AppStream is a cross-distro effort for enhancing the way we interact with the software repositories provided by the distribution by standardizing sets of additional metadata.
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- AppStream
- Agreement
- AgreementSection
- Artifact
- Branding
- Bundle
- Category
- Checksum
- Component
- ContentRating
- Context
- Icon
- Image
- Issue
- Launchable
- Metadata
- Pool
- Provided
- Relation
- Release
- Review
- Screenshot
- Suggested
- SystemInfo
- Translation
- Validator
- ValidatorIssue
- Video
- BrandingColorIter - A BrandingColorIter structure represents an iterator that can be used to iterate over the accent colors of an Branding object.
- AgreementKind - The kind of the agreement.
- ArtifactKind - The artifact type.
- BundleKind - The bundle type.
- CacheFlags - Flags on how caching should be used.
- CheckResult - Result of a check operation.
- ChecksumKind - Checksums supported by Release
- ColorKind - A branding color type.
- ColorSchemeKind - A color scheme type.
- ComponentKind - The type of an Component.
- ComponentScope - Scope of the Component (system-wide or user-scope)
- ContentRatingSystem - A content rating system for a particular territory.
- ContentRatingValue - The specified level of an content_rating rating ID.
- ControlKind - Kind of an input method for users to control software
- DataIdMatchFlags - The flags used when matching unique IDs.
- DisplayLengthKind - A rough estimate of how large a given display length is.
- DisplaySideKind - Side a display_length requirement is for.
- FormatKind - Format of the AppStream metadata.
- FormatStyle - There are a few differences between AppStream's metainfo files (shipped by upstream projects) and the catalog metadata (shipped by distributors).
- FormatVersion - Format version / API level of the AppStream metadata.
- IconKind - The icon type.
- ImageKind - The image type.
- InternetKind - Different internet connectivity requirements or recommendations for an application.
- IssueKind - Checksums supported by Release
- IssueSeverity - The severity of an issue found by Validator
- LaunchableKind - Type of launch system the entries belong to.
- MergeKind - Defines how Component data should be merged if the component is set for merge.
- MetadataLocation - The flags used when installing and removing metadata files.
- ParseFlags - Influence certain aspects of how AppStream metadata is parsed.
- PoolFlags - Flags controlling the metadata pool behavior.
- ProvidedKind - Type of the public interface components can provide.
- RelationCompare - The relational comparison type.
- RelationItemKind - Type of the item an Relation is for.
- RelationKind - Type of a component's relation to other items.
- ReleaseKind - The release kind.
- ReleaseUrlKind -
Unknown release web URL type The release URL kinds. - ReleasesKind - The kind of a releases block.
- ReviewFlags - The flags for the review.
- ScreenshotKind - The screenshot type.
- ScreenshotMediaKind - The media kind contained in this screenshot.
- SearchTokenMatch - The token match kind, which we want to be exactly 16 bits for storage reasons.
- SizeKind - The artifact size kind.
- SuggestedKind - The suggested type.
- TranslationKind - The translation type.
- UrgencyKind - The urgency of an Release
- UrlKind - The URL type.
- ValueFlags - Set how values assigned to an Component should be treated when they are set or retrieved.
- VercmpFlags - The flags used when matching unique IDs.
- VideoCodecKind - Supported video codecs.
- VideoContainerKind - Supported video codecs.
- MetadataError - A metadata processing error.
- PoolError - A metadata pool error.
- RelationError - The error type.
- SystemInfoError - The error type.
- UtilsError - The error type.
- ValidatorError - The error type.
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
- public AgreementKind agreement_kind_from_string (string value)
- public unowned string agreement_kind_to_string (AgreementKind value)
- public ArtifactKind artifact_kind_from_string (string kind)
- public unowned string artifact_kind_to_string (ArtifactKind kind)
- public BundleKind bundle_kind_from_string (string bundle_str)
- public unowned string bundle_kind_to_string (BundleKind kind)
- public ChecksumKind checksum_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string checksum_kind_to_string (ChecksumKind kind)
- public ColorKind color_kind_from_string (string str)
- public unowned string color_kind_to_string (ColorKind kind)
- public ColorSchemeKind color_scheme_kind_from_string (string str)
- public unowned string color_scheme_kind_to_string (ColorSchemeKind kind)
- public ComponentKind component_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string component_kind_to_string (ComponentKind kind)
- public ComponentScope component_scope_from_string (string scope_str)
- public unowned string component_scope_to_string (ComponentScope scope)
- public string? content_rating_system_format_age (ContentRatingSystem system, uint age)
- public ContentRatingSystem content_rating_system_from_locale (string locale)
- public uint[] content_rating_system_get_csm_ages (ContentRatingSystem system)
- public string[] content_rating_system_get_formatted_ages (ContentRatingSystem system)
- public unowned string? content_rating_system_to_string (ContentRatingSystem system)
- public ContentRatingValue content_rating_value_from_string (string value)
- public unowned string content_rating_value_to_string (ContentRatingValue value)
- public ControlKind control_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string control_kind_to_string (ControlKind kind)
- public DisplayLengthKind display_length_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string display_length_kind_to_string (DisplayLengthKind kind)
- public DisplaySideKind display_side_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string display_side_kind_to_string (DisplaySideKind kind)
- public FormatKind format_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string format_kind_to_string (FormatKind kind)
- public FormatVersion format_version_from_string (string version_str)
- public unowned string format_version_to_string (FormatVersion version)
- public string get_current_distro_component_id ()
Returns the component-ID of the current distribution based on contents of the `/etc/os-release` file.
- public GenericArray<Category> get_default_categories (bool with_special)
Get a list of the default Freedesktop and AppStream categories that software components (especially GUI applications) can be sorted into in software centers.
- public string get_license_url (string license)
Get a web URL to the license text and more license information for an SPDX license identifier.
- public uint gstring_replace (StringBuilder string, string find, string replace, uint limit)
Replaces the string
with the stringreplace
in a StringBuilder up tolimit
times. - public IconKind icon_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string icon_kind_to_string (IconKind kind)
- public ImageKind image_kind_from_string (string kind)
- public unowned string image_kind_to_string (ImageKind kind)
- public InternetKind internet_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string internet_kind_to_string (InternetKind kind)
- public bool is_spdx_license_exception_id (string exception_id)
Searches the known list of SPDX license exception IDs.
- public bool is_spdx_license_expression (string license)
Checks the licence string to check it being a valid licence.
- public bool is_spdx_license_id (string license_id)
Searches the known list of SPDX license IDs.
- public IssueKind issue_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string issue_kind_to_string (IssueKind kind)
- public IssueSeverity issue_severity_from_string (string str)
- public unowned string issue_severity_to_string (IssueSeverity severity)
- public LaunchableKind launchable_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string launchable_kind_to_string (LaunchableKind kind)
- public bool license_is_free_license (string license)
Check if the given license is for free-as-in-freedom software.
- public bool license_is_metadata_license (string license)
Check if the metadata license is suitable for mixing with other metadata and redistributing the bundled result (this means we prefer permissive licenses here, to not require people shipping catalog metadata to perform a full license review).
- public bool license_is_metadata_license_id (string license_id)
Tests license ID against the vetted list of licenses that can be used for metainfo metadata.
- public string license_to_spdx_id (string license)
Converts a non-SPDX license into an SPDX format string where possible.
- public string markup_convert_simple (string markup) throws Error
- public string[] markup_strsplit_words (string text, uint line_len)
Splits up a long line into an array of smaller strings, each being no longer than
. - public MergeKind merge_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string merge_kind_to_string (MergeKind kind)
- public Quark metadata_error_quark ()
- public Quark pool_error_quark ()
- public ProvidedKind provided_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string provided_kind_to_l10n_string (ProvidedKind kind)
- public unowned string provided_kind_to_string (ProvidedKind kind)
- public RelationCompare relation_compare_from_string (string compare_str)
- public unowned string relation_compare_to_string (RelationCompare compare)
- public unowned string relation_compare_to_symbols_string (RelationCompare compare)
- public Quark relation_error_quark ()
- public RelationItemKind relation_item_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string relation_item_kind_to_string (RelationItemKind kind)
- public RelationKind relation_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string relation_kind_to_string (RelationKind kind)
- public ReleaseKind release_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string release_kind_to_string (ReleaseKind kind)
- public ReleaseUrlKind release_url_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string release_url_kind_to_string (ReleaseUrlKind kind)
- public ReleasesKind releases_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string releases_kind_to_string (ReleasesKind kind)
- public ScreenshotKind screenshot_kind_from_string (string kind)
- public unowned string screenshot_kind_to_string (ScreenshotKind kind)
- public SizeKind size_kind_from_string (string size_kind)
- public unowned string size_kind_to_string (SizeKind size_kind)
- public string? spdx_license_detokenize (string license_tokens)
De-tokenizes the SPDX licenses into a string.
- public string[]? spdx_license_tokenize (string license)
Tokenizes the SPDX license string (or any simarly formatted string) into parts.
- public SuggestedKind suggested_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string suggested_kind_to_string (SuggestedKind kind)
- public Quark system_info_error_quark ()
- public TranslationKind translation_kind_from_string (string kind_str)
- public unowned string translation_kind_to_string (TranslationKind kind)
- public UrgencyKind urgency_kind_from_string (string urgency_kind)
- public unowned string urgency_kind_to_string (UrgencyKind urgency_kind)
- public UrlKind url_kind_from_string (string url_kind)
- public unowned string url_kind_to_string (UrlKind url_kind)
- public string utils_build_data_id (ComponentScope scope, BundleKind bundle_kind, string origin, string cid, string branch)
Builds an identifier string unique to the individual dataset using the supplied information.
- public bool utils_data_id_equal (string data_id1, string data_id2)
Checks two component data IDs for equality allowing globs to match.
- public string utils_data_id_get_cid (string data_id)
Get the component-id part of the data-id.
- public uint utils_data_id_hash (string data_id)
Converts a data-id to a hash value.
- public bool utils_data_id_match (string data_id1, string data_id2, DataIdMatchFlags match_flags)
Checks two data IDs for equality allowing globs to match, whilst also allowing clients to whitelist sections that have to match.
- public bool utils_data_id_valid (string data_id)
Checks if a data ID is valid i.
- public Quark utils_error_quark ()
- public ComponentScope utils_guess_scope_from_path (string path)
Guess the ComponentScope that applies to a given path.
- public bool utils_install_metadata_file (MetadataLocation location, string filename, string origin, string destdir) throws Error
Installs an AppStream MetaInfo, AppStream Metadata Catalog or AppStream Icon tarball file to the right place on the filesystem.
- public bool utils_is_category_name (string category_name)
- public bool utils_is_desktop_environment (string desktop)
Searches the known list of desktop environments AppStream knows about.
- public bool utils_is_platform_triplet (string triplet)
Test if the given string is a valid platform triplet recognized by AppStream.
- public bool utils_is_tld (string tld)
Searches the known list of TLDs we allow for AppStream IDs.
- public bool utils_locale_is_compatible (string? locale1, string? locale2)
Calculates if one locale is compatible with another.
- public string utils_posix_locale_to_bcp47 (string locale)
Converts a POSIX locale string to the corresponding IETF BCP47 format.
- public void utils_sort_components_into_categories (GenericArray<Component> cpts, GenericArray<Category> categories, bool check_duplicates)
Sorts all components in
into the Category categories listed incategories
. - public Quark validator_error_quark ()
- public int vercmp (string a, string b, VercmpFlags flags)
Compare alpha and numeric segments of two software versions, considering
. - public int vercmp_simple (string a, string b)
Compare alpha and numeric segments of two software versions.
- public bool vercmp_test_match (string ver1, RelationCompare compare, string ver2, VercmpFlags flags)
Compare two version numbers and check if the given version comparator matches.
- public unowned string version_string ()
Get the version of the AppStream library that is currently used at runtime as a string.
- public VideoCodecKind video_codec_kind_from_string (string str)
- public unowned string video_codec_kind_to_string (VideoCodecKind kind)
- public VideoContainerKind video_container_kind_from_string (string str)
- public unowned string video_container_kind_to_string (VideoContainerKind kind)