Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "gtk_clutter_actor_get_type ()" ) ]
public class Actor : Actor, Implementor, Animatable, Container, Scriptable
public class Actor : Actor, Implementor, Animatable, Container, Scriptable
A ClutterActor containing a Widget.
Namespace: GtkClutter
Package: clutter-gtk-1.0
Creation methods:
- public Actor ()
Creates a new Actor.
- public Actor.with_contents (Widget contents)
Creates a new Actor widget.
- public unowned Widget get_contents ()
Retrieves the child of the Bin used to hold the contents of this.
- public unowned Widget get_widget ()
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class Clutter.Actor
- actions
- add_action
- add_action_with_name
- add_child
- add_constraint
- add_constraint_with_name
- add_effect
- add_effect_with_name
- add_transition
- allocate
- allocate_align_fill
- allocate_available_size
- allocate_preferred_size
- allocation
- allocation_changed
- anchor_gravity
- anchor_x
- anchor_y
- animate
- animate_with_alpha
- animate_with_alphav
- animate_with_timeline
- animate_with_timelinev
- animatev
- apply_relative_transform_to_point
- apply_transform
- apply_transform_to_point
- background_color
- background_color_set
- bind_model
- button_press_event
- button_release_event
- captured_event
- child_transform
- child_transform_set
- clear_actions
- clear_constraints
- clear_effects
- clip
- clip_rect
- clip_to_allocation
- constraints
- contains
- content
- content_box
- content_gravity
- content_repeat
- continue_paint
- create_pango_context
- create_pango_layout
- depth
- destroy
- destroy_all_children
- detach_animation
- effect
- emit_event
- enter_event
- event
- first_child
- fixed_position_set
- fixed_x
- fixed_y
- flags
- get_abs_allocation_vertices
- get_accessible
- get_action
- get_actions
- get_allocation_box
- get_allocation_geometry
- get_allocation_vertices
- get_anchor_point
- get_anchor_point_gravity
- get_animation
- get_background_color
- get_by_gid
- get_child_at_index
- get_child_transform
- get_children
- get_clip
- get_clip_to_allocation
- get_constraint
- get_constraints
- get_content
- get_content_box
- get_content_gravity
- get_content_repeat
- get_content_scaling_filters
- get_default_paint_volume
- get_depth
- get_easing_delay
- get_easing_duration
- get_easing_mode
- get_effect
- get_effects
- get_first_child
- get_fixed_position_set
- get_flags
- get_geometry
- get_gid
- get_has_pointer
- get_height
- get_last_child
- get_layout_manager
- get_margin
- get_margin_bottom
- get_margin_left
- get_margin_right
- get_margin_top
- get_n_children
- get_name
- get_next_sibling
- get_offscreen_redirect
- get_opacity
- get_paint_box
- get_paint_opacity
- get_paint_visibility
- get_paint_volume
- get_paint_volume_vfunc
- get_pango_context
- get_parent
- get_pivot_point
- get_pivot_point_z
- get_position
- get_preferred_height
- get_preferred_size
- get_preferred_width
- get_previous_sibling
- get_reactive
- get_request_mode
- get_rotation
- get_rotation_angle
- get_scale
- get_scale_center
- get_scale_gravity
- get_scale_z
- get_shader
- get_size
- get_stage
- get_text_direction
- get_transform
- get_transformation_matrix
- get_transformed_paint_volume
- get_transformed_position
- get_transformed_size
- get_transition
- get_translation
- get_width
- get_x
- get_x_align
- get_x_expand
- get_y
- get_y_align
- get_y_expand
- get_z_position
- get_z_rotation_gravity
- grab_key_focus
- has_actions
- has_allocation
- has_clip
- has_constraints
- has_effects
- has_key_focus
- has_overlaps
- has_pointer
- height
- hide
- hide_all
- insert_child_above
- insert_child_at_index
- insert_child_below
- is_in_clone_paint
- is_mapped
- is_realized
- is_rotated
- is_scaled
- is_visible
- key_focus_in
- key_focus_out
- key_press_event
- key_release_event
- last_child
- layout_manager
- leave_event
- lower
- lower_bottom
- magnification_filter
- map
- mapped
- margin_bottom
- margin_left
- margin_right
- margin_top
- min_height
- min_height_set
- min_width
- min_width_set
- minification_filter
- motion_event
- move_anchor_point
- move_anchor_point_from_gravity
- move_by
- name
- natural_height
- natural_height_set
- natural_width
- natural_width_set
- needs_expand
- offscreen_redirect
- opacity
- paint
- paint_node
- parent_set
- pick
- pivot_point
- pivot_point_z
- pop_internal
- position
- push_internal
- queue_redraw
- queue_redraw_with_clip
- queue_relayout
- raise
- raise_top
- reactive
- realize
- realized
- remove_action
- remove_action_by_name
- remove_all_children
- remove_all_transitions
- remove_child
- remove_clip
- remove_constraint
- remove_constraint_by_name
- remove_effect
- remove_effect_by_name
- remove_transition
- reparent
- replace_child
- request_mode
- restore_easing_state
- rotation_angle_x
- rotation_angle_y
- rotation_angle_z
- rotation_center_x
- rotation_center_y
- rotation_center_z
- rotation_center_z_gravity
- save_easing_state
- scale_center_x
- scale_center_y
- scale_gravity
- scale_x
- scale_y
- scale_z
- scroll_event
- set_allocation
- set_anchor_point
- set_anchor_point_from_gravity
- set_background_color
- set_child_above_sibling
- set_child_at_index
- set_child_below_sibling
- set_child_transform
- set_clip
- set_clip_to_allocation
- set_content
- set_content_gravity
- set_content_repeat
- set_content_scaling_filters
- set_depth
- set_easing_delay
- set_easing_duration
- set_easing_mode
- set_fixed_position_set
- set_flags
- set_geometry
- set_height
- set_layout_manager
- set_margin
- set_margin_bottom
- set_margin_left
- set_margin_right
- set_margin_top
- set_name
- set_offscreen_redirect
- set_opacity
- set_parent
- set_pivot_point
- set_pivot_point_z
- set_position
- set_reactive
- set_request_mode
- set_rotation
- set_rotation_angle
- set_scale
- set_scale_full
- set_scale_with_gravity
- set_scale_z
- set_shader
- set_shader_param
- set_shader_param_float
- set_shader_param_int
- set_size
- set_text_direction
- set_transform
- set_translation
- set_width
- set_x
- set_x_align
- set_x_expand
- set_y
- set_y_align
- set_y_expand
- set_z_position
- set_z_rotation_from_gravity
- should_pick_paint
- show
- show_all
- show_on_set_parent
- size
- text_direction
- touch_event
- transform
- transform_set
- transform_stage_point
- transition_stopped
- transitions_completed
- translation_x
- translation_y
- translation_z
- unmap
- unparent
- unrealize
- unset_flags
- visible
- width
- x
- x_align
- x_expand
- y
- y_align
- y_expand
- z_position
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Atk.Implementor
All known members inherited from interface Clutter.Animatable
All known members inherited from interface Clutter.Container
All known members inherited from interface Clutter.Scriptable