Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "webkit_dom_document_get_type ()" ) ]
[ GIR ( name = "DOMDocument" ) ]
public class Document : Node, EventTarget
[ GIR ( name = "DOMDocument" ) ]
public class Document : Node, EventTarget
All known sub-classes:
Namespace: WebKit.DOM
Package: webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.1
- public Element active_element { get; }
- public HTMLCollection anchors { owned get; }
- public HTMLCollection applets { owned get; }
- public HTMLElement body { get; }
- public string character_set { owned get; }
- public string charset { owned get; set; }
- public ulong child_element_count { get; }
- public HTMLCollection children { owned get; }
- public string compat_mode { owned get; }
- public string content_type { owned get; }
- public string cookie { owned get; set; }
- public HTMLScriptElement current_script { get; }
- public DOMWindow default_view { owned get; }
- public string design_mode { owned get; set; }
- public string dir { owned get; set; }
- public DocumentType doctype { get; }
- public Element document_element { get; }
- public string document_uri { owned get; set; }
- public string domain { owned get; }
- public HTMLCollection embeds { owned get; }
- public Element first_element_child { get; }
- public HTMLCollection forms { owned get; }
- public HTMLHeadElement head { get; }
- public bool hidden { get; }
- public HTMLCollection images { owned get; }
- public DOMImplementation implementation { owned get; }
- public string input_encoding { owned get; }
- public Element last_element_child { get; }
- public string last_modified { owned get; }
- public HTMLCollection links { owned get; }
- public string origin { owned get; }
- public HTMLCollection plugins { owned get; }
- public Element pointer_lock_element { get; }
- public string preferred_stylesheet_set { owned get; }
- public string ready_state { owned get; }
- public string referrer { owned get; }
- public HTMLCollection scripts { owned get; }
- public Element scrolling_element { get; }
- public string selected_stylesheet_set { owned get; set; }
- public StyleSheetList style_sheets { get; }
- public string title { owned get; set; }
- public string url { owned get; }
- public string visibility_state { owned get; }
- public Element webkit_current_full_screen_element { owned get; }
- public bool webkit_full_screen_keyboard_input_allowed { get; }
- public Element webkit_fullscreen_element { get; }
- public bool webkit_fullscreen_enabled { get; }
- public bool webkit_is_full_screen { get; }
- public string xml_encoding { owned get; }
- public bool xml_standalone { get; set; }
- public string xml_version { owned get; set; }
Creation methods:
- protected Document ()
- public unowned Node adopt_node (Node source) throws Error
- public Range caret_range_from_point (long x, long y)
- public unowned Attr create_attribute (string name) throws Error
- public unowned Attr create_attribute_ns (string? namespaceURI, string qualifiedName) throws Error
- public unowned CDATASection create_cdata_section (string data) throws Error
- public unowned Comment create_comment (string data)
- public CSSStyleDeclaration create_css_style_declaration ()
- public unowned DocumentFragment create_document_fragment ()
- public unowned Element create_element (string tagName) throws Error
- public unowned Element create_element_ns (string? namespaceURI, string qualifiedName) throws Error
- public unowned EntityReference create_entity_reference (string? name) throws Error
This function has been removed from the DOM spec and it just returns null.
- public Event create_event (string eventType) throws Error
- public XPathExpression create_expression (string expression, XPathNSResolver resolver) throws Error
- public NodeIterator create_node_iterator (Node root, ulong whatToShow, NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws Error
- public XPathNSResolver create_ns_resolver (Node nodeResolver)
- public unowned ProcessingInstruction create_processing_instruction (string target, string data) throws Error
- public Range create_range ()
- public unowned Text create_text_node (string data)
- public TreeWalker create_tree_walker (Node root, ulong whatToShow, NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws Error
- public unowned Element element_from_point (long x, long y)
- public XPathResult evaluate (string expression, Node contextNode, XPathNSResolver? resolver, ushort type, XPathResult? inResult) throws Error
- public bool exec_command (string command, bool userInterface, string value)
- public void exit_pointer_lock ()
- public unowned Element get_active_element ()
- public HTMLCollection get_anchors ()
- public HTMLCollection get_applets ()
- public unowned HTMLElement get_body ()
- public string get_character_set ()
- public string get_charset ()
- public ulong get_child_element_count ()
- public HTMLCollection get_children ()
- public string get_compat_mode ()
- public string get_content_type ()
- public string get_cookie () throws Error
- public unowned HTMLScriptElement get_current_script ()
- public string get_default_charset ()
- public DOMWindow get_default_view ()
- public string get_design_mode ()
- public string get_dir ()
- public unowned DocumentType get_doctype ()
- public unowned Element get_document_element ()
- public string get_document_uri ()
- public string get_domain ()
- public unowned Element get_element_by_id (string elementId)
- public NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string class_name)
- public HTMLCollection get_elements_by_class_name_as_html_collection (string classNames)
- public NodeList get_elements_by_name (string elementName)
- public NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string tag_name)
- public HTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_as_html_collection (string tagname)
- public NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespace_uri, string tag_name)
- public HTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_as_html_collection (string namespaceURI, string localName)
- public HTMLCollection get_embeds ()
- public unowned Element get_first_element_child ()
- public HTMLCollection get_forms ()
- public unowned HTMLHeadElement get_head ()
- public bool get_hidden ()
- public HTMLCollection get_images ()
- public DOMImplementation get_implementation ()
- public string get_input_encoding ()
- public unowned Element get_last_element_child ()
- public string get_last_modified ()
- public HTMLCollection get_links ()
- public string get_origin ()
- public CSSStyleDeclaration get_override_style (Element element, string? pseudoElement)
- public HTMLCollection get_plugins ()
- public unowned Element get_pointer_lock_element ()
- public string get_preferred_stylesheet_set ()
This function has been removed and does nothing.
- public string get_ready_state ()
- public string get_referrer ()
- public HTMLCollection get_scripts ()
- public unowned Element get_scrolling_element ()
- public string get_selected_stylesheet_set ()
This function has been removed and does nothing.
- public unowned StyleSheetList get_style_sheets ()
- public string get_title ()
- public string get_url ()
- public string get_visibility_state ()
- public unowned Element get_webkit_current_fullscreen_element ()
- public unowned Element get_webkit_fullscreen_element ()
- public bool get_webkit_fullscreen_enabled ()
- public bool get_webkit_fullscreen_keyboard_input_allowed ()
- public bool get_webkit_is_fullscreen ()
- public string get_xml_encoding ()
- public bool get_xml_standalone ()
- public string get_xml_version ()
- public bool has_focus ()
- public unowned Node import_node (Node importedNode, bool deep) throws Error
- public bool query_command_enabled (string command)
- public bool query_command_indeterm (string command)
- public bool query_command_state (string command)
- public bool query_command_supported (string command)
- public string query_command_value (string command)
- public unowned Element query_selector (string selectors) throws Error
- public NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws Error
- public void set_body (HTMLElement value) throws Error
- public void set_charset (string value)
- public void set_cookie (string value) throws Error
- public void set_design_mode (string value)
- public void set_dir (string value)
- public void set_document_uri (string value)
- public void set_selected_stylesheet_set (string value)
This function has been removed and does nothing.
- public void set_title (string value)
- public void set_xml_standalone (bool value) throws Error
- public void set_xml_version (string value) throws Error
- public void webkit_cancel_fullscreen ()
- public void webkit_exit_fullscreen ()
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class WebKit.DOM.Node
All known members inherited from class WebKit.DOM.Object
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface WebKit.DOM.EventTarget