behavior of a DBusInterfaceSkeleton instance.
- DBusMessageByteOrder - Enumeration used to describe the byte order of a D-Bus message.
- DBusMessageFlags - Message flags used in DBusMessage.
- DBusMessageHeaderField - Header fields used in DBusMessage.
- DBusMessageType - Message types used in DBusMessage.
- DBusObjectManagerClientFlags - Flags used when constructing a DBusObjectManagerClient.
- DBusPropertyInfoFlags - Flags describing the access control of a D-Bus property.
- DBusProxyFlags - Flags used when constructing an instance of a DBusProxy derived class.
- DBusSendMessageFlags - Flags used when sending DBusMessages on a DBusConnection.
- DBusServerFlags - Flags used when creating a DBusServer.
- DBusSignalFlags - Flags used when subscribing to signals via signal_subscribe.
- DBusSubtreeFlags - Flags passed to register_subtree.
- DataStreamByteOrder - DataStreamByteOrder is used to ensure proper endianness of streaming data sources across various machine architectures.
- DataStreamNewlineType - DataStreamNewlineType is used when checking for or setting the line endings for a given file.
- DriveStartFlags - Flags used when starting a drive.
- DriveStartStopType - Enumeration describing how a drive can be started/stopped.
- EmblemOrigin - GEmblemOrigin is used to add information about the origin of the emblem to Emblem.
- FileAttributeInfoFlags - Flags specifying the behaviour of an attribute.
- FileAttributeStatus - Used by set_attributes_from_info when setting file attributes.
- FileAttributeType - The data types for file attributes.
- FileCopyFlags - Flags used when copying or moving files.
- FileCreateFlags - Flags used when an operation may create a file.
- FileMeasureFlags - Flags that can be used with measure_disk_usage.
- FileMonitorEvent - Specifies what type of event a monitor event is.
- FileMonitorFlags - Flags used to set what a FileMonitor will watch for.
- FileQueryInfoFlags - Flags used when querying a FileInfo.
- FileType - Indicates the file's on-disk type.
- FilesystemPreviewType - Indicates a hint from the file system whether files should be previewed in a file manager.
- IOModuleScopeFlags - Flags for use with IOModuleScope.
- IOStreamSpliceFlags - GIOStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.
- MemoryMonitorWarningLevel - Memory availability warning levels.
- MountMountFlags - Flags used when mounting a mount.
- MountOperationResult - MountOperationResult is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation.
- MountUnmountFlags - Flags used when an unmounting a mount.
- NetworkConnectivity - The host's network connectivity state, as reported by NetworkMonitor.
- NotificationPriority - Priority levels for Notifications.
- OutputStreamSpliceFlags - GOutputStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.
- PasswordSave - PasswordSave is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password.
- PollableReturn - Return value for various IO operations that signal errors via the return value and not necessarily via a Error.
- ResolverNameLookupFlags - Flags to modify lookup behavior.
- ResolverRecordType - The type of record that lookup_records or lookup_records_async should retrieve.
- ResourceFlags - GResourceFlags give information about a particular file inside a resource bundle.
- ResourceLookupFlags - GResourceLookupFlags determine how resource path lookups are handled.
- SettingsBindFlags - Flags used when creating a binding.
- SocketClientEvent - Describes an event occurring on a SocketClient.
- SocketFamily - The protocol family of a SocketAddress.
- SocketListenerEvent - Describes an event occurring on a SocketListener.
- SocketMsgFlags - Flags used in receive_message and send_message.
- SocketProtocol - A protocol identifier is specified when creating a Socket, which is a family/type specific identifier, where 0 means the default protocol for the particular family/type.
- SocketType - Flags used when creating a Socket.
- SubprocessFlags - Flags to define the behaviour of a Subprocess.
- TestDBusFlags - Flags to define future TestDBus behaviour.
- TlsAuthenticationMode - The client authentication mode for a TlsServerConnection.
- TlsCertificateFlags - A set of flags describing TLS certification validation.
- TlsCertificateRequestFlags - Flags for request_certificate, request_certificate_async, and invoke_request_certificate.
- TlsChannelBindingType - The type of TLS channel binding data to retrieve from TlsConnection or DtlsConnection, as documented by RFC 5929 or RFC 9266.
- TlsDatabaseLookupFlags - Flags for lookup_certificate_for_handle, lookup_certificate_issuer, and lookup_certificates_issued_by.
- TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags - Flags for verify_chain.
- TlsInteractionResult - TlsInteractionResult is returned by various functions in TlsInteraction when finishing an interaction request.
- TlsPasswordFlags - Various flags for the password.
- TlsProtocolVersion - The TLS or DTLS protocol version used by a TlsConnection or DtlsConnection.
- TlsRehandshakeMode - When to allow rehandshaking.
- UnixSocketAddressType - The type of name
used by a
s. - ZlibCompressorFormat - Used to select the type of data format to use for ZlibDecompressor and ZlibCompressor.
- DBusError - Error codes for the g_dbus_error error domain.
- IOError - Error codes returned by GIO functions.
- ResolverError - An error code used with g_resolver_error in a Error returned from a Resolver routine.
- ResourceError - An error code used with g_resource_error in a Error returned from a Resource routine.
- TlsChannelBindingError - An error code used with g_tls_channel_binding_error in a Error to indicate a TLS channel binding retrieval error.
- TlsError - An error code used with g_tls_error in a Error returned from a TLS-related routine.
The value returned by handlers of the signals generated by the `gdbus-codegen` tool to indicate that a method call has been handled by an implementation.
The value returned by handlers of the signals generated by the `gdbus-codegen` tool to indicate that a method call has not been handled by an implementation.
The string used to obtain a Unix device path with get_identifier.
- public delegate void AsyncReadyCallback (Object? source_object, AsyncResult res)
- public delegate void BusAcquiredCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when a connection to a message bus has been obtained.
- public delegate void BusNameAcquiredCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when the name is acquired.
- public delegate void BusNameAppearedCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name, string name_owner)
Invoked when the name being watched is known to have to have an owner.
- public delegate void BusNameLostCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when the name is lost or
has been closed. - public delegate void BusNameVanishedCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when the name being watched is known not to have to have an owner.
- public delegate bool CancellableSourceFunc (Cancellable? cancellable = null)
This is the function type of the callback used for the SocketSource returned by CancellableSource.
- public delegate Variant DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string property_name) throws Error
The type of the
function in DBusInterfaceVTable. - public delegate void DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string method_name, Variant parameters, owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
The type of the
function in DBusInterfaceVTable. - public delegate bool DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string property_name, Variant value) throws Error
The type of the
function in DBusInterfaceVTable. - public delegate DBusMessage? DBusMessageFilterFunction (DBusConnection connection, owned DBusMessage message, bool incoming)
Signature for function used in add_filter.
- public delegate Type DBusProxyTypeFunc (DBusObjectManagerClient manager, string object_path, string? interface_name)
Function signature for a function used to determine the Type to use for an interface proxy (if
is not null) or object proxy (ifinterface_name
is null). - public delegate void DBusSignalCallback (DBusConnection connection, string? sender_name, string object_path, string interface_name, string signal_name, Variant parameters)
Signature for callback function used in signal_subscribe.
- public delegate unowned DBusInterfaceVTable? DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string node, void* out_user_data)
The type of the
function in DBusSubtreeVTable. - public delegate string[] DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path)
The type of the
function in DBusSubtreeVTable. - public delegate DBusInterfaceInfo[]? DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string node)
The type of the
function in DBusSubtreeVTable. - public delegate bool DatagramBasedSourceFunc (DatagramBased datagram_based, IOCondition condition)
This is the function type of the callback used for the SocketSource returned by create_source.
- public delegate void FileMeasureProgressCallback (bool reporting, uint64 current_size, uint64 num_dirs, uint64 num_files)
This callback type is used by measure_disk_usage to make periodic progress reports when measuring the amount of disk spaced used by a directory.
- public delegate void FileProgressCallback (int64 current_num_bytes, int64 total_num_bytes)
When doing file operations that may take a while, such as moving a file or copying a file, a progress callback is used to pass how far along that operation is to the application.
- public delegate bool FileReadMoreCallback (string file_contents, int64 file_size)
When loading the partial contents of a file with load_partial_contents_async, it may become necessary to determine if any more data from the file should be loaded.
- public delegate bool IOSchedulerJobFunc (IOSchedulerJob job, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
I/O Job function.
- public delegate bool PollableSourceFunc (Object pollable_stream)
This is the function type of the callback used for the SocketSource returned by create_source and create_source.
- public delegate void* ReallocFunc (void* data, size_t size)
Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by
bytes. - public delegate bool SettingsBindGetMapping (Value value, Variant variant)
- public delegate bool SettingsBindGetMappingShared (Value value, Variant variant, void* user_data)
The type for the function that is used to convert from Settings to an object property.
- public delegate Variant SettingsBindSetMapping (Value value, VariantType expected_type)
- public delegate Variant SettingsBindSetMappingShared (Value value, VariantType expected_type, void* user_data)
- public delegate bool SettingsGetMapping (Variant value, out void* result)
The type of the function that is used to convert from a value stored in a Settings to a value that is useful to the application.
- public delegate void SimpleActionActivateCallback (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter)
- public delegate void SimpleActionChangeStateCallback (SimpleAction action, Variant value)
- public delegate void SimpleAsyncThreadFunc (SimpleAsyncResult res, Object object, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
Simple thread function that runs an asynchronous operation and checks for cancellation.
- public delegate bool SocketSourceFunc (Socket socket, IOCondition condition)
This is the function type of the callback used for the SocketSource returned by create_source.
- public delegate void TaskReadyCallback (Object? source_object, Task task)
Type definition for a function that will be called back when an asynchronous operation within GIO has been completed.
- public delegate bool TaskSourceFunc (Task task)
- public delegate void TaskThreadFunc (Task task, Object source_object, void* task_data, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
The prototype for a task function to be run in a thread via run_in_thread or run_in_thread_sync.
- public delegate File VfsFileLookupFunc (Vfs vfs, string identifier)
This function type is used by register_uri_scheme to make it possible for a client to associate an URI scheme to a different File implementation.
- public bool action_name_is_valid (string action_name)
- public bool action_parse_detailed_name (string detailed_name, out string action_name, out Variant? target_value) throws Error
- public string action_print_detailed_name (string action_name, Variant? target_value)
- public DtlsClientConnection dtls_client_connection_new (DatagramBased base_socket, SocketConnectable? server_identity) throws Error
- public DtlsServerConnection dtls_server_connection_new (DatagramBased base_socket, TlsCertificate? certificate) throws Error
- public unowned IOExtension io_extension_point_implement (string extension_point_name, Type type, string extension_name, int priority)
as extension for the extension point with nameextension_point_name
. - public unowned IOExtensionPoint io_extension_point_lookup (string name)
Looks up an existing extension point.
- public unowned IOExtensionPoint io_extension_point_register (string name)
Registers an extension point.
- public MemoryMonitor memory_monitor_dup_default ()
- public void networking_init ()
Initializes the platform networking libraries (eg, on Windows, this calls
). - public ssize_t pollable_stream_read (InputStream stream, uint8[] buffer, bool blocking, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Tries to read from
, as with read (ifblocking
is true) or read_nonblocking (ifblocking
is false). - public ssize_t pollable_stream_write (OutputStream stream, uint8[] buffer, bool blocking, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Tries to write to
, as with write (ifblocking
is true) or write_nonblocking (ifblocking
is false). - public bool pollable_stream_write_all (OutputStream stream, uint8[] buffer, bool blocking, out size_t bytes_written, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Tries to write
bytes tostream
, as with write_all, but using pollable_stream_write rather than write. - public PowerProfileMonitor power_profile_monitor_dup_default ()
- public Quark resolver_error_quark ()
- public Quark resource_error_quark ()
- public Resource resource_load (string filename) throws Error
Loads a binary resource bundle and creates a Resource representation of it, allowing you to query it for data.
- public string[] resources_enumerate_children (string path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags) throws Error
Returns all the names of children at the specified
in the set of globally registered resources. - public bool resources_get_info (string path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags, out size_t size, out uint32 flags) throws Error
Looks for a file at the specified
in the set of globally registered resources and if found returns information about it. - public Bytes resources_lookup_data (string path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags) throws Error
Looks for a file at the specified
in the set of globally registered resources and returns a Bytes that lets you directly access the data in memory. - public InputStream resources_open_stream (string path, ResourceLookupFlags lookup_flags) throws Error
Looks for a file at the specified
in the set of globally registered resources and returns a InputStream that lets you read the data. - public void resources_register (Resource resource)
Registers the resource with the process-global set of resources.
- public void resources_unregister (Resource resource)
Unregisters the resource from the process-global set of resources.
- public unowned SettingsSchemaSource? settings_schema_source_get_default ()
Gets the default system schema source.
- public ReallocFunc g_realloc
- Bus
- public async DBusConnection @get (BusType bus_type, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
Asynchronously connects to the message bus specified by
. - public async T get_proxy<T> (BusType bus_type, string name, string object_path, DBusProxyFlags flags = 0, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
- public T get_proxy_sync<T> (BusType bus_type, string name, string object_path, DBusProxyFlags flags = 0, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
- public DBusConnection get_sync (BusType bus_type, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
Synchronously connects to the message bus specified by
. - public uint own_name (BusType bus_type, string name, BusNameOwnerFlags flags, owned BusAcquiredCallback? bus_acquired_closure = null, owned BusNameAcquiredCallback? name_acquired_closure = null, owned BusNameLostCallback? name_lost_closure = null)
Version of
using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages. - public uint own_name_on_connection (DBusConnection connection, string name, BusNameOwnerFlags flags, owned BusNameAcquiredCallback? name_acquired_closure = null, owned BusNameLostCallback? name_lost_closure = null)
Version of
using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages. - public void unown_name (uint owner_id)
Stops owning a name.
- public void unwatch_name (uint watcher_id)
Stops watching a name.
- public uint watch_name (BusType bus_type, string name, BusNameWatcherFlags flags, owned BusNameAppearedCallback? name_appeared_closure = null, owned BusNameVanishedCallback? name_vanished_closure = null)
Version of
using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages. - public uint watch_name_on_connection (DBusConnection connection, string name, BusNameWatcherFlags flags, owned BusNameAppearedCallback? name_appeared_closure = null, owned BusNameVanishedCallback? name_vanished_closure = null)
Version of
using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages. - ContentType
- public bool can_be_executable (string type)
Checks if a content type can be executable.
- public bool equals (string type1, string type2)
Compares two content types for equality.
- public string? from_mime_type (string mime_type)
Tries to find a content type based on the mime type name.
- public string get_description (string type)
Gets the human readable description of the content type.
- public string? get_generic_icon_name (string type)
Gets the generic icon name for a content type.
- public Icon get_icon (string type)
Gets the icon for a content type.
- public unowned string[] get_mime_dirs ()
Get the list of directories which MIME data is loaded from.
- public string? get_mime_type (string type)
Gets the mime type for the content type, if one is registered.
- public Icon get_symbolic_icon (string type)
Gets the symbolic icon for a content type.
- public string guess (string? filename, uint8[]? data, out bool result_uncertain)
Guesses the content type based on example data.
- public string[] guess_for_tree (File root)
Tries to guess the type of the tree with root
, by looking at the files it contains. - public bool is_a (string type, string supertype)
Determines if
is a subset ofsupertype
. - public bool is_mime_type (string type, string mime_type)
Determines if
is a subset ofmime_type
. - public bool is_unknown (string type)
Checks if the content type is the generic "unknown" type.
- public List<string> list_registered ()
Gets a list of strings containing all the registered content types known to the system.
- public void set_mime_dirs (string[]? dirs)
Set the list of directories used by GIO to load the MIME database.
- DBus
- public string address_escape_value (string string)
so it can appear in a D-Bus address as the value part of a key-value pair. - public async IOStream address_get_stream (string address, Cancellable? cancellable = null, out string? out_guid) throws Error
Asynchronously connects to an endpoint specified by
and sets up the connection so it is in a state to run the client-side of the D-Bus authentication conversation. - public IOStream address_get_stream_sync (string address, out string? out_guid, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously connects to an endpoint specified by
and sets up the connection so it is in a state to run the client-side of the D-Bus authentication conversation. - public unowned string? annotation_info_lookup (DBusAnnotationInfo[]? annotations, string name)
Looks up the value of an annotation.
- public string error_encode_gerror (Error error)
- public string? error_get_remote_error (Error error)
- public bool error_is_remote_error (Error error)
- public Error error_new_for_dbus_error (string dbus_error_name, string dbus_error_message)
- public Quark error_quark ()
- public bool error_register_error (Quark error_domain, int error_code, string dbus_error_name)
- public void error_register_error_domain (string error_domain_quark_name, size_t quark_volatile, DBusErrorEntry[] entries)
- public bool error_strip_remote_error (Error error)
- public bool error_unregister_error (Quark error_domain, int error_code, string dbus_error_name)
- public string escape_object_path (string s)
This is a language binding friendly version of escape_object_path_bytestring.
- public string escape_object_path_bytestring (uint8[] bytes)
for use in a D-Bus object path component. - public string generate_guid ()
Generate a D-Bus GUID that can be used with e.
- public Variant gvalue_to_gvariant (Value gvalue, VariantType type)
- public Value gvariant_to_gvalue (Variant value)
- public bool is_address (string string)
Checks if
is a D-Bus address. - public bool is_error_name (string string)
Check whether
is a valid D-Bus error name. - public bool is_guid (string string)
Checks if
is a D-Bus GUID. - public bool is_interface_name (string string)
Checks if
is a valid D-Bus interface name. - public bool is_member_name (string string)
Checks if
is a valid D-Bus member (e. - public bool is_name (string string)
Checks if
is a valid D-Bus bus name (either unique or well-known). - public bool is_supported_address (string string) throws Error
Like is_address but also checks if the library supports the transports in
and that key/value pairs for each transport are valid. - public bool is_unique_name (string string)
Checks if
is a valid D-Bus unique bus name. - public unowned uint8[]? unescape_object_path (string s)
Unescapes an string that was previously escaped with escape_object_path.
- FileAttribute
- public const string ACCESS_CAN_DELETE
A key in the "access" namespace for checking deletion privileges.
- public const string ACCESS_CAN_EXECUTE
A key in the "access" namespace for getting execution privileges.
- public const string ACCESS_CAN_READ
A key in the "access" namespace for getting read privileges.
- public const string ACCESS_CAN_RENAME
A key in the "access" namespace for checking renaming privileges.
- public const string ACCESS_CAN_TRASH
A key in the "access" namespace for checking trashing privileges.
- public const string ACCESS_CAN_WRITE
A key in the "access" namespace for getting write privileges.
- public const string DOS_IS_ARCHIVE
A key in the "dos" namespace for checking if the file's archive flag is set.
- public const string DOS_IS_MOUNTPOINT
A key in the "dos" namespace for checking if the file is a NTFS mount point (a volume mount or a junction point).
- public const string DOS_IS_SYSTEM
A key in the "dos" namespace for checking if the file's backup flag is set.
- public const string DOS_REPARSE_POINT_TAG
A key in the "dos" namespace for getting the file NTFS reparse tag.
- public const string ETAG_VALUE
A key in the "etag" namespace for getting the value of the file's entity tag.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_FREE
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the number of bytes of free space left on the file system.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_READONLY
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for checking if the file system is read only.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_REMOTE
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for checking if the file system is remote.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_SIZE
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the total size (in bytes) of the file system, used in query_filesystem_info.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_TYPE
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the file system's type.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_USED
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for getting the number of bytes used by data on the file system.
- public const string FILESYSTEM_USE_PREVIEW
A key in the "filesystem" namespace for hinting a file manager application whether it should preview (e.
- public const string GVFS_BACKEND
A key in the "gvfs" namespace that gets the name of the current GVFS backend in use.
- public const string ID_FILE
A key in the "id" namespace for getting a file identifier.
- public const string ID_FILESYSTEM
A key in the "id" namespace for getting the file system identifier.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_EJECT
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be ejected.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_MOUNT
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) is mountable.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_POLL
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be polled.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_START
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be started.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_START_DEGRADED
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be started degraded.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_STOP
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) can be stopped.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_CAN_UNMOUNT
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) is unmountable.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_HAL_UDI
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the HAL UDI for the mountable file.
A key in the "mountable" namespace for checking if a file (of type G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) is automatically polled for media.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_START_STOP_TYPE
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the DriveStartStopType.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_UNIX_DEVICE
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the unix device.
- public const string MOUNTABLE_UNIX_DEVICE_FILE
A key in the "mountable" namespace for getting the unix device file.
- public const string OWNER_GROUP
A key in the "owner" namespace for getting the file owner's group.
- public const string OWNER_USER
A key in the "owner" namespace for getting the user name of the file's owner.
- public const string OWNER_USER_REAL
A key in the "owner" namespace for getting the real name of the user that owns the file.
- public const string PREVIEW_ICON
A key in the "preview" namespace for getting a Icon that can be used to get preview of the file.
- public const string RECENT_MODIFIED
A key in the "recent" namespace for getting time, when the metadata for the file in `recent:///` was last changed.
- public const string SELINUX_CONTEXT
A key in the "selinux" namespace for getting the file's SELinux context.
- public const string STANDARD_ALLOCATED_SIZE
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the amount of disk space that is consumed by the file (in bytes).
- public const string STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the content type of the file.
- public const string STANDARD_COPY_NAME
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the copy name of the file.
- public const string STANDARD_DESCRIPTION
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the description of the file.
- public const string STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the display name of the file.
- public const string STANDARD_EDIT_NAME
A key in the "standard" namespace for edit name of the file.
- public const string STANDARD_FAST_CONTENT_TYPE
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the fast content type.
- public const string STANDARD_ICON
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the icon for the file.
- public const string STANDARD_IS_BACKUP
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is a backup file.
- public const string STANDARD_IS_HIDDEN
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is hidden.
- public const string STANDARD_IS_SYMLINK
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if the file is a symlink.
- public const string STANDARD_IS_VIRTUAL
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is virtual.
- public const string STANDARD_IS_VOLATILE
A key in the "standard" namespace for checking if a file is volatile.
- public const string STANDARD_NAME
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the name of the file.
- public const string STANDARD_SIZE
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the file's size (in bytes).
- public const string STANDARD_SORT_ORDER
A key in the "standard" namespace for setting the sort order of a file.
- public const string STANDARD_SYMBOLIC_ICON
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the symbolic icon for the file.
- public const string STANDARD_SYMLINK_TARGET
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the symlink target, if the file is a symlink.
- public const string STANDARD_TARGET_URI
A key in the "standard" namespace for getting the target URI for the file, in the case of g_file_type_shortcut or g_file_type_mountable files.
- public const string STANDARD_TYPE
A key in the "standard" namespace for storing file types.
- public const string THUMBNAILING_FAILED
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed.
- public const string THUMBNAILING_FAILED_LARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the large image.
- public const string THUMBNAILING_FAILED_NORMAL
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the normal image.
- public const string THUMBNAILING_FAILED_XLARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the x-large image.
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking if thumbnailing failed for the xx-large image.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the thumbnail is outdated.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_LARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the large thumbnail is outdated.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_NORMAL
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the normal thumbnail is outdated.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_XLARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the x-large thumbnail is outdated.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_IS_VALID_XXLARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for checking whether the xx-large thumbnail is outdated.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_PATH
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the thumbnail image with the biggest size available.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_PATH_LARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the large thumbnail image.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_PATH_NORMAL
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the normal thumbnail image.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_PATH_XLARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the x-large thumbnail image.
- public const string THUMBNAIL_PATH_XXLARGE
A key in the "thumbnail" namespace for getting the path to the xx-large thumbnail image.
- public const string TIME_ACCESS
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was last accessed.
- public const string TIME_ACCESS_NSEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was last accessed.
- public const string TIME_ACCESS_USEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was last accessed.
- public const string TIME_CHANGED
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was last changed.
- public const string TIME_CHANGED_NSEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was last changed.
- public const string TIME_CHANGED_USEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was last changed.
- public const string TIME_CREATED
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was created.
- public const string TIME_CREATED_NSEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was created.
- public const string TIME_CREATED_USEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was created.
- public const string TIME_MODIFIED
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the time the file was last modified.
- public const string TIME_MODIFIED_NSEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the nanoseconds of the time the file was last modified.
- public const string TIME_MODIFIED_USEC
A key in the "time" namespace for getting the microseconds of the time the file was last modified.
- public const string TRASH_DELETION_DATE
A key in the "trash" namespace for getting the deletion date and time of a file inside the `trash:///` folder.
- public const string TRASH_ITEM_COUNT
A key in the "trash" namespace for getting the number of (toplevel) items that are present in the `trash:///` folder.
- public const string TRASH_ORIG_PATH
A key in the "trash" namespace for getting the original path of a file inside the `trash:///` folder before it was trashed.
- public const string UNIX_BLOCKS
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the number of blocks allocated for the file.
- public const string UNIX_BLOCK_SIZE
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the block size for the file system.
- public const string UNIX_DEVICE
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the device id of the device the file is located on (see
documentation). - public const string UNIX_GID
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the group ID for the file.
- public const string UNIX_INODE
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the inode of the file.
- public const string UNIX_IS_MOUNTPOINT
A key in the "unix" namespace for checking if the file represents a UNIX mount point.
- public const string UNIX_MODE
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the mode of the file (e.
- public const string UNIX_NLINK
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the number of hard links for a file.
- public const string UNIX_RDEV
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the device ID for the file (if it is a special file).
- public const string UNIX_UID
A key in the "unix" namespace for getting the user ID for the file.
- VolumeIdentifier
- public const string CLASS
The string used to obtain the volume class with get_identifier.
- public const string HAL_UDI
The string used to obtain a Hal UDI with get_identifier.
- public const string LABEL
The string used to obtain a filesystem label with get_identifier.
- public const string NFS_MOUNT
The string used to obtain a NFS mount with get_identifier.
- public const string UNIX_DEVICE
The string used to obtain a Unix device path with get_identifier.
- public const string UUID
The string used to obtain a UUID with get_identifier.