

[ Version ( since = "1.37.13" ) ]
public bool yara_load (string filename, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error

load yara rules within libguestfs

Upload a set of Yara rules from local file filename.

Yara rules allow to categorize files based on textual or binary patterns within their content. See yara_scan to see how to scan files with the loaded rules.

Rules can be in binary format, as when compiled with yarac command, or in source code format. In the latter case, the rules will be first compiled and then loaded.

Rules in source code format cannot include external files. In such cases, it is recommended to compile them first.

Previously loaded rules will be destroyed.

This function depends on the feature "libyara". See also feature_available.



A GuestfsSession object


A GCancellable object


true on success, false on error