
Object Hierarchy:

GXml.BaseCollection GXml.BaseCollection GXml.BaseCollection GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->GXml.BaseCollection Gee.Traversable Gee.Traversable Gee.Traversable->GXml.BaseCollection Gee.Iterable Gee.Iterable Gee.Iterable->GXml.BaseCollection GXml.Collection GXml.Collection GXml.Collection->GXml.BaseCollection


public abstract class BaseCollection : Object, Traversable<DomElement>, Iterable<DomElement>, Collection

Base class for collections implementing Collection, providing basic infrastructure.

Collections properties should be initialized with current container element in order to be able to add new references to elements. Use initialize_element to set parent element and search to find elements for collection.

Namespace: GXml
Package: gxml-0.20


Creation methods:



Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from interface Gee.Traversable
All known members inherited from interface Gee.Iterable
All known members inherited from interface GXml.Collection