Libgda is a (relatively small) database access library. This package provides GTK+ widgets to database access.
- Gdaui
- BasicForm
- BasicFormPriv
- Cloud
- CloudPriv
- Combo
- DataCellRendererBin
- DataCellRendererBoolean
- DataCellRendererCombo
- DataCellRendererInfo
- DataCellRendererInfoPriv
- DataCellRendererTextual
- DataFilter
- DataFilterPriv
- DataProxyInfo
- DataProxyInfoPriv
- DataStore
- DataStorePriv
- Entry
- EntryBin
- EntryBoolean
- EntryCombo
- EntryComboPriv
- EntryCommonTime
- EntryDate
- EntryNone
- EntryNumber
- EntryShell
- EntryShellPriv
- EntryString
- EntryTime
- EntryTimestamp
- EntryWrapper
- EntryWrapperPriv
- Form
- FormPriv
- FormattedEntry
- Grid
- GridPriv
- Login
- NumericEntry
- ProviderSelector
- RawForm
- RawFormPriv
- RawGrid
- RawGridPriv
- RtEditor
- RtEditorPriv
- ServerOperation
- ServerOperationPriv
- Set
- SetGroup - The <structname> GdauiSetGroup</structname>.
- SetPriv
- SetSource - The <structname> GdauiSetSource</structname> is a ...
- TreeStore
- TreeStorePriv
- Plugin - Structure representing a plugin.
- Action
- ActionMode
- BasicFormPart
- DataProxyInfoFlag
- DataProxyWriteMode - Defines when the data modifications held in the underlying DataProxy are written to the data model being proxied (using apply_row_changes).
- LoginMode - Defines the aspect of the Login widget
- public const string ATTRIBUTE_PLUGIN
- public const string COLOR_NORMAL_DEFAULT
- public const string COLOR_NORMAL_INVALID
- public const string COLOR_NORMAL_MODIF
- public const string COLOR_NORMAL_NULL
- public const string COLOR_PRELIGHT_DEFAULT
- public const string COLOR_PRELIGHT_INVALID
- public const string COLOR_PRELIGHT_MODIF
- public const string COLOR_PRELIGHT_NULL
- public const double COLOR_UNKNOWN_MASK
- public delegate double CloudWeightFunc (DataModel model, int row, void* data)
- public delegate void FormattedEntryInsertFunc (FormattedEntry entry, unichar insert_char, int virt_pos, void* data)
- public delegate void RawGridFormatFunc (CellRenderer cell, TreeViewColumn column, int column_pos, DataModel model, int row, void* data)
- public DataEntry new_data_entry (Type type, string? plugin_name)
Creates a new DataEntry widget, taking into account the requested entry name if
is not null (if no entry of that name is found, then the default data entry widget will be created).