
Object Hierarchy:

Rest.OAuthProxy Rest.OAuthProxy Rest.OAuthProxy Rest.Proxy Rest.Proxy Rest.Proxy->Rest.OAuthProxy GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->Rest.Proxy


[ CCode ( cname = "OAuthProxy" , lower_case_cprefix = "oauth_proxy_" , type_id = "oauth_proxy_get_type ()" ) ]
public class OAuthProxy : Proxy

OAuthProxy has no publicly available members.

Example: Twitter, continuous:

public class Twitter : Object {
public void run () {
// Create the proxy:
Rest.OAuthProxy proxy = new Rest.OAuthProxy (
"UfXFxDbUjk41scg0kmkFwA", // the consumer key
"pYQlfI2ZQ1zVK0f01dnfhFTWzizBGDnhNJIw6xwto", // the consumer secret
"https://api.twitter.com/", // the endpoint url

// First stage authentication, this gets a request token:
try {
proxy.request_token ("oauth/request_token", "oob");
} catch (Error e) {
error ("Cannot get request token: %s", e.message);

// From the token construct a URL for the user to visit:
print ("Go to http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=%s then enter the PIN\n",
proxy.get_token ());

string pin = stdin.read_line ();
pin._chomp ();

// Second stage authentication, this gets an access token:
try {
proxy.access_token ("oauth/access_token", pin);
} catch (Error e) {
error ("Cannot get access token: %s", e.message);

// We're now authenticated!

// Post the status message:
Rest.ProxyCall call = proxy.new_call ();
proxy.url_format = "http://stream.twitter.com/";
call.set_function ("1/statuses/filter.json");
call.set_method ("GET");
call.add_param ("track", "Cameron");
call.add_param ("delimited", "length");
try {
call.continuous ((call, str, len, err, obj) => {
print (str);
print ("\n");
}, this);
} catch (Error e) {
error ("continuous: %s", e.message);

public static int main (string[] args) {
MainLoop loop = new MainLoop ();

Twitter twitter = new Twitter ();
twitter.run ();

loop.run ();
twitter = null;

return 0;

valac --pkg rest-0.7 continuous-twitter.vala

Namespace: Rest
Package: rest-0.7



Creation methods:


Inherited Members: