Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_video" , type_id = "gdata_youtube_video_get_type ()" ) ]
public class YouTubeVideo : Entry, Commentable
public class YouTubeVideo : Entry, Commentable
All the fields in the YouTubeVideo structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
Namespace: GData
Package: libgdata
- public string aspect_ratio { get; set; }
The aspect ratio of the video.
- public double average_rating { get; }
The average rating of the video, over all the ratings it's received.
- public MediaCategory category { get; set; }
Specifies a genre or developer tag that describes the video.
- public string description { get; set; }
A summary or description of the video.
- public uint duration { get; }
The duration of the video in seconds.
- public uint favorite_count { get; }
The number of users who have added the video to their favorites.
- public bool is_private { get; set; }
- public string[] keywords { get; set; }
-terminated array of words associated with the video. - public double latitude { get; set; }
The location as a latitude coordinate associated with this video.
- public string location { get; set; }
Descriptive text about the location where the video was taken.
- public double longitude { get; set; }
The location as a longitude coordinate associated with this video.
- public uint max_rating { get; }
The maximum allowed rating for the video.
- public uint min_rating { get; }
The minimum allowed rating for the video.
- public string player_uri { get; }
A URI for a browser-based media player for the full-length video (i.e. the video's page on YouTube).
- public uint rating_count { get; }
The number of times the video has been rated.
- public int64 recorded { get; set; }
Specifies the time the video was originally recorded.
- public YouTubeState state { get; }
Information describing the state of the video.
- public int64 uploaded { get; }
Specifies the time the video was originally uploaded to YouTube.
- public uint view_count { get; }
The number of times the video has been viewed.
Static methods:
- public static string get_video_id_from_uri (string video_uri)
Extracts a video ID from a YouTube video player URI.
Creation methods:
- public YouTubeVideo (string? id)
Creates a new YouTubeVideo with the given ID and default properties.
- public YouTubePermission get_access_control (string action)
Gets the permission associated with the given
on the YouTubeVideo. - public unowned string get_aspect_ratio ()
Gets the aspect_ratio property.
- public unowned MediaCategory get_category ()
Gets the category property.
- public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude)
- public unowned string get_description ()
Gets the description property.
- public uint get_duration ()
Gets the duration property.
- public uint get_favorite_count ()
Gets the favorite_count property.
- public unowned string[] get_keywords ()
Gets the keywords property.
- public unowned string get_location ()
Gets the location property.
- public unowned string get_media_rating (string rating_type)
Returns the rating of the given type for the video, if one exists.
- public unowned string get_player_uri ()
Gets the player_uri property.
- public void get_rating (out uint min, out uint max, out uint count, out double average)
Gets various properties of the ratings on the video.
- public int64 get_recorded ()
Gets the recorded property.
- public unowned YouTubeState get_state ()
Gets the state property.
- public unowned List<MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ()
Gets a list of the thumbnails available for the video.
- public int64 get_uploaded ()
Gets the uploaded property.
- public uint get_view_count ()
Gets the view_count property.
- public bool is_restricted_in_country (string country)
Checks whether viewing of the video is restricted in
, either by its content rating, or by the request of the producer. - public void set_access_control (string action, YouTubePermission permission)
Sets the permission associated with
on the YouTubeVideo, allowing restriction or derestriction of various operations on YouTube videos. - public void set_aspect_ratio (string? aspect_ratio)
Sets the aspect_ratio property to specify the video's aspect ratio.
- public void set_category (MediaCategory category)
Sets the category property to the new category,
, and increments its reference count. - public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude)
- public void set_description (string? description)
Sets the description property to the new description,
. - public void set_is_private (bool is_private)
Sets the is_private property to decide whether the video is publicly viewable.
- public void set_keywords (string[] keywords)
Sets the keywords property to the new keyword list,
. - public void set_location (string? location)
Sets the location property to the new location string,
. - public void set_recorded (int64 recorded)
Sets the recorded property to the new recorded time,
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GData.Entry
All known members inherited from class GData.Parsable
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface GData.Commentable