- Action - Action should be implemented by instances of Object classes with which the user can interact directly, i.e. buttons, checkboxes, scrollbars, e.g. components which are not "passive" providers of UI information.
- Component - Component should be implemented by most if not all UI elements with an actual on-screen presence, i.e. components which can be said to have a screen-coordinate bounding box.
- Document - The AtkDocument interface should be supported by any object whose content is a representation or view of a document.
- EditableText - EditableText should be implemented by UI components which contain text which the user can edit, via the Object corresponding to that component (see Object).
- HyperlinkImpl - AtkHyperlinkImpl allows AtkObjects to refer to their associated AtkHyperlink instance, if one exists.
- Hypertext - An interface used for objects which implement linking between multiple resource or content locations, or multiple 'markers' within a single document.
- Image - Image should be implemented by Object subtypes on behalf of components which display image/pixmap information onscreen, and which provide information (other than just widget borders, etc.
- Implementor - The AtkImplementor interface is implemented by objects for which AtkObject peers may be obtained via calls to iface->(ref_accessible)(implementor);
- Selection - Selection
should be implemented by UI components with children which are exposed by
and get_n_children, if the use of the parent UI component ordinarily involves selection of one or more of the objects corresponding to those Object children - for example, selectable lists. - StreamableContent - An interface whereby an object allows its backing content to be streamed to clients.
- Table - Table should be implemented by components which present elements ordered via rows and columns.
- TableCell - Being Table a component which present elements ordered via rows and columns, an TableCell is the interface which each of those elements, so "cells" should implement.
- Text - Text should be implemented by Objects on behalf of widgets that have text content which is either attributed or otherwise non-trivial.
- Value
- Window - Window should be implemented by the UI elements that represent a top-level window, such as the main window of an application or dialog.
- AttributeSet - This is a singly-linked list (a SList) of Attribute.
- GObjectAccessible - This object class is derived from AtkObject.
- Hyperlink - An ATK object which encapsulates a link or set of links (for instance in the case of client-side image maps) in a hypertext document.
- Misc - A set of utility functions for thread locking.
- NoOpObject - An AtkNoOpObject is an AtkObject which purports to implement all ATK interfaces.
- NoOpObjectFactory - The AtkObjectFactory which creates an AtkNoOpObject.
- Object - This class is the primary class for accessibility support via the Accessibility ToolKit (ATK).
- ObjectFactory - This class is the base object class for a factory used to create an accessible object for a specific GType.
- Plug - See Socket
- Range - Range are used on Value, in order to represent the full range of a given component (for example an slider or a range control), or to define each individual subrange this full range is splitted if available.
- Registry - The AtkRegistry is normally used to create appropriate ATK "peers" for user interface components.
- Relation - An AtkRelation describes a relation between an object and one or more other objects.
- RelationSet - The AtkRelationSet held by an object establishes its relationships with objects beyond the normal "parent/child" hierarchical relationships that all user interface objects have.
- Socket - Together with Plug, Socket provides the ability to embed accessibles from one process into another in a fashion that is transparent to assistive technologies.
- StateSet - An AtkStateSet is a read-only representation of the full set of States that apply to an object at a given time.
- TextRange - A structure used to describe a text range.
- Util - A set of ATK utility functions which are used to support event registration of various types, and obtaining the 'root' accessible of a process and information about the current ATK implementation and toolkit version.
- Attribute - AtkAttribute is a string name/value pair representing a generic attribute.
- KeyEventStruct - Encapsulates information about a key event.
- PropertyValues - Note:
field of PropertyValues will not contain a valid value. - Rectangle - A data structure for holding a rectangle.
- State
- TextRectangle - A structure used to store a rectangle used by AtkText.
- CoordType - Specifies how xy coordinates are to be interpreted.
- HyperlinkStateFlags - Describes the type of link
- KeyEventType - Specifies the type of a keyboard evemt.
- Layer - Describes the layer of a component
- RelationType - Describes the type of the relation
- Role - Describes the role of an object
- ScrollType - Specifies where an object should be placed on the screen when using scroll_to.
- StateType - The possible types of states of an object
- TextAttribute - Describes the text attributes supported
- TextBoundary - Text boundary types used for specifying boundaries for regions of text.
- TextClipType - Describes the type of clipping required.
- TextGranularity - Text granularity types used for specifying the granularity of the region of text we are interested in.
- ValueType - Default types for a given value.
- public const int BINARY_AGE
Like get_binary_age , but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int INTERFACE_AGE
Like get_interface_age, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Like get_major_version, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Like get_micro_version, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Like get_minor_version, but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED
A macro that should be defined by the user prior to including the atk/atk.
- public delegate void EventListener (Object obj)
A function which is called when an object emits a matching event, as used in add_focus_tracker.
- public delegate void EventListenerInit ()
An EventListenerInit function is a special function that is called in order to initialize the per-object event registration system used by EventListener, if any preparation is required.
- public delegate void FocusHandler (Object object, bool focus_in)
The type of callback function used for add_focus_handler and remove_focus_handler
- public delegate bool Function ()
An AtkFunction is a function definition used for padding which has been added to class and interface structures to allow for expansion in the future.
- public delegate int KeySnoopFunc (KeyEventStruct event)
An KeySnoopFunc is a type of callback which is called whenever a key event occurs, if registered via atk_add_key_event_listener.
- public delegate void PropertyChangeHandler (Object obj, PropertyValues vals)
An AtkPropertyChangeHandler is a function which is executed when an AtkObject's property changes value.
- public uint get_binary_age ()
Returns the binary age as passed to libtool when building the ATK library the process is running against.
- public uint get_interface_age ()
Returns the interface age as passed to libtool when building the ATK library the process is running against.
- public uint get_major_version ()
Returns the major version number of the ATK library.
- public uint get_micro_version ()
Returns the micro version number of the ATK library.
- public uint get_minor_version ()
Returns the minor version number of the ATK library.
- public RelationType relation_type_for_name (string name)
- public unowned string relation_type_get_name (RelationType type)
- public RelationType relation_type_register (string name)
- public Role role_for_name (string name)
- public unowned string role_get_localized_name (Role role)
- public unowned string role_get_name (Role role)
- public Role role_register (string name)
- public StateType state_type_for_name (string name)
- public unowned string state_type_get_name (StateType type)
- public StateType state_type_register (string name)
- public TextAttribute text_attribute_for_name (string name)
- public unowned string text_attribute_get_name (TextAttribute attr)
- public unowned string? text_attribute_get_value (TextAttribute attr, int index_)
- public TextAttribute text_attribute_register (string name)
- public unowned string value_type_get_localized_name (ValueType value_type)
- public unowned string value_type_get_name (ValueType value_type)