Network management framework.
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- NM
- Connection - NMConnection is the interface
implemented by RemoteConnection on the client side, and
on the daemon side. - VpnEditor
- VpnEditorPlugin
- AccessPoint
- ActiveConnection
- BridgeVlan
- Checkpoint
- Client - NMClient contains a cache of the objects of NetworkManager's D-Bus API.
- Device
- Device6Lowpan
- DeviceAdsl
- DeviceBond
- DeviceBridge
- DeviceBt
- DeviceDummy
- DeviceEthernet
- DeviceGeneric
- DeviceIPTunnel
- DeviceInfiniband
- DeviceLoopback
- DeviceMacsec
- DeviceMacvlan
- DeviceModem
- DeviceOlpcMesh
- DeviceOvsBridge
- DeviceOvsInterface
- DeviceOvsPort
- DevicePpp
- DeviceTeam
- DeviceTun
- DeviceVeth
- DeviceVlan
- DeviceVrf
- DeviceVxlan
- DeviceWifi
- DeviceWifiP2P
- DeviceWimax
- DeviceWireGuard
- DeviceWpan
- DhcpConfig
- DnsEntry
- IPAddress
- IPConfig
- IPRoute
- IPRoutingRule
- KeyfileHandlerData - Opaque type with parameters for the callback.
- LldpNeighbor - Supported attributes are:
- Object
- Range
- RemoteConnection
- SecretAgentOld
- Setting
- Setting6Lowpan - 6LoWPAN Settings
- Setting8021x - IEEE 802.1x Authentication Settings
- SettingAdsl - ADSL Settings
- SettingBluetooth - Bluetooth Settings
- SettingBond - Bonding Settings
- SettingBondPort - Bond Port Settings
- SettingBridge - Bridging Settings
- SettingBridgePort - Bridge Port Settings
- SettingCdma - CDMA-based Mobile Broadband Settings
- SettingConnection - General Connection Profile Settings
- SettingDcb - Data Center Bridging Settings
- SettingDummy - Dummy Link Settings
- SettingEthtool - Ethtool Ethernet Settings
- SettingGeneric - Generic Link Settings
- SettingGsm - GSM-based Mobile Broadband Settings
- SettingHostname - Hostname settings
- SettingIP4Config - IPv4 Settings
- SettingIP6Config - IPv6 Settings
- SettingIPConfig
- SettingIPTunnel - IP Tunneling Settings
- SettingInfiniband - Infiniband Settings
- SettingLink - Link settings
- SettingLoopback - Loopback Link Settings
- SettingMacsec - MACSec Settings
- SettingMacvlan - MAC VLAN Settings
- SettingMatch - Match settings
- SettingOlpcMesh - OLPC Wireless Mesh Settings
- SettingOvsBridge - OvsBridge Link Settings
- SettingOvsDpdk - OvsDpdk Link Settings
- SettingOvsExternalIDs - OVS External IDs Settings
- SettingOvsInterface - Open vSwitch Interface Settings
- SettingOvsOtherConfig - OVS Other Config Settings
- SettingOvsPatch - OvsPatch Link Settings
- SettingOvsPort - OvsPort Link Settings
- SettingPpp - Point-to-Point Protocol Settings
- SettingPppoe - PPP-over-Ethernet Settings
- SettingProxy - WWW Proxy Settings
- SettingSerial - Serial Link Settings
- SettingSriov - SR-IOV settings
- SettingTCConfig - Linux Traffic Control Settings
- SettingTeam - Teaming Settings
- SettingTeamPort - Team Port Settings
- SettingTun - Tunnel Settings
- SettingUser - General User Profile Settings
- SettingVeth - Veth Settings
- SettingVlan - VLAN Settings
- SettingVpn - VPN Settings
- SettingVrf - VRF settings
- SettingVxlan - VXLAN Settings
- SettingWifiP2P - Wi-Fi P2P Settings
- SettingWimax - WiMax Settings
- SettingWireGuard - WireGuard Settings
- SettingWired - Wired Ethernet Settings
- SettingWireless - Wi-Fi Settings
- SettingWirelessSecurity - Wi-Fi Security Settings
- SettingWpan - IEEE 802.15.4 (WPAN) MAC Settings
- SimpleConnection
- SriovVF
- TCAction
- TCQdisc
- TCTfilter
- TeamLinkWatcher
- VariantAttributeSpec
- VpnConnection
- VpnEditorPluginVT
- VpnPluginInfo
- VpnPluginOld
- VpnServicePlugin
- WifiP2PPeer
- WimaxNsp
- WireGuardPeer - The settings of one WireGuard peer.
- @80211ApFlags - 802.11 access point flags.
- @80211ApSecurityFlags - 802.11 access point security and authentication flags.
- @80211Mode - Indicates the 802.11 mode an access point or device is currently in.
- ActivationStateFlags - Flags describing the current activation state.
- ActiveConnectionState - ActiveConnectionState values indicate the state of a connection to a specific network while it is starting, connected, or disconnecting from that network.
- ActiveConnectionStateReason - Active connection state reasons.
- BluetoothCapabilities - BluetoothCapabilities values indicate the usable capabilities of a Bluetooth device.
- Capability - Capability names the numbers in the Capabilities property.
- CheckpointCreateFlags - The flags for CheckpointCreate call
- ClientInstanceFlags
- ClientPermission - ClientPermission values indicate various permissions that NetworkManager clients can obtain to perform certain tasks on behalf of the current user.
- ClientPermissionResult - ClientPermissionResult values indicate what authorizations and permissions the user requires to obtain a given ClientPermission
- ConnectionMultiConnect
- ConnectionSerializationFlags - These flags determine which properties are serialized when calling to_dbus.
- ConnectivityState
- DeviceCapabilities - General device capability flags.
- DeviceInterfaceFlags - Flags for a network interface.
- DeviceModemCapabilities - DeviceModemCapabilities values indicate the generic radio access technology families a modem device supports.
- DeviceReapplyFlags - Flags for the
D-Bus call of a device and reapply_async. - DeviceState
- DeviceStateReason - Device state change reason codes
- DeviceType - DeviceType values indicate the type of hardware represented by a device object.
- DeviceWifiCapabilities - 802.11 specific device encryption and authentication capabilities.
- DhcpHostnameFlags - DhcpHostnameFlags describe flags related to the DHCP hostname and FQDN.
- IPAddressCmpFlags - Compare flags for cmp_full.
- IPRoutingRuleAsStringFlags
- IPTunnelFlags - IP tunnel flags.
- IPTunnelMode - The tunneling mode.
- KeyfileHandlerFlags - Flags for customizing keyfile_read and keyfile_write.
- KeyfileHandlerType - The type of the callback for nmkeyfilereadhandler and nmkeyfilewritehandler.
- KeyfileWarnSeverity - The severity level of nm_keyfile_handler_type_warn events.
- ManagerReloadFlags - Flags for the manager
call. - Metered - The NMMetered enum has two different purposes: one is to configure "connection.
- MptcpFlags
- RadioFlags - Flags related to radio interfaces.
- RollbackResult - The result of a checkpoint
operation for a specific device. - SecretAgentCapabilities - SecretAgentCapabilities indicate various capabilities of the agent.
- SecretAgentGetSecretsFlags - SecretAgentGetSecretsFlags values modify the behavior of a GetSecrets request.
- Setting8021xAuthFlags - Setting8021xAuthFlags values indicate which authentication settings should be used.
- Setting8021xCKFormat - Setting8021xCKFormat values indicate the general type of a certificate or private key
- Setting8021xCKScheme - Setting8021xCKScheme values indicate how a certificate or private key is stored in the setting properties, either as a blob of the item's data, or as a path to a certificate or private key file on the filesystem
- SettingCompareFlags - These flags modify the comparison behavior when comparing two settings or two connections.
- SettingConnectionAutoconnectSlaves - SettingConnectionAutoconnectSlaves values indicate whether slave connections should be activated when master is activated.
- SettingConnectionDnsOverTls - SettingConnectionDnsOverTls values indicate whether DNSOverTls should be enabled.
- SettingConnectionLldp - SettingConnectionLldp values indicate whether LLDP should be enabled.
- SettingConnectionLlmnr - SettingConnectionLlmnr values indicate whether LLMNR should be enabled.
- SettingConnectionMdns - SettingConnectionMdns values indicate whether mDNS should be enabled.
- SettingDcbFlags - DCB feature flags.
- SettingDiffResult - These values indicate the result of a setting difference operation.
- SettingIP4LinkLocal - SettingIP4LinkLocal values indicate whether IPv4 link-local address protocol should be enabled.
- SettingIP6ConfigAddrGenMode - SettingIP6ConfigAddrGenMode controls how the Interface Identifier for RFC4862 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration is created.
- SettingIP6ConfigPrivacy - SettingIP6ConfigPrivacy values indicate if and how IPv6 Privacy Extensions are used (RFC4941).
- SettingMacRandomization - Controls if and how the MAC address of a device is randomzied.
- SettingMacsecMode - SettingMacsecMode controls how the CAK (Connectivity Association Key) used in MKA (MACsec Key Agreement) is obtained.
- SettingMacsecValidation - SettingMacsecValidation specifies a validation mode for incoming frames.
- SettingMacvlanMode
- SettingProxyMethod - The Proxy method.
- SettingSecretFlags - These flags indicate specific behavior related to handling of a secret.
- SettingSerialParity - The parity setting of a serial port.
- SettingTunMode - SettingTunMode values indicate the device type (TUN/TAP)
- SettingWiredWakeOnLan - Options for wake_on_lan.
- SettingWirelessPowersave - These flags indicate whether wireless powersave must be enabled.
- SettingWirelessSecurityFils - These flags indicate whether FILS must be enabled.
- SettingWirelessSecurityPmf - These flags indicate whether PMF must be enabled.
- SettingWirelessSecurityWpsMethod - Configure the use of WPS by a connection while it activates.
- SettingWirelessWakeOnWLan - Options for wake_on_wlan.
- SettingsAddConnection2Flags - Numeric
flags for the "flags" argument of
D-Bus API. - SettingsConnectionFlags - Flags describing the current activation state.
- SettingsUpdate2Flags
- SriovVFVlanProtocol - SriovVFVlanProtocol indicates the VLAN protocol to use.
- State - State values indicate the current overall networking state.
- TeamLinkWatcherArpPingFlags
- Ternary - An boolean value that can be overridden by a default.
- VersionInfoCapability - %_NM_VERSION_INFO_CAPABILITY_UNUSED: a dummy capability.
- VlanFlags - VlanFlags values control the behavior of the VLAN interface.
- VlanPriorityMap - A selector for traffic priority maps; these map Linux SKB priorities to 802.1p priorities used in VLANs.
- VpnConnectionState - VPN connection states
- VpnConnectionStateReason - VPN connection state reasons
- VpnEditorPluginCapability - Flags that indicate certain capabilities of the plugin to editor programs.
- VpnPluginFailure - VPN plugin failure reasons
- VpnServiceState - VPN daemon states
- WepKeyType - The WepKeyType values specify how any WEP keys present in the setting are interpreted.
- WimaxNspNetworkType - WiMAX network type.
- AgentManagerError - Errors returned from the secret-agent manager.
- ClientError - Describes errors that may result from operations involving a Client.
- ConnectionError - Describes errors that may result from operations involving a Connection or its Settings.
- CryptoError - Cryptography-related errors that can be returned from some nm-utils methods, and some Setting8021x operations.
- DeviceError - Device-related errors.
- ManagerError - Errors related to the main "network management" interface of NetworkManager.
- SecretAgentError - SecretAgentError values are passed by secret agents back to NetworkManager when they encounter problems retrieving secrets on behalf of NM.
- SettingsError - Errors related to the settings/persistent configuration interface of NetworkManager.
- VpnPluginError - Returned by the VPN service plugin to indicate errors.
- public const string DBUS_INTERFACE
- public const string DBUS_INTERFACE_DNS_MANAGER
- public const string DBUS_INTERFACE_SETTINGS
- public const string DBUS_INTERFACE_VPN
- public const string DBUS_INVALID_VPN_CONNECTION
- public const string DBUS_NO_ACTIVE_VPN_CONNECTION
- public const string DBUS_NO_VPN_CONNECTIONS
- public const string DBUS_PATH
- public const string DBUS_PATH_AGENT_MANAGER
- public const string DBUS_PATH_DNS_MANAGER
- public const string DBUS_PATH_SECRET_AGENT
- public const string DBUS_PATH_SETTINGS
- public const string DBUS_PATH_VPN
- public const string DBUS_PATH_VPN_CONNECTION
- public const string DBUS_SERVICE
- public const string DBUS_VPN_ALREADY_STARTED
- public const string DBUS_VPN_ALREADY_STOPPED
- public const string DBUS_VPN_BAD_ARGUMENTS
- public const string DBUS_VPN_ERROR_PREFIX
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_CONNECT_FAILED
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_IP4_CONFIG
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_IP_CONFIG_BAD
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_LAUNCH_FAILED
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_LOGIN_BANNER
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_LOGIN_FAILED
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_STATE_CHANGE
- public const string DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_VPN_CONFIG_BAD
- public const string DBUS_VPN_STARTING_IN_PROGRESS
- public const string DBUS_VPN_STOPPING_IN_PROGRESS
- public const string DBUS_VPN_WRONG_STATE
- public const string LLDP_DEST_NEAREST_BRIDGE
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Evaluates to the major version number of NetworkManager which this source is compiled against.
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Evaluates to the micro version number of NetworkManager which this source compiled against.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Evaluates to the minor version number of NetworkManager which this source is compiled against.
- public delegate bool KeyfileReadHandler (KeyFile keyfile, Connection connection, KeyfileHandlerType handler_type, KeyfileHandlerData handler_data)
Hook to keyfile_read .
- public delegate bool KeyfileWriteHandler (Connection connection, KeyFile keyfile, KeyfileHandlerType handler_type, KeyfileHandlerData handler_data)
This is a hook to tweak the serialization.
- public delegate void SecretAgentOldDeleteSecretsFunc (SecretAgentOld agent, Connection connection, Error error)
Called as a result of a request by NM to delete secrets.
- public delegate void SecretAgentOldGetSecretsFunc (SecretAgentOld agent, Connection connection, Variant secrets, Error error)
Called as a result of a request by NM to retrieve secrets.
- public delegate void SecretAgentOldSaveSecretsFunc (SecretAgentOld agent, Connection connection, Error error)
Called as a result of a request by NM to save secrets.
- public delegate bool SettingClearSecretsWithFlagsFn (Setting setting, string secret, SettingSecretFlags flags)
- public delegate void SettingValueIterFn (Setting setting, string key, Value value, ParamFlags flags)
- public delegate bool UtilsCheckFilePredicate (string filename, void* stat) throws Error
- public delegate bool UtilsFileSearchInPathsPredicate (string filename)
- public delegate bool UtilsPredicateStr (string str)
This function takes a string argument and returns either true or false.
- public delegate void VpnIterFunc (string key, string value)
- public Quark agent_manager_error_quark ()
- public BridgeVlan bridge_vlan_from_str (string str) throws Error
Parses the string representation of the queueing discipline to a nmbridgevlan instance.
- public Quark client_error_quark ()
- public Connection conn_wireguard_import (string filename) throws Error
- public Quark crypto_error_quark ()
- public Quark device_error_quark ()
- public bool ip_route_attribute_validate (string name, Variant value, int family, out bool known) throws Error
Validates a route attribute, i.
- public unowned VariantAttributeSpec ip_route_get_variant_attribute_spec ()
- public IPRoutingRule ip_routing_rule_from_string (string str, IPRoutingRuleAsStringFlags to_string_flags, HashTable<void*,void*>? extra_args) throws Error
- public Connection keyfile_read (KeyFile keyfile, string base_dir, KeyfileHandlerFlags handler_flags, KeyfileReadHandler? handler) throws Error
Tries to create a NMConnection from a keyfile.
- public KeyFile keyfile_write (Connection connection, KeyfileHandlerFlags handler_flags, KeyfileWriteHandler? handler) throws Error
should verify as a valid profile according to verify. - public Quark manager_error_quark ()
- public Range range_from_str (string str) throws Error
Parses the string representation of the range to create a nmrange instance.
- public Quark secret_agent_error_quark ()
- public Quark settings_error_quark ()
- public bool sriov_vf_attribute_validate (string name, Variant value, out bool known) throws Error
Validates a VF attribute, i.
- public VpnEditorPlugin vpn_editor_plugin_load (string plugin_name, string check_service) throws Error
- public VpnEditorPlugin vpn_editor_plugin_load_from_file (string plugin_name, string check_service, int check_owner, UtilsCheckFilePredicate check_file) throws Error
- public Quark vpn_plugin_error_quark ()
- EthtoolOptname
- public const string COALESCE_ADAPTIVE_RX
- public const string COALESCE_ADAPTIVE_TX
- public const string COALESCE_PKT_RATE_HIGH
- public const string COALESCE_PKT_RATE_LOW
- public const string COALESCE_RX_FRAMES
- public const string COALESCE_RX_FRAMES_HIGH
- public const string COALESCE_RX_FRAMES_IRQ
- public const string COALESCE_RX_FRAMES_LOW
- public const string COALESCE_RX_USECS
- public const string COALESCE_RX_USECS_HIGH
- public const string COALESCE_RX_USECS_IRQ
- public const string COALESCE_RX_USECS_LOW
- public const string COALESCE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL
- public const string COALESCE_STATS_BLOCK_USECS
- public const string COALESCE_TX_FRAMES
- public const string COALESCE_TX_FRAMES_HIGH
- public const string COALESCE_TX_FRAMES_IRQ
- public const string COALESCE_TX_FRAMES_LOW
- public const string COALESCE_TX_USECS
- public const string COALESCE_TX_USECS_HIGH
- public const string COALESCE_TX_USECS_IRQ
- public const string COALESCE_TX_USECS_LOW
- public const string FEATURE_ESP_HW_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_ESP_TX_CSUM_HW_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_FCOE_MTU
- public const string FEATURE_GRO
- public const string FEATURE_GSO
- public const string FEATURE_HIGHDMA
- public const string FEATURE_HW_TC_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_L2_FWD_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_LOOPBACK
- public const string FEATURE_LRO
- public const string FEATURE_MACSEC_HW_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_NTUPLE
- public const string FEATURE_RX
- public const string FEATURE_RXHASH
- public const string FEATURE_RXVLAN
- public const string FEATURE_RX_ALL
- public const string FEATURE_RX_FCS
- public const string FEATURE_RX_GRO_HW
- public const string FEATURE_RX_GRO_LIST
- public const string FEATURE_RX_UDP_GRO_FORWARDING
- public const string FEATURE_RX_VLAN_FILTER
- public const string FEATURE_RX_VLAN_STAG_FILTER
- public const string FEATURE_RX_VLAN_STAG_HW_PARSE
- public const string FEATURE_SG
- public const string FEATURE_TLS_HW_RECORD
- public const string FEATURE_TLS_HW_RX_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_TLS_HW_TX_OFFLOAD
- public const string FEATURE_TSO
- public const string FEATURE_TX
- public const string FEATURE_TXVLAN
- public const string FEATURE_TX_CHECKSUM_FCOE_CRC
- public const string FEATURE_TX_CHECKSUM_IPV4
- public const string FEATURE_TX_CHECKSUM_IPV6
- public const string FEATURE_TX_CHECKSUM_IP_GENERIC
- public const string FEATURE_TX_CHECKSUM_SCTP
- public const string FEATURE_TX_ESP_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_FCOE_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_GRE_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_GSO_LIST
- public const string FEATURE_TX_GSO_PARTIAL
- public const string FEATURE_TX_GSO_ROBUST
- public const string FEATURE_TX_IPXIP4_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_IPXIP6_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_NOCACHE_COPY
- public const string FEATURE_TX_SCATTER_GATHER
- public const string FEATURE_TX_SCTP_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_TCP6_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_TCP_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_UDP_SEGMENTATION
- public const string FEATURE_TX_VLAN_STAG_HW_INSERT
- public const string PAUSE_AUTONEG
- public const string PAUSE_RX
- public const string PAUSE_TX
- public const string RING_RX
- public const string RING_RX_JUMBO
- public const string RING_RX_MINI
- public const string RING_TX
- public bool is_coalesce (string? optname)
Checks whether
is a valid option name for a coalesce setting. - public bool is_feature (string? optname)
Checks whether
is a valid option name for an offload feature. - public bool is_pause (string? optname)
Checks whether
is a valid option name for a pause setting. - public bool is_ring (string? optname)
Checks whether
is a valid option name for a ring setting. - IpRouteAttributes
- public const string ADVMSS
- public const string CWND
- public const string FROM
- public const string INITCWND
- public const string INITRWND
- public const string LOCK_ADVMSS
- public const string LOCK_CWND
- public const string LOCK_INITCWND
- public const string LOCK_INITRWND
- public const string LOCK_MTU
- public const string LOCK_WINDOW
- public const string MTU
- public const string ONLINK
- public const string QUICKACK
- public const string RTO_MIN
- public const string SCOPE
- public const string SRC
- public const string TABLE
- public const string TOS
- public const string TYPE
- public const string WEIGHT
- public const string WINDOW
- LldpAttributes
- public const string CHASSIS_ID
- public const string CHASSIS_ID_TYPE
- public const string DESTINATION
- public const string IEEE_802_1_PPVID
- public const string IEEE_802_1_PPVIDS
- public const string IEEE_802_1_PPVID_FLAGS
- public const string IEEE_802_1_PVID
- public const string IEEE_802_1_VID
- public const string IEEE_802_1_VLANS
- public const string IEEE_802_1_VLAN_NAME
- public const string IEEE_802_3_MAC_PHY_CONF
- public const string IEEE_802_3_MAX_FRAME_SIZE
- public const string IEEE_802_3_POWER_VIA_MDI
- public const string MANAGEMENT_ADDRESSES
- public const string MUD_URL
- public const string PORT_DESCRIPTION
- public const string PORT_ID
- public const string PORT_ID_TYPE
- public const string RAW
- public const string SYSTEM_CAPABILITIES
- public const string SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION
- public const string SYSTEM_NAME
- SettingDnsOption
- public const string ATTEMPTS
- public const string DEBUG
- public const string EDNS0
- public const string INET6
- public const string IP6_BYTESTRING
- public const string IP6_DOTINT
- public const string NDOTS
- public const string NO_AAAA
- public const string NO_CHECK_NAMES
- public const string NO_IP6_DOTINT
- public const string NO_RELOAD
- public const string NO_TLD_QUERY
- public const string ROTATE
- public const string SINGLE_REQUEST
- public const string SINGLE_REQUEST_REOPEN
- public const string TIMEOUT
- public const string TRUST_AD
- public const string USE_VC
- SriovVfAttributes
- public const string MAC
- public const string MAX_TX_RATE
- public const string MIN_TX_RATE
- public const string SPOOF_CHECK
- public const string TRUST
- Utils
- SecurityType - Describes generic security mechanisms that 802.11 access points may offer.
- public const int HWADDR_LEN_MAX
The maximum length of hardware addresses handled by NetworkManager itself, hwaddr_len, and hwaddr_aton.
- public bool ap_mode_security_valid (SecurityType type, DeviceWifiCapabilities wifi_caps)
Given a set of device capabilities, and a desired security type to check against, determines whether the combination of device capabilities and desired security type are valid for AP/Hotspot connections.
- public bool base64secret_decode (string base64_key, size_t required_key_len, out uint8 out_key)
- public string bin2hexstr (uint8[] src, int final_len)
Converts the byte array
into a hexadecimal string. - public unowned string bond_mode_int_to_string (int mode)
Convert bonding mode from integer value to descriptive name.
- public int bond_mode_string_to_int (string mode)
Convert bonding mode from string representation to numeric value.
- public bool check_virtual_device_compatibility (Type virtual_type, Type other_type)
Determines if a connection of type
can (in the general case) work with connections of typeother_type
. - public void ensure_gtypes ()
This ensures that all NMSetting GTypes are created.
- public bool enum_from_str (Type type, string str, out int out_value, out string? err_token)
Converts a string to the matching enum value.
- public (unowned string)[] enum_get_values (Type type, int from, int to)
Returns the list of possible values for a given enum.
- public string enum_to_str (Type type, int value)
Converts an enum value to its string representation.
- public unowned string escape_ssid (uint8[] ssid)
This function does a quick printable character conversion of the SSID, simply replacing embedded NULLs and non-printable characters with the hexadecimal representation of that character.
- public bool file_is_certificate (string filename)
Tests if
has a valid extension for an X.509 certificate file (". - public bool file_is_pkcs12 (string filename)
Tests if
is a PKCS#<!-- -->12 file. - public bool file_is_private_key (string filename, out bool out_encrypted)
Tests if
has a valid extension for an X.509 private key file (". - public unowned string file_search_in_paths (string progname, string? try_first, string? paths, FileTest file_test_flags, UtilsFileSearchInPathsPredicate predicate) throws Error
Searches for a
file in a list of searchpaths
. - public string format_variant_attributes (HashTable<string,Variant> attributes, char attr_separator, char key_value_separator)
Format attributes to a string.
- public int64 get_timestamp_msec ()
Gets current time in milliseconds of CLOCK_BOOTTIME.
- public Bytes hexstr2bin (string hex)
Converts a hexadecimal string
into an array of bytes. - public ByteArray hwaddr_atoba (string asc, size_t length)
and converts it to binary form in a ByteArray. - public uint8 hwaddr_aton (string asc, uint8[] buffer)
and converts it to binary form inbuffer
. - public string hwaddr_canonical (string asc, ssize_t length)
to see if it is a valid hardware address of the given length, and if so, returns it in canonical form (uppercase, with leading 0s as needed, and with colons rather than hyphens). - public size_t hwaddr_len (int type)
Returns the length in octets of a hardware address of type
. - public bool hwaddr_matches (void* hwaddr1, ssize_t hwaddr1_len, void* hwaddr2, ssize_t hwaddr2_len)
Generalized hardware address comparison function.
- public string hwaddr_ntoa (uint8[] addr)
to textual form. - public bool hwaddr_valid (string asc, ssize_t length)
to see if it is a valid hardware address of the given length. - public bool iface_valid_name (string? name)
Validate the network interface name.
- public GenericArray<IPAddress> ip4_addresses_from_variant (Variant value, out string? out_gateway)
Utility function to convert a Variant of type 'aau' representing a list of NetworkManager IPv4 addresses (which are tuples of address, prefix, and gateway) into a GenericArray of IPAddress objects.
- public unowned Variant ip4_addresses_to_variant (GenericArray<IPAddress> addresses, string? gateway)
Utility function to convert a GenericArray of IPAddress objects representing IPv4 addresses into a Variant of type 'aau' representing an array of NetworkManager IPv4 addresses (which are tuples of address, prefix, and gateway).
- public string ip4_dns_from_variant (Variant value)
Utility function to convert a Variant of type 'au' representing a list of IPv4 addresses into an array of IP address strings.
- public unowned Variant ip4_dns_to_variant (string dns)
Utility function to convert an array of IP address strings int a Variant of type 'au' representing an array of IPv4 addresses.
- public uint32 ip4_get_default_prefix (uint32 ip)
When the Internet was originally set up, various ranges of IP addresses were segmented into three network classes: A, B, and C.
- public uint32 ip4_netmask_to_prefix (uint32 netmask)
- public uint32 ip4_prefix_to_netmask (uint32 prefix)
- public GenericArray<IPRoute> ip4_routes_from_variant (Variant value)
Utility function to convert a Variant of type 'aau' representing an array of NetworkManager IPv4 routes (which are tuples of route, prefix, next hop, and metric) into a GenericArray of IPRoute objects.
- public unowned Variant ip4_routes_to_variant (GenericArray<IPRoute> routes)
Utility function to convert a GenericArray of IPRoute objects representing IPv4 routes into a Variant of type 'aau' representing an array of NetworkManager IPv4 routes (which are tuples of route, prefix, next hop, and metric).
- public GenericArray<IPAddress> ip6_addresses_from_variant (Variant value, out string? out_gateway)
Utility function to convert a Variant of type 'a(ayuay)' representing a list of NetworkManager IPv6 addresses ( which are tuples of address, prefix, and gateway) into a GenericArray of IPAddress objects.
- public unowned Variant ip6_addresses_to_variant (GenericArray<IPAddress> addresses, string? gateway)
Utility function to convert a GenericArray of IPAddress objects representing IPv6 addresses into a Variant of type 'a(ayuay)' representing an array of NetworkManager IPv6 addresses (which are tuples of address, prefix, and gateway).
- public string ip6_dns_from_variant (Variant value)
Utility function to convert a Variant of type 'aay' representing a list of IPv6 addresses into an array of IP address strings.
- public unowned Variant ip6_dns_to_variant (string dns)
Utility function to convert an array of IP address strings int a Variant of type 'aay' representing an array of IPv6 addresses.
- public GenericArray<IPRoute> ip6_routes_from_variant (Variant value)
Utility function to convert a Variant of type 'a(ayuayu)' representing an array of NetworkManager IPv6 routes ( which are tuples of route, prefix, next hop, and metric) into a GenericArray of IPRoute objects.
- public unowned Variant ip6_routes_to_variant (GenericArray<IPRoute> routes)
Utility function to convert a GenericArray of IPRoute objects representing IPv6 routes into a Variant of type 'a(ayuayu)' representing an array of NetworkManager IPv6 routes (which are tuples of route, prefix, next hop, and metric).
- public GenericArray<IPAddress> ip_addresses_from_variant (Variant value, int family)
Utility function to convert a Variant representing a list of new-style NetworkManager IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (as described in the documentation for ip_addresses_to_variant) into a GenericArray of IPAddress objects.
- public unowned Variant ip_addresses_to_variant (GenericArray<IPAddress> addresses)
Utility function to convert a GenericArray of IPAddress objects representing IPv4 or IPv6 addresses into a Variant of type 'aa{sv}' representing an array of new-style NetworkManager IP addresses.
- public GenericArray<IPRoute> ip_routes_from_variant (Variant value, int family)
Utility function to convert a Variant representing a list of new-style NetworkManager IPv4 or IPv6 addresses ( which are tuples of destination, prefix, next hop, metric, and additional attributes) into a GenericArray of IPRoute objects.
- public unowned Variant ip_routes_to_variant (GenericArray<IPRoute> routes)
Utility function to convert a GenericArray of IPRoute objects representing IPv4 or IPv6 routes into a Variant of type 'aa{sv}' representing an array of new-style NetworkManager IP routes (which are tuples of destination, prefix, next hop, metric, and additional attributes).
- public bool ipaddr_valid (int family, string ip)
Checks if
contains a valid IP address of the given family. - public bool is_empty_ssid (uint8[] ssid)
Different manufacturers use different mechanisms for not broadcasting the AP's SSID.
- public bool is_json_object (string str) throws Error
- public bool is_uuid (string? str)
Checks if
is a UUID - public bool is_valid_iface_name (string? name) throws Error
Validate the network interface name.
- public HashTable<string,Variant> parse_variant_attributes (string string, char attr_separator, char key_value_separator, bool ignore_unknown, VariantAttributeSpec spec) throws Error
Parse attributes from a string.
- public void print (int output_mode, string msg)
- public bool same_ssid (uint8[] ssid1, uint8[] ssid2, bool ignore_trailing_null)
Earlier versions of the Linux kernel added a NULL byte to the end of the SSID to enable easy printing of the SSID on the console or in a terminal, but this behavior was problematic (SSIDs are simply byte arrays, not strings) and thus was changed.
- public bool security_valid (SecurityType type, DeviceWifiCapabilities wifi_caps, bool have_ap, bool adhoc, @80211ApFlags ap_flags, @80211ApSecurityFlags ap_wpa, @80211ApSecurityFlags ap_rsn)
Given a set of device capabilities, and a desired security type to check against, determines whether the combination of device, desired security type, and AP capabilities intersect.
- public SriovVF sriov_vf_from_str (string str) throws Error
Converts a string to a SR-IOV virtual function object.
- public string sriov_vf_to_str (SriovVF vf, bool omit_index) throws Error
Converts a SR-IOV virtual function object to its string representation.
- public string ssid_to_utf8 (uint8[] ssid)
Wi-Fi SSIDs are byte arrays, they are _not_ strings.
- public TCAction tc_action_from_str (string str) throws Error
Parses the tc style string action representation of the queueing discipline to a nmtcaction instance.
- public string tc_action_to_str (TCAction action) throws Error
Turns the nmtcaction into a tc style string representation of the queueing discipline.
- public TCQdisc tc_qdisc_from_str (string str) throws Error
Parses the tc style string qdisc representation of the queueing discipline to a nmtcqdisc instance.
- public string tc_qdisc_to_str (TCQdisc qdisc) throws Error
Turns the nmtcqdisc into a tc style string representation of the queueing discipline.
- public TCTfilter tc_tfilter_from_str (string str) throws Error
Parses the tc style string tfilter representation of the queueing discipline to a nmtctfilter instance.
- public string tc_tfilter_to_str (TCTfilter tfilter) throws Error
Turns the nmtctfilter into a tc style string representation of the queueing discipline.
- public string uuid_generate ()
- public uint version ()
- public bool wep_key_valid (string key, WepKeyType wep_type)
Checks if
is a valid WEP key - public uint wifi_2ghz_freqs ()
Utility function to return 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi frequencies (802.11bg band).
- public uint wifi_5ghz_freqs ()
Utility function to return 5 GHz Wi-Fi frequencies (802.11a band).
- public uint32 wifi_channel_to_freq (uint32 channel, string band)
Utility function to translate a Wi-Fi channel to its corresponding frequency.
- public uint32 wifi_find_next_channel (uint32 channel, int direction, string band)
Utility function to find out next/previous Wi-Fi channel for a channel.
- public uint32 wifi_freq_to_channel (uint32 freq)
Utility function to translate a Wi-Fi frequency to its corresponding channel.
- public bool wifi_is_channel_valid (uint32 channel, string band)
Utility function to verify Wi-Fi channel validity.
- public unowned string wifi_strength_bars (uint8 strength)
into a 4-character-wide graphical representation of strength suitable for printing to stdout. - public bool wpa_psk_valid (string psk)
Checks if
is a valid WPA PSK - Vpn
- public const string DBUS_PLUGIN_INTERFACE
- public const string DBUS_PLUGIN_PATH
- public const string EDITOR_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION
- public const string EDITOR_PLUGIN_NAME
- public const string EDITOR_PLUGIN_SERVICE
- public const string PLUGIN_CAN_PERSIST
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_BANNER
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_EXT_GATEWAY
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_HAS_IP4
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_HAS_IP6
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_MTU
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_PROXY_PAC
- public const string PLUGIN_CONFIG_TUNDEV
- public const string PLUGIN_INFO_FILENAME
- public const string PLUGIN_INFO_KEYFILE
- public const string PLUGIN_INFO_KF_GROUP_GNOME
- public const string PLUGIN_INFO_KF_GROUP_LIBNM
- public const string PLUGIN_INFO_NAME
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_ADDRESS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_DNS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_DOMAIN
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_DOMAINS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_INT_GATEWAY
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_MSS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_NBNS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_NEVER_DEFAULT
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_PREFIX
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_PTP
- public const string PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_ROUTES
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_ADDRESS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_DNS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_DOMAIN
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_DOMAINS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_INT_GATEWAY
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_MSS
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_NEVER_DEFAULT
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_PREFIX
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_PTP
- public const string PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_ROUTES
- public const string PLUGIN_OLD_DBUS_SERVICE_NAME
- public const string PLUGIN_OLD_STATE
- public const string SERVICE_PLUGIN_DBUS_WATCH_PEER
- public const string SERVICE_PLUGIN_STATE
- WireguardPeerAttributes
- public const string ALLOWED_IPS
- public const string ENDPOINT
- public const string PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE
- public const string PRESHARED_KEY
- public const string PRESHARED_KEY_FLAGS
- public const string PUBLIC_KEY