- Actor - A ClutterActor containing a Widget.
- Embed - A Widget containing the default Clutter stage.
- Texture - The Texture structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API.
- Window - A Window containing a Stage.
Error domains:
- TextureError - Error enumeration for Texture
- public const int CLUTTER_GTK_MAJOR_VERSION
- public const int CLUTTER_GTK_MICRO_VERSION
- public const int CLUTTER_GTK_MINOR_VERSION
- public const int CLUTTER_GTK_VERSION_HEX
- public const string CLUTTER_GTK_VERSION_S
- public bool check_version (uint major, uint minor, uint micro)
- public OptionGroup get_option_group ()
Returns a OptionGroup for the command line arguments recognized by Clutter.
- public InitError init (ref unowned string[]? argv)
- public InitError init_with_args (ref unowned string[]? argv, string? parameter_string, OptionEntry[]? entries, string? translation_domain) throws Error
This function should be called instead of init and init_with_args.