Object Hierarchy:
A class implementing Collection to store references to child DomElement of Collection.element, using an attribute in items as key or MappeableElement.get_map_key method if implemented by items to be added. If key is not defined in node, it is not added; but keeps it as a child node of actual Collection.element.
If GXml.Element to be added is of type
Collection.items_type and implements
MappeableElement, you should set GXml.HashMap.attribute_key
to null in order to use returned value of
MappeableElement.get_map_key as key.
public class YourObject : GXml.Element {
[Description (nick="::Name")]
public string name { get; set; }
public class YourList : GXml.HashMap {
construct {
try { initialize_with_key (typeof (YourObject),"Name"); }
catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("Initialization error for collection type: %s : %s"
.printf (get_type ().name(), e.message));
Namespace: GXml
Package: gxml-0.20
Creation methods:
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GXml.BaseCollection
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface GXml.Map
All known members inherited from interface Gee.Traversable
All known members inherited from interface Gee.Iterable
All known members inherited from interface GXml.Collection