
Object Hierarchy:

WebKit.ContextMenu WebKit.ContextMenu WebKit.ContextMenu GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->WebKit.ContextMenu


[ CCode ( type_id = "webkit_context_menu_get_type ()" ) ]
public sealed class ContextMenu : Object

Represents the context menu in a WebKitWebView.

ContextMenu represents a context menu containing ContextMenuItem<!-- -->s in a WebKitWebView .

When a WebKitWebView is about to display the context menu, it emits the WebKitWebView::context-menu signal, which has the ContextMenu as an argument. You can modify it, adding new submenus that you can create with ContextMenu, adding new ContextMenuItem<!-- -->s with prepend, append or insert, maybe after having removed the existing ones with remove_all.

Namespace: WebKit


Creation methods:


Inherited Members: