Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "nm_simple_connection_get_type ()" ) ]
public sealed class SimpleConnection : Object, Connection
public sealed class SimpleConnection : Object, Connection
Namespace: NM
Package: libnm
Static methods:
- public static Connection @new ()
Creates a new SimpleConnection object with no Setting objects.
- public static Connection new_clone (Connection connection)
Clones an Connection as an SimpleConnection.
- public static Connection new_from_dbus (Variant dict) throws Error
Creates a new SimpleConnection from a hash table describing the connection and normalize the connection.
Creation methods:
- protected SimpleConnection ()
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface NM.Connection
- add_setting
- changed
- clear_secrets
- clear_secrets_with_flags
- clear_settings
- compare
- dump
- error_quark
- for_each_setting_value
- get_connection_type
- get_id
- get_interface_name
- get_path
- get_setting
- get_setting_802_1x
- get_setting_adsl
- get_setting_bluetooth
- get_setting_bond
- get_setting_bridge
- get_setting_bridge_port
- get_setting_by_name
- get_setting_cdma
- get_setting_connection
- get_setting_dcb
- get_setting_dummy
- get_setting_generic
- get_setting_gsm
- get_setting_infiniband
- get_setting_ip4_config
- get_setting_ip6_config
- get_setting_ip_tunnel
- get_setting_macsec
- get_setting_macvlan
- get_setting_olpc_mesh
- get_setting_ovs_bridge
- get_setting_ovs_interface
- get_setting_ovs_patch
- get_setting_ovs_port
- get_setting_ppp
- get_setting_pppoe
- get_setting_proxy
- get_setting_serial
- get_setting_tc_config
- get_setting_team
- get_setting_team_port
- get_setting_tun
- get_setting_vlan
- get_setting_vpn
- get_setting_vxlan
- get_setting_wimax
- get_setting_wired
- get_setting_wireless
- get_setting_wireless_security
- get_settings
- get_uuid
- get_virtual_device_description
- is_type
- is_virtual
- need_secrets
- normalize
- remove_setting
- replace_settings
- replace_settings_from_connection
- secrets_cleared
- secrets_updated
- set_path
- to_dbus
- update_secrets
- verify
- verify_secrets