- public async DBusConnection @get (BusType bus_type, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
Asynchronously connects to the message bus specified by bus_type
- public async T get_proxy<T> (BusType bus_type, string name, string object_path, DBusProxyFlags flags = 0, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
- public T get_proxy_sync<T> (BusType bus_type, string name, string object_path, DBusProxyFlags flags = 0, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
- public DBusConnection get_sync (BusType bus_type, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError
Synchronously connects to the message bus specified by bus_type
- public uint own_name (BusType bus_type, string name, BusNameOwnerFlags flags, owned BusAcquiredCallback? bus_acquired_closure = null, owned BusNameAcquiredCallback? name_acquired_closure = null, owned BusNameLostCallback? name_lost_closure = null)
Version of g_bus_own_name
using closures instead of callbacks
for easier binding in other languages.
- public uint own_name_on_connection (DBusConnection connection, string name, BusNameOwnerFlags flags, owned BusNameAcquiredCallback? name_acquired_closure = null, owned BusNameLostCallback? name_lost_closure = null)
Version of g_bus_own_name_on_connection
using closures instead
of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.
- public void unown_name (uint owner_id)
Stops owning a name.
- public void unwatch_name (uint watcher_id)
Stops watching a name.
- public uint watch_name (BusType bus_type, string name, BusNameWatcherFlags flags, owned BusNameAppearedCallback? name_appeared_closure = null, owned BusNameVanishedCallback? name_vanished_closure = null)
Version of g_bus_watch_name
using closures instead of callbacks
for easier binding in other languages.
- public uint watch_name_on_connection (DBusConnection connection, string name, BusNameWatcherFlags flags, owned BusNameAppearedCallback? name_appeared_closure = null, owned BusNameVanishedCallback? name_vanished_closure = null)
Version of g_bus_watch_name_on_connection
using closures
instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.