Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "shumate_marker_get_type ()" ) ]
public class Marker : Widget, Accessible, Buildable, ConstraintTarget, Location
public class Marker : Widget, Accessible, Buildable, ConstraintTarget, Location
Markers represent points of interest on a map.
Markers need to be placed on a layer (a [class@MarkerLayer]). Layers have to be added to a [class@Map] for the markers to show on the map.
A marker is nothing more than a regular [class@Gtk.Widget]. You can draw on it what ever you want. Set the marker's position on the map using [ method@Location.set_location].
This is a base class of all markers. A typical usage of a marker is for instance to add a [class@Gtk.Image] with a pin image and add the [ class@Gtk.GestureClick] controller to listen to click events and show a [class@Gtk.Popover] with the description of the marker.
All known sub-classes:
Namespace: Shumate
Package: shumate-1.0
Creation methods:
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Accessible
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Buildable
All known members inherited from interface Shumate.Location