Object Hierarchy:
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Account.
All known implementing classes:
Namespace: Goa
Package: goa-1.0
- public abstract bool attention_needed { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "AttentionNeeded".
- public abstract bool calendar_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "CalendarDisabled".
- public abstract bool chat_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ChatDisabled".
- public abstract bool contacts_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ContactsDisabled".
- public abstract bool documents_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "DocumentsDisabled".
- public abstract bool files_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "FilesDisabled".
- public abstract string id { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Id".
- public abstract string identity { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Identity".
- public abstract bool is_locked { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "IsLocked".
- public abstract bool is_temporary { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "IsTemporary".
- public abstract bool mail_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "MailDisabled".
- public abstract bool maps_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "MapsDisabled".
- public abstract bool music_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "MusicDisabled".
- public abstract bool photos_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "PhotosDisabled".
- public abstract string presentation_identity { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "PresentationIdentity".
- public abstract bool printers_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "PrintersDisabled".
- public abstract string provider_icon { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ProviderIcon".
- public abstract string provider_name { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ProviderName".
- public abstract string provider_type { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ProviderType".
- public abstract bool read_later_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ReadLaterDisabled".
- public abstract bool ticketing_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "TicketingDisabled".
- public abstract bool todo_disabled { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "TodoDisabled".
Static methods:
- public static unowned DBusInterfaceInfo interface_info ()
Gets a machine-readable description of the org.gnome.OnlineAccounts.Account D-Bus interface.
- public static uint override_properties (ObjectClass klass, uint property_id_begin)
Overrides all Object properties in the Account interface for a concrete class.
- public async bool call_ensure_credentials (Cancellable? cancellable, out int out_expires_in) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the EnsureCredentials D-Bus method on this.
- public bool call_ensure_credentials_sync (out int out_expires_in, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the EnsureCredentials D-Bus method on this.
- public async bool call_remove (Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the Remove D-Bus method on this.
- public bool call_remove_sync (Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the Remove D-Bus method on this.
- public void complete_ensure_credentials (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation, int expires_in)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the EnsureCredentials D-Bus method.
- public void complete_remove (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling invocations of the Remove D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_ensure_credentials (DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the EnsureCredentials D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_remove (DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the Remove D-Bus method.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object