- Analyzer - All fields in the DeeAnalyzer structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- Client
- FileResourceManager
- FilterModel - All fields in the DeeFilterModel structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- HashIndex - All fields in the DeeHashIndex structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- ICUTermFilter
- Index - All fields in the DeeIndex structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- ModelIter - The DeeModelIter structure is private and should only be used with the provided Model API.
- ModelTag - The DeeModelTag structure is private and should only be used with the provided Model API.
- Peer - All fields in the DeePeer structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- ProxyModel - All fields in the DeeProxyModel structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- SequenceModel - All fields in the DeeSequenceModel structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- SerializableModel - All fields in the DeeSerializableModel structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- Server
- SharedModel - All fields in the DeeSharedModel structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- TermList - All fields in the DeeTermList structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- TextAnalyzer - All fields in the DeeTextAnalyzer structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- Transaction - All fields in the DeeTransaction structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- TreeIndex - All fields in the DeeTreeIndex structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- Filter - Structure encapsulating the mapping logic used to construct a FilterModel
- ModelReader - Structure encapsulating the information needed to read strings from a model.
- SharedModelAccessMode - Enumeration defining behavior of the model with regards to writes from other peers in the swarm.
- SharedModelFlushMode - Enumeration defining flushing behavior of a shared model.
- TermMatchFlag - Flags passed to lookup to control how matching is done.
- TransactionError - Error codes for the Transaction class.
Error domains:
- ICUError - Error codes for the ICU extension to Dee.
- SharedModelError
- public const string PEER_DBUS_IFACE
- public const string SEQUENCE_MODEL_DBUS_IFACE
String constant defining the name of the DBus Model interface.
- public const string SHARED_MODEL_DBUS_IFACE
String constant defining the name of the DBus Model interface.
- public delegate string CollatorFunc (string input)
A collator takes an input string, most often a term produced from a Analyzer, and outputs a collation key.
- public delegate int CompareRowFunc (Variant[] row1, Variant[] row2)
. - public delegate int CompareRowSizedFunc (Variant[] row1, Variant[] row2)
. - public delegate void FilterMapFunc (Model orig_model, FilterModel filter_model)
- public delegate bool FilterMapNotify (Model orig_model, ModelIter orig_iter, FilterModel filter_model)
Callback invoked when a row is added to
. - public delegate bool IndexIterFunc (string key, ResultSet rows)
The signature of the function passed to @foreach.
- public delegate string ModelReaderFunc (Model model, ModelIter iter)
Extracts a string from a row in a model.
- public delegate Object SerializableParseFunc (Variant data)
- public delegate void StaticFilterMapFunc (Model orig_model, FilterModel filter_model, void* data)
Function used to collect the rows from a model that should be included in a FilterModel.
- public delegate void TermFilterFunc (TermList terms_in, TermList terms_out)
A term filter takes a list of terms and runs it through a filtering and/or set of transformations and stores the output in a TermList.