

[ Version ( since = "1.5.3" ) ]
public HashTable<string,string> inspect_get_mountpoints (string root) throws Error

get mountpoints of inspected operating system

This returns a hash of where we think the filesystems associated with this operating system should be mounted. Callers should note that this is at best an educated guess made by reading configuration files such as /etc/fstab. *In particular note* that this may return filesystems which are non-existent or not mountable and callers should be prepared to handle or ignore failures if they try to mount them.

Each element in the returned hashtable has a key which is the path of the mountpoint (eg. /boot) and a value which is the filesystem that would be mounted there (eg. /dev/sda1).

Non-mounted devices such as swap devices are *not* returned in this list.

For operating systems like Windows which still use drive letters, this call will only return an entry for the first drive "mounted on" /. For information about the mapping of drive letters to partitions, see inspect_get_drive_mappings.

Please read "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) for more details. See also inspect_get_filesystems.



A GuestfsSession object


a GHashTable of results, or NULL on error