Object Hierarchy:
CCode ( type_id =
"dee_result_set_get_type ()" ) ]
public interface ResultSet :
- public abstract unowned Model get_model ()
Get the model associated with a result set
- public abstract uint get_n_rows ()
Get the number of
ModelIters held in a ResultSet.
- public abstract bool has_next ()
Check if a call to
next will succeed.
- public ResultSet iterator ()
- public abstract unowned ModelIter next ()
Get the current row from the result set and advance the cursor.
- public unowned ModelIter? next_value ()
- public abstract unowned ModelIter peek ()
Get the row at the current cursor position.
- public abstract void seek (uint pos)
Set the cursor position.
- public abstract uint tell ()
Get the current position of the cursor.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object