
Object Hierarchy:

Gst.Base.Aggregator Gst.Base.Aggregator Gst.Base.Aggregator Gst.Element Gst.Element Gst.Element->Gst.Base.Aggregator Gst.Object Gst.Object Gst.Object->Gst.Element GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned->Gst.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->GLib.InitiallyUnowned


[ CCode ( cname = "GstAggregator" , lower_case_cprefix = "gst_aggregator_" , type_id = "gst_aggregator_get_type ()" ) ]
[ GIR ( name = "Aggregator" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "1.14" ) ]
public abstract class Aggregator : Element

Manages a set of pads with the purpose of aggregating their buffers.

Control is given to the subclass when all pads have data.

* Base class for mixers and muxers. Subclasses should at least implement the GstAggregatorClass::aggregate virtual method.

* Installs a PadChainFunction, a PadEventFullFunction and a PadQueryFunction to queue all serialized data packets per sink pad. Subclasses should not overwrite those, but instead implement GstAggregatorClass::sink_event and GstAggregatorClass::sink_query as needed.

* When data is queued on all pads, the aggregate vmethod is called.

* One can peek at the data on any given GstAggregatorPad with the peek_buffer method, and remove it from the pad with the pop_buffer method. When a buffer has been taken with pop_buffer, a new buffer can be queued on that pad.

* When peek_buffer or has_buffer are called, a reference is taken to the returned buffer, which stays valid until either:

- pop_buffer is called, in which case the caller is guaranteed that the buffer they receive is the same as the peeked buffer. - drop_buffer is called, in which case the caller is guaranteed that the dropped buffer is the one that was peeked. - the subclass implementation of aggregate returns.

Subsequent calls to peek_buffer or has_buffer return / check the same buffer that was returned / checked, until one of the conditions listed above is met.

Subclasses are only allowed to call these methods from the aggregate thread.

* If the subclass wishes to push a buffer downstream in its aggregate implementation, it should do so through the finish_buffer method. This method will take care of sending and ordering mandatory events such as stream start, caps and segment. Buffer lists can also be pushed out with finish_buffer_list.

* Same goes for EOS events, which should not be pushed directly by the subclass, it should instead return GST_FLOW_EOS in its aggregate implementation.

* Note that the aggregator logic regarding gap event handling is to turn these into gap buffers with matching PTS and duration. It will also flag these buffers with GST_BUFFER_FLAG_GAP and GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DROPPABLE to ease their identification and subsequent processing. In addition, if the gap event was flagged with GST_GAP_FLAG_MISSING_DATA, a custom meta is added to the resulting gap buffer (GstAggregatorMissingDataMeta).

* Subclasses must use (a subclass of) AggregatorPad for both their sink and source pads. See add_static_pad_template_with_gtype.

This class used to live in gst-plugins-bad and was moved to core.

Namespace: Gst.Base



Creation methods:




Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class Gst.Element