Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( lower_case_csuffix = "wifi_p2p_peer" , type_id = "nm_wifi_p2p_peer_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "1.16" ) ]
public sealed class WifiP2PPeer : Object
[ Version ( since = "1.16" ) ]
public sealed class WifiP2PPeer : Object
Namespace: NM
Package: libnm
- public const string FLAGS
- public const string HW_ADDRESS
- public const string LAST_SEEN
- public const string MANUFACTURER
- public const string MODEL
- public const string MODEL_NUMBER
- public const string NAME
- public const string SERIAL
- public const string STRENGTH
- public const string WFD_IES
- public @80211ApFlags flags { get; }
The flags of the P2P peer.
- public string hw_address { get; }
The hardware address of the P2P peer.
- public int last_seen { get; }
The timestamp (in CLOCK_BOOTTIME seconds) for the last time the P2P peer was found.
- public string manufacturer { get; }
The manufacturer of the P2P peer.
- public string model { get; }
The model of the P2P peer.
- public string model_number { get; }
The hardware address of the P2P peer.
- public string name { get; }
The name of the P2P peer.
- public string serial { get; }
The serial number of the P2P peer.
- public uint8 strength { get; }
The current signal strength of the P2P peer.
- public Bytes wfd_ies { get; }
The WFD information elements of the P2P peer.
Creation methods:
- protected WifiP2PPeer ()
- public bool connection_valid (Connection connection)
Validates a given connection against a given Wi-Fi P2P peer to ensure that the connection may be activated with that peer.
- public GenericArray<unowned Connection> filter_connections (GenericArray<Connection> connections)
Filters a given array of connections for a given WifiP2PPeer object and returns connections which may be activated with the P2P peer.
- public @80211ApFlags get_flags ()
Gets the flags of the P2P peer.
- public unowned string get_hw_address ()
Gets the hardware address of the P2P peer.
- public int get_last_seen ()
Returns the timestamp (in CLOCK_BOOTTIME seconds) for the last time the P2P peer was seen.
- public unowned string get_manufacturer ()
Gets the manufacturer of the P2P peer.
- public unowned string get_model ()
Gets the model of the P2P peer.
- public unowned string get_model_number ()
Gets the model number of the P2P peer.
- public unowned string get_name ()
Gets the name of the P2P peer.
- public unowned string get_serial ()
Gets the serial number of the P2P peer.
- public uint8 get_strength ()
Gets the current signal strength of the P2P peer as a percentage.
- public unowned Bytes get_wfd_ies ()
Gets the WFD information elements of the P2P peer.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object