[ CCode ( cprefix = "NM_DEVICE_STATE_REASON_" , type_id = "nm_device_state_reason_get_type ()" ) ]
public enum DeviceStateReason
public enum DeviceStateReason
Device state change reason codes
Namespace: NM
Package: libnm
Enum values:
- AUTOIP_ERROR - AutoIP service error
- AUTOIP_FAILED - AutoIP service failed
- AUTOIP_START_FAILED - AutoIP service failed to start
- BR2684_FAILED - Problem with the RFC 2684 Ethernet over ADSL bridge
- BT_FAILED - The Bluetooth connection failed or timed out
- CARRIER - Carrier/link changed
- CONFIG_FAILED - The device could not be readied for configuration
- CONNECTION_ASSUMED - The device's existing connection was assumed
- CONNECTION_REMOVED - The device's active connection disappeared
- DCB_FCOE_FAILED - DCB or FCoE setup failed
- DEPENDENCY_FAILED - A dependency of the connection failed
- DHCP_ERROR - DHCP client error
- DHCP_FAILED - DHCP client failed
- DHCP_START_FAILED - DHCP client failed to start
- FIRMWARE_MISSING - Necessary firmware for the device may be missing
- GSM_APN_FAILED - Failed to select the specified APN
- GSM_PIN_CHECK_FAILED - PIN check failed
- GSM_REGISTRATION_DENIED - Network registration denied
- GSM_REGISTRATION_FAILED - Failed to register with the requested network
- GSM_REGISTRATION_NOT_SEARCHING - Not searching for networks
- GSM_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT - Network registration timed out
- GSM_SIM_NOT_INSERTED - GSM Modem's SIM Card not inserted
- GSM_SIM_PIN_REQUIRED - GSM Modem's SIM Pin required
- GSM_SIM_PUK_REQUIRED - GSM Modem's SIM Puk required
- GSM_SIM_WRONG - GSM Modem's SIM wrong
- INFINIBAND_MODE - InfiniBand device does not support connected mode
- IP_ADDRESS_DUPLICATE - a duplicate IP address was detected
- IP_CONFIG_EXPIRED - The IP config is no longer valid
- IP_CONFIG_UNAVAILABLE - IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc)
- IP_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED - The selected IP method is not supported
- MODEM_AVAILABLE - Modem now ready and available
- MODEM_BUSY - The line is busy
- MODEM_DIAL_FAILED - The dialing attempt failed
- MODEM_DIAL_TIMEOUT - The dialing request timed out
- MODEM_FAILED - Modem failed or no longer available
- MODEM_INIT_FAILED - Modem initialization failed
- MODEM_MANAGER_UNAVAILABLE - ModemManager not running
- MODEM_NOT_FOUND - The modem could not be found
- MODEM_NO_CARRIER - No carrier could be established
- MODEM_NO_DIAL_TONE - No dial tone
- NEW_ACTIVATION - New connection activation was enqueued
- NONE - No reason given
- NOW_MANAGED - Device is now managed
- NOW_UNMANAGED - Device is now unmanaged
- NO_SECRETS - Secrets were required, but not provided
- OVSDB_FAILED - problem communicating with Open vSwitch database
- PARENT_CHANGED - the device's parent changed
- PARENT_MANAGED_CHANGED - the device parent's management changed
- PEER_NOT_FOUND - The Wi-Fi P2P peer could not be found
- PPP_DISCONNECT - PPP service disconnected
- PPP_FAILED - PPP failed
- PPP_START_FAILED - PPP service failed to start
- REMOVED - The device was removed
- SECONDARY_CONNECTION_FAILED - A secondary connection of the base connection failed
- SHARED_FAILED - Shared connection service failed
- SHARED_START_FAILED - Shared connection service failed to start
- SIM_PIN_INCORRECT - SIM PIN was incorrect
- SLEEPING - NetworkManager went to sleep
- SRIOV_CONFIGURATION_FAILED - configuration of SR-IOV parameters failed
- SSID_NOT_FOUND - The Wi-Fi network could not be found
- SUPPLICANT_AVAILABLE - The supplicant is now available
- SUPPLICANT_CONFIG_FAILED - 802.1x supplicant configuration failed
- SUPPLICANT_DISCONNECT - 802.1x supplicant disconnected
- SUPPLICANT_FAILED - 802.1x supplicant failed
- SUPPLICANT_TIMEOUT - 802.1x supplicant took too long to authenticate
- TEAMD_CONTROL_FAILED - teamd control failed
- UNKNOWN - Unknown error
- USER_REQUESTED - Device disconnected by user or client