Object Hierarchy:
public class MenuButton : ToggleButton, Implementor, Actionable, Activatable, Buildable
The MenuButton widget is used to display a popup when clicked on.
This popup can be provided either as a Menu, a Popover or an abstract MenuModel.
The MenuButton widget can hold any valid child widget. That is, it can hold almost any other standard Widget. The most commonly used child is Image. If no widget is explicitely added to the MenuButton, a Image is automatically created, using an arrow image oriented according to direction or the generic “open-menu-symbolic” icon if the direction is not set.
The positioning of the popup is determined by the direction property of the menu button.
For menus, the halign and valign properties of the menu are also taken into account. For example, when the direction is gtk_arrow_down and the horizontal alignment is gtk_align_start , the menu will be positioned below the button, with the starting edge (depending on the text direction) of the menu aligned with the starting edge of the button. If there is not enough space below the button, the menu is popped up above the button instead. If the alignment would move part of the menu offscreen, it is “pushed in”.
Direction = Down
- halign = start

- halign = center

- halign = end

Direction = Up
- halign = start

- halign = center

- halign = end

Direction = Left
- valign = start

- valign = center

- valign = end

Direction = Right
- valign = start

- valign = center

- valign = end

CSS nodes
GtkMenuButton has a single CSS node with name button. To differentiate it from a plain Button , it gets the .popup style class.