

[ Version ( since = "1.7.5" ) ]
public string inspect_get_package_management (string root) throws Error

get package management tool used by the operating system

inspect_get_package_format and this function return the package format and package management tool used by the inspected operating system. For example for Fedora these functions would return rpm (package format), and yum or dnf (package management).

This returns the string unknown if we could not determine the package management tool *or* if the operating system does not have a real packaging system (eg. Windows).

Possible strings include: yum, dnf, up2date, apt (for all Debian derivatives), portage, pisi, pacman, urpmi, zypper, apk, xbps. Future versions of libguestfs may return other strings.

Please read "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) for more details.



A GuestfsSession object


the returned string, or NULL on error