
Object Hierarchy:

Hdy.StyleManager Hdy.StyleManager Hdy.StyleManager GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->Hdy.StyleManager


[ CCode ( type_id = "hdy_style_manager_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "1.6" ) ]
public sealed class StyleManager : Object

A class for managing application-wide styling.

`HdyStyleManager` provides a way to query and influence the application styles, such as whether to use dark or high contrast appearance.

It allows to set the color scheme via the [property@StyleManager:color-scheme] property, and to query the current appearance, as well as whether a system-wide color scheme preference exists.

Important: [property@Gtk.Settings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme] should not be used together with `HdyStyleManager` and will result in a warning. Color schemes should be used instead.

Namespace: Hdy
Package: libhandy-1



Static methods:

Creation methods:


Inherited Members: