
Object Hierarchy:

Gtk.CellRendererText Gtk.CellRendererText Gtk.CellRendererText Gtk.CellRenderer Gtk.CellRenderer Gtk.CellRenderer->Gtk.CellRendererText GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned->Gtk.CellRenderer GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->GLib.InitiallyUnowned


[ CCode ( type_id = "gtk_cell_renderer_text_get_type ()" ) ]
public class CellRendererText : CellRenderer

A CellRendererText renders a given text in its cell, using the font, color and style information provided by its properties.

The text will be ellipsized if it is too long and the ellipsize property allows it.

If the mode is gtk_cell_renderer_mode_editable , the CellRendererText allows to edit its text using an entry.

Example: CellRendererText:

public class Application : Gtk.Window {
public Application () {
// Prepare Gtk.Window:
this.title = "My Gtk.CellRendererText";
this.window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER;
this.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
this.set_default_size (350, 70);

// The Model:
Gtk.ListStore list_store = new Gtk.ListStore (2, typeof (string), typeof (int));
Gtk.TreeIter iter;

list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Burgenland", 1, 13);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Carinthia", 1, 17);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Lower Austria", 1, 75);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Upper Austria", 1, 32);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Salzburg", 1, 10);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Styria", 1, 34);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Tyrol", 1, 11);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Vorarlberg", 1, 5);
list_store.append (out iter);
list_store.set (iter, 0, "Vienna", 1, 1);

// The View:
Gtk.TreeView view = new Gtk.TreeView.with_model (list_store);
this.add (view);

Gtk.CellRendererText cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, "State", cell, "text", 0);
view.insert_column_with_attributes (-1, "Cities", cell, "text", 1);

public static int main (string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);

Application app = new Application ();
app.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();
return 0;

valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 Gtk.CellRendererText.vala

Namespace: Gtk
Package: gtk+-3.0



Creation methods:



Inherited Members: