- DateTime - The DateTime namespace contains useful functions for getting the default translated format for either date and time.
- Drawing
- Services
- Application - Utilities for Applications
- StyleClass
- Widgets
- Utils - This namespace contains functions to apply CSS stylesheets to widgets.
- AccelLabel - AccelLabel is meant to be used as a Gtk.MenuItem child for displaying a GLib.Action's accelerator alongside the Menu Item label.
- Application - This is the base class for all Granite-based apps. It has methods that help to create a great deal of an app's functionality.
- AsyncImage - AsyncImage is a Gtk.Image that provides a way to load icons and images asynchronously without blocking the main GTK thread.
- Dialog - Granite.Dialog is a styled Gtk.Dialog that uses an empty title area and action widgets in the bottom/end position.
- HeaderLabel - HeaderLabel is a start-aligned Gtk.Label with the Granite H4 style class
- HyperTextView - This class enables navigatable URLs in Gtk.TextView
- MessageDialog - MessageDialog is an elementary OS styled dialog used to display a message to the user.
- ModeSwitch - ModeSwitch is a selection control for choosing between two options that can be described with an icon.
- SeekBar - This widget is a playback statusbar that contains a Gtk.Scale widget and two labels displaying the current progression and the total duration.
- Settings - Granite.Settings provides a way to share Pantheon desktop settings with applications.
- SettingsPage - AbstractSettingsPage is a Gtk.ScrolledWindow subclass with properties used by other Granite settings widgets.
- SettingsSidebar - SettingsSidebar acts as a controller for a Gtk.Stack; it shows a row of buttons to switch between the various pages of the associated stack widget.
- SimpleSettingsPage - SimpleSettingsPage is a widget divided into three sections: a predefined header, a content area, and an action area.
- SwitchModelButton - SwitchModelButton is a Gtk.ToggleButton containing a Gtk.Label and a Gtk.Switch and using the menuitem css name. It can optionally show description text when activated.
- ValidatedEntry - ValidatedEntry is a Gtk.Entry subclass that is meant to be used in forms where input must be validated before the form can be submitted. It provides feedback to users about the state of input validation and keeps track of its own validation state. By default, input is considered invalid.
- CloseButtonPosition - An enum used to derermine where the window manager currently displays its close button on windows. Used with Granite.Widgets.Utils.get_default_close_button_position.
- CollapseMode
- TextStyle
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_ACCENT
Style class to give accent color to a Gtk.Label or symbolic icon
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_AVATAR
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_BACK_BUTTON
Style class for shaping a Gtk.Button
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_BADGE
Style class for numbered badges as in a Granite.Widgets.SourceList
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_CARD
Style class for adding a small shadow to a container such as for image thumbnails
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_CHECKERBOARD
Style class for checkered backgrounds to represent transparency in images
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_COLOR_BUTTON
Style class for color chooser buttons to be applied to Gtk.CheckButton or Gtk.RadioButton
Style class for slim headerbars, like in Terminal
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_H1_LABEL
Style class for large primary text as seen in Granite.Widgets.Welcome
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_H2_LABEL
Style class for large seondary text as seen in Granite.Widgets.Welcome
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_H3_LABEL
Style class for small primary text
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_H4_LABEL
Style class for a Granite.HeaderLabel
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_KEYCAP
Style class for a Gtk.Label to be displayed as a keyboard key cap
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_MODE_SWITCH
Style class for a Gtk.Switch used to change between two modes rather than active and inactive states
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_OVERLAY_BAR
Style class for a Granite.Widgets.OverlayBar
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_PRIMARY_LABEL
Style class for primary label text in a Granite.MessageDialog
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_ROUNDED
Style class for rounded corners, i.e. on a Gtk.Window or Granite.STYLE_CLASS_CARD
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_SEEKBAR
Style class for a Granite.SeekBar
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_SMALL_LABEL
Style class for a Gtk.Label to emulate Pango's "<small>" and "size='smaller'"
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_SOURCE_LIST
Style class for a Granite.Widgets.SourceList
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_STORAGEBAR
Style class for a
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE
Style class for a temperature scale, a Gtk.Scale with a "cold" to "hot" color gradient
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_TERMINAL
Style class for Gtk.Label or Gtk.TextView to emulate the appearance of Terminal. This includes text color, background color, selection highlighting, and selecting the system monospace font.
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_WARMTH
Style class for a warmth scale, a Gtk.Scale with a "less warm" to "more warm" color gradient
- public const string STYLE_CLASS_WELCOME
Style class for a Granite.Widgets.Welcome
Pango markup to use for secondary text in a Gtk.Tooltip, such as for accelerators, extended descriptions, etc.
Transition duration when a widget closes, hides a portion of its content, or exits the screen
Transition duration when a widget transforms in-place, like when filtering content with a view switcher
Transition duration when a widget opens, reveals more content, or enters the screen
- public delegate void WidgetsDroppedDelegate ()
- public string accel_to_string (string? accel)
Converts a Gtk.accelerator_parse style accel string to a human-readable string.
- public RGBA contrasting_foreground_color (RGBA bg_color)
Takes a Gdk.RGBA background color and returns a suitably-contrasting foreground color, i.e. for determining text color on a colored background. There is a slight bias toward returning white, as white generally looks better on a wider range of colored backgrounds than black.
- public string markup_accel_tooltip (string[]? accels, string? description = null)
Takes a description and an array of accels and returns Pango markup for use in a Gtk.Tooltip . This method uses Granite.accel_to_string.