Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "gweather_location_entry_get_type ()" ) ]
public class LocationEntry : SearchEntry, Implementor, Buildable, CellEditable, Editable
public class LocationEntry : SearchEntry, Implementor, Buildable, CellEditable, Editable
A subclass of SearchEntry that provides autocompletion on Location<!-- -->s
Namespace: GWeather
Package: gweather-3.0
- public Location location { owned get; set; }
- public bool show_named_timezones { get; construct; }
- public Location top { construct; }
Creation methods:
- public LocationEntry (Location top)
Creates a new LocationEntry.
- public Location? get_location ()
Gets the location that was set by a previous call to set_location or was selected by the user.
- public bool has_custom_text ()
Checks whether or not this's text has been modified by the user.
- public bool set_city (string? city_name, string code)
Sets this's location to a city with the given
, and givencity_name
, if non-null. - public void set_location (Location? loc)
Sets this's location to
, and updates the text of the entry accordingly.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Gtk.SearchEntry
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Entry
- activate
- activates_default
- attributes
- backspace
- buffer
- caps_lock_warning
- completion
- copy_clipboard
- cursor_position
- cut_clipboard
- delete_from_cursor
- editable
- enable_emoji_completion
- get_activates_default
- get_alignment
- get_attributes
- get_buffer
- get_completion
- get_current_icon_drag_source
- get_cursor_hadjustment
- get_frame_size
- get_has_frame
- get_icon_activatable
- get_icon_area
- get_icon_at_pos
- get_icon_gicon
- get_icon_name
- get_icon_pixbuf
- get_icon_sensitive
- get_icon_stock
- get_icon_storage_type
- get_icon_tooltip_markup
- get_icon_tooltip_text
- get_inner_border
- get_input_hints
- get_input_purpose
- get_invisible_char
- get_layout
- get_layout_offsets
- get_max_length
- get_max_width_chars
- get_overwrite_mode
- get_placeholder_text
- get_progress_fraction
- get_progress_pulse_step
- get_tabs
- get_text
- get_text_area
- get_text_area_size
- get_text_length
- get_visibility
- get_width_chars
- grab_focus_without_selecting
- has_frame
- icon_press
- icon_release
- im_context_filter_keypress
- im_module
- inner_border
- input_hints
- input_purpose
- insert_at_cursor
- insert_emoji
- invisible_char
- invisible_char_set
- layout_index_to_text_index
- max_length
- max_width_chars
- move_cursor
- overwrite_mode
- paste_clipboard
- placeholder_text
- populate_all
- populate_popup
- preedit_changed
- primary_icon_activatable
- primary_icon_gicon
- primary_icon_name
- primary_icon_pixbuf
- primary_icon_sensitive
- primary_icon_stock
- primary_icon_storage_type
- primary_icon_tooltip_markup
- primary_icon_tooltip_text
- progress_fraction
- progress_pulse
- progress_pulse_step
- reset_im_context
- scroll_offset
- secondary_icon_activatable
- secondary_icon_gicon
- secondary_icon_name
- secondary_icon_pixbuf
- secondary_icon_sensitive
- secondary_icon_stock
- secondary_icon_storage_type
- secondary_icon_tooltip_markup
- secondary_icon_tooltip_text
- selection_bound
- set_activates_default
- set_alignment
- set_attributes
- set_buffer
- set_completion
- set_cursor_hadjustment
- set_has_frame
- set_icon_activatable
- set_icon_drag_source
- set_icon_from_gicon
- set_icon_from_icon_name
- set_icon_from_pixbuf
- set_icon_from_stock
- set_icon_sensitive
- set_icon_tooltip_markup
- set_icon_tooltip_text
- set_inner_border
- set_input_hints
- set_input_purpose
- set_invisible_char
- set_max_length
- set_max_width_chars
- set_overwrite_mode
- set_placeholder_text
- set_progress_fraction
- set_progress_pulse_step
- set_tabs
- set_text
- set_visibility
- set_width_chars
- shadow_type
- show_emoji_icon
- tabs
- text
- text_index_to_layout_index
- text_length
- toggle_overwrite
- truncate_multiline
- unset_invisible_char
- visibility
- width_chars
- xalign
All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
- accel_closures_changed
- activate
- add_accelerator
- add_device_events
- add_events
- add_mnemonic_label
- add_tick_callback
- adjust_baseline_allocation
- adjust_baseline_request
- adjust_size_allocation
- adjust_size_request
- app_paintable
- bind_template_callback_full
- bind_template_child_full
- button_press_event
- button_release_event
- can_activate_accel
- can_default
- can_focus
- child_focus
- child_notify
- class_path
- composite_child
- composited_changed
- compute_expand
- compute_expand_internal
- configure_event
- create_pango_context
- create_pango_layout
- damage_event
- delete_event
- destroy
- destroy_event
- destroyed
- device_is_shadowed
- direction_changed
- dispatch_child_properties_changed
- double_buffered
- drag_begin
- drag_data_delete
- drag_data_get
- drag_data_received
- drag_drop
- drag_end
- drag_failed
- drag_leave
- drag_motion
- draw
- draw_to_cairo_context
- ensure_style
- enter_notify_event
- error_bell
- event
- event_after
- events
- expand
- find_style_property
- focus
- focus_in_event
- focus_on_click
- focus_out_event
- freeze_child_notify
- get_accessible
- get_action_group
- get_allocated_baseline
- get_allocated_height
- get_allocated_size
- get_allocated_width
- get_allocation
- get_ancestor
- get_app_paintable
- get_can_default
- get_can_focus
- get_child_requisition
- get_child_visible
- get_clip
- get_clipboard
- get_composite_name
- get_css_name
- get_default_direction
- get_default_style
- get_device_enabled
- get_device_events
- get_direction
- get_display
- get_double_buffered
- get_events
- get_focus_on_click
- get_font_map
- get_font_options
- get_frame_clock
- get_halign
- get_has_tooltip
- get_has_window
- get_hexpand
- get_hexpand_set
- get_mapped
- get_margin_bottom
- get_margin_end
- get_margin_left
- get_margin_right
- get_margin_start
- get_margin_top
- get_modifier_mask
- get_modifier_style
- get_no_show_all
- get_opacity
- get_pango_context
- get_parent
- get_parent_window
- get_path
- get_pointer
- get_preferred_height
- get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width
- get_preferred_height_for_width_internal
- get_preferred_height_internal
- get_preferred_size
- get_preferred_width
- get_preferred_width_for_height
- get_preferred_width_for_height_internal
- get_preferred_width_internal
- get_realized
- get_receives_default
- get_request_mode
- get_requisition
- get_root_window
- get_scale_factor
- get_screen
- get_sensitive
- get_settings
- get_size_request
- get_state
- get_state_flags
- get_style
- get_style_context
- get_support_multidevice
- get_template_child
- get_tooltip_markup
- get_tooltip_text
- get_tooltip_window
- get_toplevel
- get_valign
- get_valign_with_baseline
- get_vexpand
- get_vexpand_set
- get_visible
- get_visual
- get_window
- grab_broken_event
- grab_default
- grab_focus
- grab_notify
- halign
- has_default
- has_focus
- has_grab
- has_rc_style
- has_screen
- has_tooltip
- has_visible_focus
- height_request
- hexpand
- hexpand_set
- hide
- hide_on_delete
- hierarchy_changed
- in_destruction
- init_template
- input_shape_combine_region
- insert_action_group
- install_style_property
- install_style_property_parser
- intersect
- is_ancestor
- is_composited
- is_drawable
- is_focus
- is_sensitive
- is_toplevel
- is_visible
- key_press_event
- key_release_event
- keynav_failed
- leave_notify_event
- list_accel_closures
- list_action_prefixes
- list_mnemonic_labels
- list_style_properties
- map
- map_event
- margin
- margin_bottom
- margin_end
- margin_left
- margin_right
- margin_start
- margin_top
- mnemonic_activate
- modify_base
- modify_bg
- modify_cursor
- modify_fg
- modify_font
- modify_style
- modify_text
- motion_notify_event
- move_focus
- name
- no_show_all
- opacity
- override_background_color
- override_color
- override_cursor
- override_font
- override_symbolic_color
- parent
- parent_set
- path
- pop_composite_child
- popup_menu
- property_notify_event
- proximity_in_event
- proximity_out_event
- push_composite_child
- query_tooltip
- queue_allocate
- queue_compute_expand
- queue_draw
- queue_draw_area
- queue_draw_region
- queue_resize
- queue_resize_no_redraw
- realize
- receives_default
- region_intersect
- register_window
- remove_accelerator
- remove_mnemonic_label
- remove_tick_callback
- render_icon
- render_icon_pixbuf
- reparent
- reset_rc_styles
- reset_style
- scale_factor
- screen_changed
- scroll_event
- selection_clear_event
- selection_get
- selection_notify_event
- selection_received
- selection_request_event
- send_expose
- send_focus_change
- sensitive
- set_accel_path
- set_accessible_role
- set_accessible_type
- set_allocation
- set_app_paintable
- set_can_default
- set_can_focus
- set_child_visible
- set_clip
- set_composite_name
- set_connect_func
- set_css_name
- set_default_direction
- set_device_enabled
- set_device_events
- set_direction
- set_double_buffered
- set_events
- set_focus_on_click
- set_font_map
- set_font_options
- set_halign
- set_has_tooltip
- set_has_window
- set_hexpand
- set_hexpand_set
- set_mapped
- set_margin_bottom
- set_margin_end
- set_margin_left
- set_margin_right
- set_margin_start
- set_margin_top
- set_no_show_all
- set_opacity
- set_parent
- set_parent_window
- set_realized
- set_receives_default
- set_redraw_on_allocate
- set_sensitive
- set_size_request
- set_state
- set_state_flags
- set_style
- set_support_multidevice
- set_template
- set_template_from_resource
- set_tooltip_markup
- set_tooltip_text
- set_tooltip_window
- set_valign
- set_vexpand
- set_vexpand_set
- set_visible
- set_visual
- set_window
- shape_combine_region
- show
- show_all
- show_help
- show_now
- size_allocate
- size_allocate_with_baseline
- size_request
- state_changed
- state_flags_changed
- style
- style_attach
- style_get
- style_get_property
- style_get_valist
- style_set
- style_updated
- thaw_child_notify
- tooltip_markup
- tooltip_text
- touch_event
- translate_coordinates
- trigger_tooltip_query
- unmap
- unmap_event
- unparent
- unrealize
- unregister_window
- unset_state_flags
- valign
- vexpand
- vexpand_set
- visibility_notify_event
- visible
- width_request
- window_state_event
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Atk.Implementor
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Buildable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.CellEditable
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Editable