Object Hierarchy:
All known sub-interfaces:
Namespace: GXml
Package: gxml-0.20
- public abstract string character_set { get; }
- public abstract string compat_mode { get; }
- public abstract string content_type { get; }
- public abstract DomDocumentType? doctype { owned get; }
- public abstract DomElement? document_element { owned get; }
- public abstract string document_uri { get; }
- public abstract DomImplementation implementation { get; }
- public abstract string origin { get; }
- public abstract string url { get; }
- public abstract DomNode adopt_node (DomNode node) throws Error
- public abstract DomComment create_comment (string data) throws Error
- public abstract DomDocumentFragment create_document_fragment ()
- public abstract DomElement create_element (string local_name) throws Error
- public abstract DomElement create_element_ns (string? @namespace, string qualified_name) throws Error
- public abstract DomEvent create_event (string @interface) throws Error
No implemented jet. This can lead to API changes in future versions.
- public abstract DomNodeIterator create_node_iterator (DomNode root, int whatToShow = ( int)0xFFFFFFFF)
Creates a DomNodeIterator.
- public abstract DomProcessingInstruction create_processing_instruction (string target, string data) throws Error
- public abstract DomRange create_range ()
No implemented jet. This can lead to API changes in future versions.
- public virtual InputStream create_stream () throws Error
Creates an GLib.InputStream to write a string representation in XML of GXml.Document
- public virtual async InputStream create_stream_async (Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Creates an GLib.InputStream to write a string representation in XML of GXml.Document
- public abstract DomText create_text_node (string data) throws Error
- public abstract DomTreeWalker create_tree_walker (DomNode root, int what_to_show = ( int)0xFFFFFFFF)
Creates a DomTreeWalker.
- public abstract DomHTMLCollection get_elements_by_class_name (string classNames)
- public abstract DomHTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name (string local_name)
- public abstract DomHTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string? @namespace, string local_name)
- public abstract Parser get_xml_parser ()
Returns a default XML Parser to use with this object.
- public abstract DomNode import_node (DomNode node, bool deep = false) throws Error
- public virtual void read_from_file (File file, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Reads a file contents and parse it to document.
- public virtual async void read_from_file_async (File file, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Reads a file contents and parse it to document.
- public virtual void read_from_stream (InputStream stream, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Reads a string and parse it to document.
- public virtual async void read_from_stream_async (InputStream stream, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Reads a string and parse it to document.
- public virtual void read_from_string (string str, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Reads a string and parse it to document.
- public virtual async void read_from_string_async (string str, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Reads a string and parse it to document.
- public abstract void set_xml_parser (Parser parser)
Set a default XML Parser to use with this object.
- public virtual void write_file (File file, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Writes a dump XML representation of document to a file.
- public virtual async void write_file_async (File file, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Writes asynchronically a dump XML representation of document to a file.
- public virtual void write_stream (OutputStream stream, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Writes a dump XML representation of document to a stream.
- public virtual async void write_stream_async (OutputStream stream, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Writes a dump XML representation of document to a stream.
- public virtual string write_string (Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Serialize GXml.Document to a string.
- public virtual async string write_string_async (Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Serialize GXml.Document to a string.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface GXml.DomNode
All known members inherited from interface GXml.DomParentNode
All known members inherited from interface GXml.DomNonElementParentNode