Object Hierarchy:
SwitchModelButton is a Gtk.ToggleButton containing a Gtk.Label and a Gtk.Switch and using the menuitem css name. It can optionally show description text when activated.
var switchmodelbutton = new Granite.SwitchModelButton ("With Description") {
active = true,
description = "A description of additional affects related to the activation state of this switch"
Namespace: Granite
Package: granite
- public string? description { get; set; }
Small, dim description text shown when active.
- public string text { get; set construct; }
The label for the button.
Creation methods:
- public SwitchModelButton (string text)
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Gtk.ToggleButton
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Button
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Bin
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Container
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
- accel_closures_changed
- activate
- add_accelerator
- add_device_events
- add_events
- add_mnemonic_label
- add_tick_callback
- adjust_baseline_allocation
- adjust_baseline_request
- adjust_size_allocation
- adjust_size_request
- app_paintable
- bind_template_callback_full
- bind_template_child_full
- button_press_event
- button_release_event
- can_activate_accel
- can_default
- can_focus
- child_focus
- child_notify
- class_path
- composite_child
- composited_changed
- compute_expand
- compute_expand_internal
- configure_event
- create_pango_context
- create_pango_layout
- damage_event
- delete_event
- destroy
- destroy_event
- destroyed
- device_is_shadowed
- direction_changed
- dispatch_child_properties_changed
- double_buffered
- drag_begin
- drag_data_delete
- drag_data_get
- drag_data_received
- drag_drop
- drag_end
- drag_failed
- drag_leave
- drag_motion
- draw
- draw_to_cairo_context
- ensure_style
- enter_notify_event
- error_bell
- event
- event_after
- events
- expand
- find_style_property
- focus
- focus_in_event
- focus_on_click
- focus_out_event
- freeze_child_notify
- get_accessible
- get_action_group
- get_allocated_baseline
- get_allocated_height
- get_allocated_size
- get_allocated_width
- get_allocation
- get_ancestor
- get_app_paintable
- get_can_default
- get_can_focus
- get_child_requisition
- get_child_visible
- get_clip
- get_clipboard
- get_composite_name
- get_css_name
- get_default_direction
- get_default_style
- get_device_enabled
- get_device_events
- get_direction
- get_display
- get_double_buffered
- get_events
- get_focus_on_click
- get_font_map
- get_font_options
- get_frame_clock
- get_halign
- get_has_tooltip
- get_has_window
- get_hexpand
- get_hexpand_set
- get_mapped
- get_margin_bottom
- get_margin_end
- get_margin_left
- get_margin_right
- get_margin_start
- get_margin_top
- get_modifier_mask
- get_modifier_style
- get_no_show_all
- get_opacity
- get_pango_context
- get_parent
- get_parent_window
- get_path
- get_pointer
- get_preferred_height
- get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width_internal
- get_preferred_height_internal
- get_preferred_size
- get_preferred_width
- get_preferred_width_for_height
- get_preferred_width_for_height_internal
- get_preferred_width_internal
- get_realized
- get_receives_default
- get_request_mode
- get_requisition
- get_root_window
- get_scale_factor
- get_screen
- get_sensitive
- get_settings
- get_size_request
- get_state
- get_state_flags
- get_style
- get_style_context
- get_support_multidevice
- get_template_child
- get_tooltip_markup
- get_tooltip_text
- get_tooltip_window
- get_toplevel
- get_valign
- get_valign_with_baseline
- get_vexpand
- get_vexpand_set
- get_visible
- get_visual
- get_window
- grab_broken_event
- grab_default
- grab_focus
- grab_notify
- halign
- has_default
- has_focus
- has_grab
- has_rc_style
- has_screen
- has_tooltip
- has_visible_focus
- height_request
- hexpand
- hexpand_set
- hide
- hide_on_delete
- hierarchy_changed
- in_destruction
- init_template
- input_shape_combine_region
- insert_action_group
- install_style_property
- install_style_property_parser
- intersect
- is_ancestor
- is_composited
- is_drawable
- is_focus
- is_sensitive
- is_toplevel
- is_visible
- key_press_event
- key_release_event
- keynav_failed
- leave_notify_event
- list_accel_closures
- list_action_prefixes
- list_mnemonic_labels
- list_style_properties
- map
- map_event
- margin
- margin_bottom
- margin_end
- margin_left
- margin_right
- margin_start
- margin_top
- mnemonic_activate
- modify_base
- modify_bg
- modify_cursor
- modify_fg
- modify_font
- modify_style
- modify_text
- motion_notify_event
- move_focus
- name
- no_show_all
- opacity
- override_background_color
- override_color
- override_cursor
- override_font
- override_symbolic_color
- parent
- parent_set
- path
- pop_composite_child
- popup_menu
- property_notify_event
- proximity_in_event
- proximity_out_event
- push_composite_child
- query_tooltip
- queue_allocate
- queue_compute_expand
- queue_draw
- queue_draw_area
- queue_draw_region
- queue_resize
- queue_resize_no_redraw
- realize
- receives_default
- region_intersect
- register_window
- remove_accelerator
- remove_mnemonic_label
- remove_tick_callback
- render_icon
- render_icon_pixbuf
- reparent
- reset_rc_styles
- reset_style
- scale_factor
- screen_changed
- scroll_event
- selection_clear_event
- selection_get
- selection_notify_event
- selection_received
- selection_request_event
- send_expose
- send_focus_change
- sensitive
- set_accel_path
- set_accessible_role
- set_accessible_type
- set_allocation
- set_app_paintable
- set_can_default
- set_can_focus
- set_child_visible
- set_clip
- set_composite_name
- set_connect_func
- set_css_name
- set_default_direction
- set_device_enabled
- set_device_events
- set_direction
- set_double_buffered
- set_events
- set_focus_on_click
- set_font_map
- set_font_options
- set_halign
- set_has_tooltip
- set_has_window
- set_hexpand
- set_hexpand_set
- set_mapped
- set_margin_bottom
- set_margin_end
- set_margin_left
- set_margin_right
- set_margin_start
- set_margin_top
- set_no_show_all
- set_opacity
- set_parent
- set_parent_window
- set_realized
- set_receives_default
- set_redraw_on_allocate
- set_sensitive
- set_size_request
- set_state
- set_state_flags
- set_style
- set_support_multidevice
- set_template
- set_template_from_resource
- set_tooltip_markup
- set_tooltip_text
- set_tooltip_window
- set_valign
- set_vexpand
- set_vexpand_set
- set_visible
- set_visual
- set_window
- shape_combine_region
- show
- show_all
- show_help
- show_now
- size_allocate
- size_allocate_with_baseline
- size_request
- state_changed
- state_flags_changed
- style
- style_attach
- style_get
- style_get_property
- style_get_valist
- style_set
- style_updated
- thaw_child_notify
- tooltip_markup
- tooltip_text
- touch_event
- translate_coordinates
- trigger_tooltip_query
- unmap
- unmap_event
- unparent
- unrealize
- unregister_window
- unset_state_flags
- valign
- vexpand
- vexpand_set
- visibility_notify_event
- visible
- width_request
- window_state_event
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Atk.Implementor
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Actionable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Activatable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Buildable