Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( ref_function = "nm_bridge_vlan_ref" , type_id = "nm_bridge_vlan_get_type ()" , unref_function = "nm_bridge_vlan_unref" ) ]
[ Compact ]
public class BridgeVlan
Static methods:
Creation methods:
- public BridgeVlan @ref ()
Increases the reference count of the object.
- public int cmp (BridgeVlan b)
Compare two bridge VLAN objects.
- public bool get_vid_range (out uint16 vid_start, out uint16 vid_end)
Gets the VLAN id range.
- public bool is_pvid ()
Returns whether the VLAN is the PVID for the port.
- public bool is_sealed ()
- public bool is_untagged ()
Returns whether the VLAN is untagged.
- public BridgeVlan new_clone ()
- public void seal ()
Seal the BridgeVlan instance.
- public void set_pvid (bool value)
Change the value of the PVID property of the VLAN.
- public void set_untagged (bool value)
Change the value of the untagged property of the VLAN.
- public string to_str () throws Error
Convert a nmbridgevlan to a string.
- public void unref ()
Decreases the reference count of the object.