Object Hierarchy:
Namespace: AppStream
Package: appstream
Creation methods:
- public SystemInfo ()
Creates a new SystemInfo.
- public string get_device_name_for_modalias (string modalias, bool allow_fallback) throws Error
Return a human readable device name for the given modalias.
- public ulong get_display_length (DisplaySideKind side)
Get the current display length for the given side kind.
- public unowned string get_kernel_name ()
Get the name of the current kernel, e.
- public unowned string get_kernel_version ()
Get the version of the current kernel, e.
- public ulong get_memory_total ()
Get the current total amount of physical memory in MiB.
- public unowned GenericArray<string> get_modaliases ()
Get a list of modaliases for all the hardware on this system that has them.
- public unowned string get_os_cid ()
Get the AppStream component ID of the current operating system.
- public unowned string get_os_homepage ()
Get the homepage URL of the current operating system.
- public unowned string get_os_id ()
Get the ID of the current operating system.
- public unowned string get_os_name ()
Get the humen-readable name of the current operating system.
- public unowned string get_os_version ()
Get the version string of the current operating system.
- public bool has_device_matching_modalias (string modalias_glob)
Check if there is a device on this system that matches the given modalias glob.
- public CheckResult has_input_control (ControlKind kind) throws Error
Test if the current system has a specific user input control method.
- public unowned string modalias_to_syspath (string modalias)
Receive a path in /sys for the devices with the given modalias.
- public void set_display_length (DisplaySideKind side, ulong value_dip)
Set the current display length for the given side kind.
- public void set_input_control (ControlKind kind, bool found)
Explicitly mark a user input control as present or not present on this system.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object