Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "gdaui_entry_get_type ()" ) ]
public class Entry : Entry, Implementor, Buildable, CellEditable, Editable
public class Entry : Entry, Implementor, Buildable, CellEditable, Editable
All known sub-classes:
Namespace: Gdaui
Package: libgda-ui-5.0
Creation methods:
- public virtual void assume_delete (int virt_start_pos, int virt_end_pos, int offset)
To be defined by children classes to handle delete themselves
- public virtual void assume_insert (string text, int text_length, int virt_pos, int offset)
To be defined by children classes to handle insert themselves
- public virtual string get_empty_text ()
If defined, sould return a text suitable to display EMPTY value, it will be called when entry was set to NULL and is becomming not NULL
- public string get_text ()
Get a new string containing the contents of the widget as a string without the prefix and/or suffix and/or format if they have been specified.
- public void set_max_length (int max)
Sets the maximum allowed length of the contents of the widget.
- public void set_prefix (string prefix)
as a prefix string of this: that string will always be displayed in the text entry, will not be modifiable, and won't be part of the returned text - public void set_suffix (string suffix)
as a suffix string of this: that string will always be displayed in the text entry, will not be modifiable, and won't be part of the returned text - public void set_text (string? text)
into this. - public void set_width_chars (int max_width)
Sets this's maximum width in characters, without taking into account any prefix or suffix (which will automatically be handled).
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Entry
- activate
- activates_default
- attributes
- backspace
- buffer
- caps_lock_warning
- completion
- copy_clipboard
- cursor_position
- cut_clipboard
- delete_from_cursor
- editable
- enable_emoji_completion
- get_activates_default
- get_alignment
- get_attributes
- get_buffer
- get_completion
- get_current_icon_drag_source
- get_cursor_hadjustment
- get_frame_size
- get_has_frame
- get_icon_activatable
- get_icon_area
- get_icon_at_pos
- get_icon_gicon
- get_icon_name
- get_icon_pixbuf
- get_icon_sensitive
- get_icon_stock
- get_icon_storage_type
- get_icon_tooltip_markup
- get_icon_tooltip_text
- get_inner_border
- get_input_hints
- get_input_purpose
- get_invisible_char
- get_layout
- get_layout_offsets
- get_max_length
- get_max_width_chars
- get_overwrite_mode
- get_placeholder_text
- get_progress_fraction
- get_progress_pulse_step
- get_tabs
- get_text
- get_text_area
- get_text_area_size
- get_text_length
- get_visibility
- get_width_chars
- grab_focus_without_selecting
- has_frame
- icon_press
- icon_release
- im_context_filter_keypress
- im_module
- inner_border
- input_hints
- input_purpose
- insert_at_cursor
- insert_emoji
- invisible_char
- invisible_char_set
- layout_index_to_text_index
- max_length
- max_width_chars
- move_cursor
- overwrite_mode
- paste_clipboard
- placeholder_text
- populate_all
- populate_popup
- preedit_changed
- primary_icon_activatable
- primary_icon_gicon
- primary_icon_name
- primary_icon_pixbuf
- primary_icon_sensitive
- primary_icon_stock
- primary_icon_storage_type
- primary_icon_tooltip_markup
- primary_icon_tooltip_text
- progress_fraction
- progress_pulse
- progress_pulse_step
- reset_im_context
- scroll_offset
- secondary_icon_activatable
- secondary_icon_gicon
- secondary_icon_name
- secondary_icon_pixbuf
- secondary_icon_sensitive
- secondary_icon_stock
- secondary_icon_storage_type
- secondary_icon_tooltip_markup
- secondary_icon_tooltip_text
- selection_bound
- set_activates_default
- set_alignment
- set_attributes
- set_buffer
- set_completion
- set_cursor_hadjustment
- set_has_frame
- set_icon_activatable
- set_icon_drag_source
- set_icon_from_gicon
- set_icon_from_icon_name
- set_icon_from_pixbuf
- set_icon_from_stock
- set_icon_sensitive
- set_icon_tooltip_markup
- set_icon_tooltip_text
- set_inner_border
- set_input_hints
- set_input_purpose
- set_invisible_char
- set_max_length
- set_max_width_chars
- set_overwrite_mode
- set_placeholder_text
- set_progress_fraction
- set_progress_pulse_step
- set_tabs
- set_text
- set_visibility
- set_width_chars
- shadow_type
- show_emoji_icon
- tabs
- text
- text_index_to_layout_index
- text_length
- toggle_overwrite
- truncate_multiline
- unset_invisible_char
- visibility
- width_chars
- xalign
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
- accel_closures_changed
- activate
- add_accelerator
- add_device_events
- add_events
- add_mnemonic_label
- add_tick_callback
- adjust_baseline_allocation
- adjust_baseline_request
- adjust_size_allocation
- adjust_size_request
- app_paintable
- bind_template_callback_full
- bind_template_child_full
- button_press_event
- button_release_event
- can_activate_accel
- can_default
- can_focus
- child_focus
- child_notify
- class_path
- composite_child
- composited_changed
- compute_expand
- compute_expand_internal
- configure_event
- create_pango_context
- create_pango_layout
- damage_event
- delete_event
- destroy
- destroy_event
- destroyed
- device_is_shadowed
- direction_changed
- dispatch_child_properties_changed
- double_buffered
- drag_begin
- drag_data_delete
- drag_data_get
- drag_data_received
- drag_drop
- drag_end
- drag_failed
- drag_leave
- drag_motion
- draw
- draw_to_cairo_context
- ensure_style
- enter_notify_event
- error_bell
- event
- event_after
- events
- expand
- find_style_property
- focus
- focus_in_event
- focus_on_click
- focus_out_event
- freeze_child_notify
- get_accessible
- get_action_group
- get_allocated_baseline
- get_allocated_height
- get_allocated_size
- get_allocated_width
- get_allocation
- get_ancestor
- get_app_paintable
- get_can_default
- get_can_focus
- get_child_requisition
- get_child_visible
- get_clip
- get_clipboard
- get_composite_name
- get_css_name
- get_default_direction
- get_default_style
- get_device_enabled
- get_device_events
- get_direction
- get_display
- get_double_buffered
- get_events
- get_focus_on_click
- get_font_map
- get_font_options
- get_frame_clock
- get_halign
- get_has_tooltip
- get_has_window
- get_hexpand
- get_hexpand_set
- get_mapped
- get_margin_bottom
- get_margin_end
- get_margin_left
- get_margin_right
- get_margin_start
- get_margin_top
- get_modifier_mask
- get_modifier_style
- get_no_show_all
- get_opacity
- get_pango_context
- get_parent
- get_parent_window
- get_path
- get_pointer
- get_preferred_height
- get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width_internal
- get_preferred_height_internal
- get_preferred_size
- get_preferred_width
- get_preferred_width_for_height
- get_preferred_width_for_height_internal
- get_preferred_width_internal
- get_realized
- get_receives_default
- get_request_mode
- get_requisition
- get_root_window
- get_scale_factor
- get_screen
- get_sensitive
- get_settings
- get_size_request
- get_state
- get_state_flags
- get_style
- get_style_context
- get_support_multidevice
- get_template_child
- get_tooltip_markup
- get_tooltip_text
- get_tooltip_window
- get_toplevel
- get_valign
- get_valign_with_baseline
- get_vexpand
- get_vexpand_set
- get_visible
- get_visual
- get_window
- grab_broken_event
- grab_default
- grab_focus
- grab_notify
- halign
- has_default
- has_focus
- has_grab
- has_rc_style
- has_screen
- has_tooltip
- has_visible_focus
- height_request
- hexpand
- hexpand_set
- hide
- hide_on_delete
- hierarchy_changed
- in_destruction
- init_template
- input_shape_combine_region
- insert_action_group
- install_style_property
- install_style_property_parser
- intersect
- is_ancestor
- is_composited
- is_drawable
- is_focus
- is_sensitive
- is_toplevel
- is_visible
- key_press_event
- key_release_event
- keynav_failed
- leave_notify_event
- list_accel_closures
- list_action_prefixes
- list_mnemonic_labels
- list_style_properties
- map
- map_event
- margin
- margin_bottom
- margin_end
- margin_left
- margin_right
- margin_start
- margin_top
- mnemonic_activate
- modify_base
- modify_bg
- modify_cursor
- modify_fg
- modify_font
- modify_style
- modify_text
- motion_notify_event
- move_focus
- name
- no_show_all
- opacity
- override_background_color
- override_color
- override_cursor
- override_font
- override_symbolic_color
- parent
- parent_set
- path
- pop_composite_child
- popup_menu
- property_notify_event
- proximity_in_event
- proximity_out_event
- push_composite_child
- query_tooltip
- queue_allocate
- queue_compute_expand
- queue_draw
- queue_draw_area
- queue_draw_region
- queue_resize
- queue_resize_no_redraw
- realize
- receives_default
- region_intersect
- register_window
- remove_accelerator
- remove_mnemonic_label
- remove_tick_callback
- render_icon
- render_icon_pixbuf
- reparent
- reset_rc_styles
- reset_style
- scale_factor
- screen_changed
- scroll_event
- selection_clear_event
- selection_get
- selection_notify_event
- selection_received
- selection_request_event
- send_expose
- send_focus_change
- sensitive
- set_accel_path
- set_accessible_role
- set_accessible_type
- set_allocation
- set_app_paintable
- set_can_default
- set_can_focus
- set_child_visible
- set_clip
- set_composite_name
- set_connect_func
- set_css_name
- set_default_direction
- set_device_enabled
- set_device_events
- set_direction
- set_double_buffered
- set_events
- set_focus_on_click
- set_font_map
- set_font_options
- set_halign
- set_has_tooltip
- set_has_window
- set_hexpand
- set_hexpand_set
- set_mapped
- set_margin_bottom
- set_margin_end
- set_margin_left
- set_margin_right
- set_margin_start
- set_margin_top
- set_no_show_all
- set_opacity
- set_parent
- set_parent_window
- set_realized
- set_receives_default
- set_redraw_on_allocate
- set_sensitive
- set_size_request
- set_state
- set_state_flags
- set_style
- set_support_multidevice
- set_template
- set_template_from_resource
- set_tooltip_markup
- set_tooltip_text
- set_tooltip_window
- set_valign
- set_vexpand
- set_vexpand_set
- set_visible
- set_visual
- set_window
- shape_combine_region
- show
- show_all
- show_help
- show_now
- size_allocate
- size_allocate_with_baseline
- size_request
- state_changed
- state_flags_changed
- style
- style_attach
- style_get
- style_get_property
- style_get_valist
- style_set
- style_updated
- thaw_child_notify
- tooltip_markup
- tooltip_text
- touch_event
- translate_coordinates
- trigger_tooltip_query
- unmap
- unmap_event
- unparent
- unrealize
- unregister_window
- unset_state_flags
- valign
- vexpand
- vexpand_set
- visibility_notify_event
- visible
- width_request
- window_state_event
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Atk.Implementor
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Buildable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.CellEditable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Editable