

[ Version ( since = "1.3.7" ) ]
public bool checksums_out (string csumtype, string directory, string sumsfile, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error

compute MD5, SHAx or CRC checksum of files in a directory

This command computes the checksums of all regular files in directory and then emits a list of those checksums to the local output file sumsfile.

This can be used for verifying the integrity of a virtual machine. However to be properly secure you should pay attention to the output of the checksum command (it uses the ones from GNU coreutils). In particular when the filename is not printable, coreutils uses a special backslash syntax. For more information, see the GNU coreutils info file.



A GuestfsSession object


A GCancellable object


true on success, false on error