- Location - An interface common to objects having latitude and longitude
- Compass - A widget displaying a compass.
- Coordinate - A simple object implementing [ iface@Location].
- DataSource - The base class used to retrieve tiles as [struct@GLib.
- DataSourceRequest - Represents a request to a [class@DataSource] for a tile.
- FileCache - A cache that stores and retrieves tiles from the file system.
- Layer - Every layer (overlay that moves together with the map) has to inherit this class and implement its virtual methods.
- License - A widget that displays license text.
- Map - The Map widget is a [class@Gtk.
- MapLayer - A [class@Shumate.
- MapSource - The base class for all map sources.
- MapSourceRegistry - This object allows you to hold [class@MapSource] instances, you can access a default set of sources with [method@MapSourceRegistry.
- Marker - Markers represent points of interest on a map.
- MarkerLayer - Displays markers on the map.
- PathLayer - A layer displaying line path between inserted [iface@Location] objects
- Point - A simple variant of [class@Marker] showing the location of the point as a circle on the map.
- RasterRenderer
- Scale - A widget displaying a scale.
- SimpleMap - A ready-to-use map [class@Gtk.
- SymbolEvent - An object containing the details of a map feature that has been clicked.
- Tile - An object that represents map tiles.
- TileDownloader - A [class@DataSource] that asynchronously downloads tiles from an online service using a given template.
- VectorRenderer - A [class@MapSource] that renders tiles from a given vector data source.
- Viewport - The object holding the coordinate, zoom-level, and rotation state of the current view.
- MapProjection - Projections supported by the library.
- State - Tile loading state.
- Unit - Units used by the scale.
Error domains:
- FileCacheError - Error codes in the FileCacheError domain.
- StyleError - Error codes that occurs while parsing the style in [class@VectorRenderer].
- TileDownloaderError - Error codes in the TileDownloaderError domain.
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
The major version of libshumate (1, if shumate_version is 1.2.3)
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_MFF_RELIEF
Maps for Free Relief
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OSM_CYCLE_MAP
OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OSM_MAPNIK
OpenStreetMap Mapnik
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OSM_TRANSPORT_MAP
OpenStreetMap Transport Map
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OWM_CLOUDS
OpenWeatherMap clouds layer
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OWM_PRECIPITATION
OpenWeatherMap precipitation
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OWM_PRESSURE
OpenWeatherMap sea level pressure
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OWM_TEMPERATURE
OpenWeatherMap temperature
- public const string MAP_SOURCE_OWM_WIND
OpenWeatherMap wind
- public const double MAX_LATITUDE
The maximal possible latitude value.
- public const double MAX_LONGITUDE
The maximal possible longitude value.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
The minor version of libshumate (2, if shumate_version is 1.2.3)
- public const double MIN_LATITUDE
The minimal possible latitude value.
- public const double MIN_LONGITUDE
The minimal possible longitude value.
- public Quark file_cache_error_quark ()
- public unowned string get_user_agent ()
Gets the user agent libshumate will use for all requests.
- public void set_user_agent (string? new_user_agent)
Sets the user agent that libshumate uses for all requests.
- public Quark style_error_quark ()
- public Quark tile_downloader_error_quark ()