- public void BIN_TO_DOT_FILE (Bin bin, DebugGraphDetails details, string file_name)
- public void BIN_TO_DOT_FILE_WITH_TS (Bin bin, DebugGraphDetails details, string file_name)
- public void add_log_function (owned LogFunction func)
Adds the logging function to the list of logging functions.
- public void add_ring_buffer_logger (uint max_size_per_thread, uint thread_timeout)
Adds a memory ringbuffer based debug logger that stores up to
bytes of logs per thread and times out threads after thread_timeout
seconds of inactivity.
- public string bin_to_dot_data (Bin bin, DebugGraphDetails details)
To aid debugging applications one can use this method to obtain the whole
network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file.
- public void bin_to_dot_file (Bin bin, DebugGraphDetails details, string file_name)
To aid debugging applications one can use this method to write out the whole
network of gstreamer elements that form the pipeline into a dot file.
- public void bin_to_dot_file_with_ts (Bin bin, DebugGraphDetails details, string file_name)
This works like
bin_to_dot_file, but adds the current timestamp to the filename,
so that it can be used to take multiple snapshots.
- public string construct_term_color (uint colorinfo)
Constructs a string that can be used for getting the desired color in color
- public int construct_win_color (uint colorinfo)
Constructs an integer that can be used for getting the desired color in
windows' terminals (cmd.
- public SList<unowned DebugCategory?> get_all_categories ()
Returns a snapshot of a all categories that are currently in use .
- public DebugColorMode get_color_mode ()
Changes the coloring mode for debug output.
- public DebugLevel get_default_threshold ()
Returns the default threshold that is used for new categories.
- public string? get_stack_trace (StackTraceFlags flags)
- public bool is_active ()
Checks if debugging output is activated.
- public bool is_colored ()
Checks if the debugging output should be colored.
- public unowned string level_get_name (DebugLevel level)
- public void log (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, Object? object, string format, ...)
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
- public void log_default (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, Object? object, DebugMessage message, void* user_data = null)
The default logging handler used by GStreamer.
- public string log_get_line (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, Object? object, DebugMessage message)
Returns the string representation for the specified debug log message
formatted in the same way as log_default (the default handler),
without color.
- public void log_id_literal (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, string? id, string message_string)
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
- public void log_id_valist (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, string? id, string format, va_list args)
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
- public void log_literal (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, Object? object, string message_string)
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
- public void log_valist (DebugCategory category, DebugLevel level, string file, string function, int line, Object? object, string format, va_list args)
Logs the given message using the currently registered debugging handlers.
- public void print_stack_trace ()
If libunwind, glibc backtrace or DbgHelp are present a stack trace is
- public uint remove_log_function (LogFunction? func)
Removes all registered instances of the given logging functions.
- public uint remove_log_function_by_data (void* data)
Removes all registered instances of log functions with the given user data.
- public void remove_ring_buffer_logger ()
- public string[] ring_buffer_logger_get_logs ()
Fetches the current logs per thread from the ring buffer logger.
- public void set_active (bool active)
If activated, debugging messages are sent to the debugging handlers.
- public void set_color_mode (DebugColorMode mode)
Changes the coloring mode for debug output.
- public void set_color_mode_from_string (string mode)
Changes the coloring mode for debug output.
- public void set_colored (bool colored)
Sets or unsets the use of coloured debugging output.
- public void set_default_threshold (DebugLevel level)
Sets the default threshold to the given level and updates all categories to
use this threshold.
- public void set_threshold_for_name (string name, DebugLevel level)
Sets all categories which match the given glob style pattern to the given
- public void set_threshold_from_string (string list, bool reset)
Sets the debug logging wanted in the same form as with the GST_DEBUG
environment variable.
- public void unset_threshold_for_name (string name)
Resets all categories with the given name back to the default level.