Object Hierarchy:
A DOM4 interface to keep references to DomElement children of a element.
A collection should call initialize with the object's type to be added to the connection and, at construction time, set the element this collection should take its members from.
This way, you can have a property to access all child elements of a given type, the node will be added automatically to both as a child of your element and as a member of the collection.
// This is your object definition and a collection one
public class YourObject : GXml.Element {
[Description (nick="::Name")]
public string name { get; set; }
construct {
// This is the Element's node's name to be used
try { initialize ("NodeName"); }
catch (GLib.Error e ) {
warning ("Error: "+e.message);
public class YourList : GXml.ArrayList {
construct {
// With this, your collection will find a add all elements
// with the node's name 'NodeName' as declared to YourObject class
try { initialize (typeof (YourObject)); }
catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("Initialization error for collection type: %s : %s"
.printf (get_type ().name(), e.message));
// This is your element object definition with a collection of nodes
// with the type YourObject
public class YourElement : GXml.Element {
public YourObject.YourList your_objects { get; set; }
construct {
// This is initializing the property 'your_objects' which is the type
// YourList collection and set YourElement object as its element to
// to take its members from. Use canonical names for properties as shown
set_instance_property ('your-objects');
// This is the node's name to use for YourElement class
try { initialize ("YourElement"); }
catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("Initialization error for element type: %s", e.message));
All known implementing classes:
All known sub-interfaces:
Namespace: GXml
Package: gxml-0.20
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object