

[ CCode ( cname = "gdata_parsable_new_from_xml" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "0.4.0" ) ]
public static Parsable from_xml (Type parsable_type, string xml, int length) throws Error

Creates a new Parsable subclass (of the given parsable_type) from the given xml.

An object of the given parsable_type is created, and its pre_parse_xml, parse_xml and post_parse_xml class functions called on the XML tree obtained from xml. pre_parse_xml and post_parse_xml are called once each on the root node of the tree, while parse_xml is called for each of the child nodes of the root node.

If length is -1, xml will be assumed to be null-terminated.

If an error occurs during parsing, a suitable error from ParserError will be returned.



the type of the class represented by the XML


the XML for just the parsable object, with full namespace declarations


the length of xml, or -1


a new Parsable, or null; unref with unref