
Object Hierarchy:

Soup.AuthDomain Soup.AuthDomain Soup.AuthDomain GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->Soup.AuthDomain


[ CCode ( type_id = "soup_auth_domain_get_type ()" ) ]
public abstract class AuthDomain : Object

Server-side authentication.

A AuthDomain manages authentication for all or part of a [class@Server]. To make a server require authentication, first create an appropriate subclass of AuthDomain, and then add it to the server with [ method@Server.add_auth_domain].

In order for an auth domain to have any effect, you must add one or more paths to it (via [method@AuthDomain.add_path]). To require authentication for all ordinary requests, add the path `"/"`. (Note that this does not include the special `"*"` URI (eg, "OPTIONS *"), which must be added as a separate path if you want to cover it.)

If you need greater control over which requests should and shouldn't be authenticated, add paths covering everything you *might* want authenticated, and then use a filter ([method@AuthDomain.set_filter] to bypass authentication for those requests that don't need it.

All known sub-classes:

Namespace: Soup
Package: libsoup-3.0



Creation methods:


Inherited Members: